

The Hong Kong Company Secretary's Handbook: Practice and Procedure (11th Edition)

The Hong Kong Company Secretary's Handbook: Practice and Procedure (11th Edition)

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Pearson Hong Kong
  • ISBN: 9789888689460
  • 出版时间 February 2021
  • 规格: Paperback , 817 pages
  • 适应领域: Hong Kong ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: S$90.95

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    Professional toolkits are available:

    1. Hong Kong Tax & Accounting Practical Toolkit
    2. Hong Kong Company Law & Compliance Practical Toolkit


    The 11th edition of THE HONG KONG COMPANY SECRETARY’s HANDBOOK provides a comprehensive guide to company secretarial procedure in Hong Kong. It is written for practising company secretaries, corporate lawyers and students taking examinations in company law and company secretarial practice.

    This edition includes substantial updates to the chapters on:

    1. Formation of a Company
    2. Methods of Raising Share Capital
    3. Company Directors
    4. Company Secretary and Authorized Representative
    5. Auditors
    6. Notifiable Transactions and Connected Transactions
    7. Company Accounts, Directors’ Report and Business Review
    8. Annual General Meeting
    9. Dissolution of a Company
    10. British Virgin Islands Business Companies – Companies Limited by Shares
    11. Bermuda Companies – Exempted Companies
    12. PRC Companies
    13. Listing of Securities on the Singapore Stock Exchange – Catalist Board
    14. Corporate Governance Matters
    15. Listing of Securities on the GEM / Second Board of the Stock Exchange
    16. Cayman Islands Companies – Exempted Companies

    As the demands for Liberian companies and Panamanian companies have dropped tremendously in the past 10 years, the chapters on these two types of companies have been deleted.

    The book features checklists of procedures encountered in practice, sample documents, and a list of prescribed forms in appendices. The step-by-step guides is an invaluable reference source for the busy company secretaries and corporate lawyers.


    Student Edition ISBN 不可用
    Previous edition isbn 不可用
    Hardback edition isbn 不可用
    Paperback edition ISBN 不可用
    1. Introduction
    2. Formation of a Company
    3. Post-incorporation Formalities
    4. Share Capital and Financial Assistance for Purchase of Shares
    5. Methods of Raising Share Capital
    6. Partly Paid Shares
    7. Alteration of Share Capital and Variation of Class Rights
    8. Company Meetings
    9. Company Directors
    10. Company Secretary
    11. Auditors
    12. Change of Company’s Name, Objects Clauses, Articles of Association, and Registered Office
    13. Bank Accounts
    14. Common Seals, Securities Seal, and Official Seal
    15. Transfer of Shares
    16. Transmission of Shares
    17. Share Certificates
    18. Registration of Documents
    19. Loan Capital / Debentures
    20. Registration of Charges
    21. Notifiable Transactions and Connected Transactions
    22. Securities and Futures Ordinance – Part XV: Disclosure of Interests
    23. Dividends
    24. Company Accounts, Directors’ Reports, and Business Reviews
    25. Annual General Meeting
    26. Redemption of Redeemable Shares and Share Buy-back
    27. Reduction of Share Capital
    28. Schemes of Arrangement
    29. Takeovers and Mergers, and Amalgamation of Group Companies
    30. Dissolution of a Company
    31. Non-Hong Kong Companies
    32. Liberian Companies
    33. Panamanian Companies
    34. British Virgin Islands Business Companies – Companies Limited by Shares
    35. Bermuda Companies – Exempted Companies
    36. PRC Companies
    37. Listing of Securities on the Singapore Stock Exchange – Catalist Board
    38. Corporate Governance Matters
    39. Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market / Second Board of the Stock Exchange
    40. Cayman Islands Companies – Exempted Companies


    • Company Secretary’s Checklist for Holding a Board Meeting
    • Company Secretary’s Checklist for Holding and Annual General Meeting of a Listed Company
    • Sample Documents
    • List of Prescribed Forms
    • Useful Information Available on the Website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange



  • Cheng Po Wah, LLB (Hons) (London), PCLL (HKU), LLM (London), LLM (Wolverhampton), LLM (CityU), Barrister. Head, Company Secretarial Services Department of a law firm which specializes in corporate finance and initial public offerings. Former university lecturer who has substantial experience in teaching subjects which include “Hong Kong Company Law”, “Hong Kong business Law”, “Hong Kong Securities Law” and “Hong Kong Taxation” at four Hong Kong universities.

    Sum Heung Suet, Anna, FCIS, FCS, MA, Senior lecturer, Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration, The Open University of Hong Kong. Former lecturer of the School of Accounting and Finance at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

    Yuen Kam Tim, Francis, FCIS, FCS, Director of a consultancy company. Prior to this he founded a share registration company with some investors and acted as its Managing Director for 10 years until he sold his shares.

  • “It is difficult to think of a more thoroughly practical and useful addition to any lawyer’s bookshelf.”

    The New Gazette


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