

威科先行•人力資源信息库 (双语专业版)

威科先行•人力資源信息库 (双语专业版) China HR Reference (Bilingual Professional Version)

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Wolters Kluwer (China) (威科中国)
  • 出版时间 Subscription-type (Contents updated periodically)
  • 规格: Online
  • 适应领域: China ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
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    Price Includes: One year (i.e. 12 months) access to up-to-date online contents. After one year, we will quote you price for the next caldenar year. (Next year price is to be determined by the publisher)

    Get a FREE trial, send your request to info@pbookshop.com


    威科先行•人力资源信息库 是专为企业HR 及劳动法专业人士打造的专业综合信息平台。该平台集资讯、解读、工具及在线问答于一体,从人力资源合规的实务需求入手,分设新法速递、裁判文书、案例评析、实务指南、实用工具、文书模板、专家问答等栏目,全方位满足您的工作需要。



    1. 双语专业版
    2. 中文升级版
    3. 双语升级版











    • 《北京劳动法实务指南》
    • 《上海劳动法实务指南》
    • 《江苏劳动法实务指南》
    • 《广东劳动法实务指南》
    • 《深圳劳动法实务指南》

    依托智能技术,贴合实务需求,7 大智能图表让实务工作更高效,更便捷。

    • 中国重点省份/ 城市劳动法对比与分析
    • 中国50个主要城市工伤保险待遇相关数据参考
    • 中国50个主要城市最低工资和社平工资数据参考
    • 中国50个主要城市社保缴纳比例及缴费基数汇总
    • 中国50个主要城市住房公积金相关数据参考
    • 重点城市女员工管理相关规定汇总及对比
    • 新个税外籍在华纳税义务判定工具





    为满足您的实务需求,整合工作资源,提升效率,特别提供4 个常用计算器:

    • 新个税工资、薪金计算器
    • 法定带薪年休假计算器
    • 经济补偿金计算器
    • 患病或非因工负伤医疗期计算器


    China HR Reference is a comprehensive knowledge platform that is designed for HR and Labour Law professionals. According to the theme, it provides resources in Recruitment, Employment Contracts, Labour Unions, Collective Labour Contracts, Internal Management, Compensation and Benefits, Social Security Provident Fund, Working Hours, Labour Protection, Labour Disputes, Employment of Foreigners in China, and other sections.


    3 Versions are available to choose:

    1. Bilingual Professional Version
    2. Chinese Upgrade Version
    3. Bilingual Upgrade Version


    Wolters Kluwer Classroom
    Provides the online and offline content of Labor Law practical training organized by Wolters Kluwer, and delivers rich and practical thematic content through detailed class notes and wonderful on-the-spot Q&A.

    Essential for daily use by HR professionals, containing over 230,000 laws and regulations issued centrally and locally. Divided into different subjects and their subdivisions.


    • Judgement Documents - Contain over 6,000,000 typical judgment documents on labour disputes officially issued since 1949 and Provides hyber-links to relevant laws and regulations.
    • Case Analysis - Authoritative analysis of significant cases (more than 3,000) provided leading experts with highlighted key facts and practical suggestions.

    Labour Law Express
    Provides Chinese and English labor law news services, covering the newly enacted labor regulations and case headnote on the day.


    Practical Guides:

    Edited by authoritative experts from top law firms and in human resources, it offers detailed comments on laws and regulations, precise analysis of key points and abundant suggestions on practical operation regarding main aspects of Labour Law, such as Recruitment, Labour Contract, Compensation & Benefits, Social Insurance, Working Hours, Vacation System, Labour Protection, Labour Union, Collective Negotiation, Settlement of Labour Disputes, and Expatriates’ Employment in China. Its contents are as follows:

    Name of Practical Guides:

    1. China Labour & Social Security Law:
    2. Essentical Facts Explained (Chinese Version)
    3. China Labour & Social Security Law (English Version)
    4. Essentical Facts Explained (English Version)
    5. Shanghai Employment & Labour Law Guide (Chinese Version)
    6. Shanghai Employment & Labour Law Guide (English Version)
    7. Beijing Employment & Labour Law Guide (Chinese Version)
    8. Beijing Employment & Labour Law Guide (English Version)
    9. Shenzhen Employment & Labour Law Guide(Chinese Version)
    10. Guangdong Employment & Labour Law Guide (Chinese Version)
    11. Jiangsu Employment & Labour Law Guide (Chinese Version)
    12. Essential Templates in Human Resources in China—Practical Letters, Tables and Regulation Samples (Bilingual version)
    13. A Guide to Techniques in Terminating Probation Periods
    14. A Guide to Operation of Enterprise Layoff
    15. An Operation Guide to Labor Contract Termination in Case of Severe Violation of Discipline
    16. Tax Planning for Expatriates in China (English Version)
    17. Hong Kong Employment (English Version)

    Practical Tools:

    • Templates and Analyses of Labour Contract - Provide normative model labor contracts for reference, and add contract-related content annotations and lawyers’ hints to every contract clause to avoid potential risks in Labour Contracts.
    • Documents and Templates - Collect more than 700 practical letters, tables, policy samples and agreements in HR work, and offer elaborately designed documents and templates which can be directly printed and used.
    • Smart Charts - Compare more than 100 topics in Labour Law which include contribution rate of social insurance, minimum wage benefits for work-related injury and allowances for work in high temperatures in 50 key cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Suzhou:
      • Comparison and analysis of Labour Law in key cities in China.
      • Summary and comparison of relevant provisions on the management of female workers in key cities.
      • Summary of contribution rate and base of social insurance in 50 major cities.
      • Data reference for minimum wages and social average wages in 50 major cities in China.
      • Data reference for housing accumulation fund in 50 major cities in China.
      • Relevant data reference of benefits for a work-related injury in 50 major cities in China.

    Professional Commentaries:

    • Special Focus - In-depth analysis of hot topics related to Labour Law, integrated laws and regulations, cases and professional interpretation. It helps with conducting in-depth research on a certain subject.
    • Professional Articles - Interpretation and discussion of the latest legislative changes of Labour Law related issues by subject matter experts from different angles and a practical perspective.


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