

New Arrival O'Hare & Browne: Civil Litigation, 21st Edition

O'Hare & Browne: Civil Litigation, 21st Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Sweet & Maxwell U.K.
  • ISBN: 9780414120471
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414089433
  • 出版时间 October 2024
  • 规格: Paperback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥1,579.20

¥1,531.82 Save ¥47.38 (3%)

发货时间:大约 4-5 weeks
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    This book explains how the Civil Procedure Rules work in practice. The book covers the entire spectrum of civil litigation providing a step-by-step guide through all stages of a civil action.

    • Provides a practical, comprehensive and detailed guide covering all areas of civil litigation in the High Court and County Court
    • Guides you through the procedure involved in any civil matter
    • Covers all stages of litigation in a logical sequence from pre-action to enforcement and appeals
    • Expert authors provide tactical and strategic advice, examples, tips and solutions
    • Cross-refers to the Civil Procedure Rules and the White Book


    The 21st edition has been fully revised and includes new chapters, sections and fuller coverage on:

    • The fixed costs regimes for most cases on the fast track and intermediate track, with examples and explanations of how these new rules affect costs under Part 36 and costs of appeals (costs are now covered in seven chapters)
    • Challenges to the jurisdiction of the court following the service of the claim form which was made late or was otherwise irregular (a new section on Part 11)
    • Guidance on the Court of Appeal’s restatement of the court’s powers to compel parties to attempt ADR and on the new pilot scheme for compulsory mediation in many small claims
    • New cases on the effect of failure to cross-examine expert witnesses and on the making of orders for cross-examination at hearings other than trials
    • Two further new chapters on mediation and the intermediate track
    • Plus coverage of many other recent rule changes and case authorities (including amendments of pleadings, representative actions, injunctions against persons unknown, imaging orders and DDOs, debt relief orders and debt respite schemes)
    1. Civil litigation in outline.
    2. Funding civil litigation.
    3. Interest.
    4. Personal injury damages.
    5. Limitation of actions.
    6. The preliminary stages of litigation.
    7. Parties to actions.
    8. Service of documents.
    9. From issue to location.
    10. Part 8 claims.
    11. Cases with a foreign element.
    12. Drafting statements of case.
    13. Interim applications.
    14. Drafting applications, witness statements and affidavits.
    15. Default judgment.
    16. Admissions and requests for time to pay.
    17. Disposal hearings.
    18. Part 20 claims. Summary judgment.
    19. The small claims track (Part 27).
    20. The fast track (Part 28).
    21. The multi-track (Part 29).
    22. Experts.
    23. Cases not governed by standard track allocation.
    24. Interim payments.
    25. Security for costs.
    26. Interim injunctions (Part 25).
    27. Change of solicitors.
    28. Part 36 offers and payments.
    29. Disclosure and inspection.
    30. Evidence.
    31. Fact management.
    32. Judicial case management.
    33. Termination of an action by consent.
    34. Discontinuance.
    35. Preparations for trial.
    36. Trial.
    37. Costs payable by one party to another. Costs: special cases.
    38. Enforcement of money judgments.


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