

Jervis on Coroners, 15th Edition

Jervis on Coroners, 15th Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Sweet & Maxwell U.K.
  • ISBN: 9780414114258
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414072701
  • 出版时间 August 2024
  • 规格: Hardback , 1109 pages
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥3,609.60

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  • 描述 
  • 大纲 
  • 作者 
  • 详细

    Jervis on Coroners is the authority on coroners’ law and practice. It is the most comprehensive guide on this legal system, taking you step-by-step through the procedure and practice before, during and after a coroner’s investigation or inquest.

    Every aspect is covered, from the basic principles to more complex issues of homicide, disasters, prescribed diseases and notifiable accidents. The commentary is updated by Paul Matthews and an expert team of coroners and barristers and is complemented with appendices of useful legislation, materials and forms.

    With a logical structure and all-angles approach, Jervis on Coroners is essential reading for anyone involved in this legal system including coroners, solicitors and barristers, local government officials and medical examiners.

    • The leading authority on coronial law and its practice in relation to coroner inquests and investigations.
    • Brings together all the relevant materials and legislation, procedure, rules and practice in a single volume, offering complete guidance on this important part of the legal system.
    • Provides detailed commentary on investigations addressing issues of information and publicity, beginning an investigation, their scope and the four statutory questions: who, when, where and how?
    • Examines coroners’ powers before an inquest with coverage of inquest procedure, the preliminaries and determination and findings.
    • Looks at special cases such as homicide, notifiable accidents, prescribed diseases, treasure, and major disasters.
    • Deals with post-inquest matters including general duties, fees, appeals and further proceedings.
    • Covers the basic principles of the office of coroner and their territorial jurisdiction.
    • Additional analysis of the international dimension of coroners and human rights.
    • Accompanied with useful appendices of legislation, forms, and precedents.
  • PART I

    Chapter 1. General Introduction
    Early history 
    Status and Position of Coroners 
    The Coroner’s Inquiry 
    Other Functions 
    Relations with Central Government 
    Human Rights

    Chapter 2. The Office of Coroner
    Classification of Coroners 
    Terms of Appointment: The Chief Coroner 
    Senior, Area and Assistant Coroners: Terms of Appointment

    Chapter 3. Medical Examiners
    National Medical Examiner

    Chapter 4. The Territorial Jurisdiction of Coroners
    Territorial Jurisdiction 
    Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction



    Chapter 5. Beginning the Investigation
    Basis of Coronial Jurisdiction 
    What Amounts to a Body 
    Jurisdiction without a Body Duty to Report Death 
    Certificate of Cause of Death 
    Deaths Associated with Operations or Anaesthesia 
    Doctor’s Knowledge of Criminal Acts 
    Registrar’s Report to Coroner 
    Other Reports to Coroner 
    Report to Registrar 
    Other Reports 
    Coroner’s Enquiries 
    Violent or Unnatural Deaths 
    Sudden Death of which the Cause is Unknown 
    Death in Custody or State Detention 
    Deaths Outside England and Wales 
    Deaths Involving Visiting Forces 
    State and Diplomatic Immunity 
    Concurrent Jurisdiction 
    Refusal to Hold an Inquest

    Chapter 6. The Scope of the Investigation
    The Four Questions 
    The Effect of the Human Rights Act 1998

    Chapter 7. Information and Publicity
    Coroner’s Powers to Obtain Information 
    Disclosure of Information 
    Data Protection 
    Freedom of Information 

    Chapter 8. Coroner’s Powers Before Inquest
    Reference to Coroner 
    Possession and Release of Body 
    Preliminary Inquiries 
    The Investigation 
    Post-Mortem Examinations 
    After the Examination 
    Anatomical Organ Transplants 
    Human Gametes

    Chapter 9. Disposal of Human Remains
    Possession of a Body 
    Disposal of a Body 
    Removal of Bodies out of England and Wales 


    Chapter 10. The Inquest: Preliminaries
    Status of the Court 
    Opening and Adjourning the Inquest 
    Time of Inquest 
    Place of Inquest 
    Notice of Inquest 
    Summoning Witnesses 
    Joinder of Inquests 
    Summoning a Jury 
    Legal Aid 
    Preparation for the Hearing 
    Compulsory Suspension of Investigation and Adjournment of Inquest 
    Pre-Inquest Review

    Chapter 11. Procedure at the Inquest: Part I
    Holding/Resuming the Inquest 
    The Jury 
    Composition of the Bench 
    Counsel to the Inquest 
    Adjournment of the Inquest 
    Representation and Advocacy 
    Application by Interested Persons 
    Reporting Restrictions 
    Contempt of Court

    Chapter 12. Procedure at the Inquest: Part II
    Documentary Evidence 
    Admission of Documents 
    Other Procedural Matters

    Chapter 13. Determination and Record of Inquest
    Determination and Findings 
    Jury Cases 
    Record of Inquest 
    Closing the Inquest 
    Reports to Prevent Future Deaths 


    Chapter 14. Homicide
    The Practice in Homicide Cases 
    Initial Inquiries 
    Post-Mortem Examination 
    Procedure Following Post-Mortem Examination 
    Holding the Inquest 
    The law of Homicide in Outline 
    Participation in crime

    Chapter 15. Notifiable Accidents and Prescribed Diseases
    Notifiable Accidents and Occurrences 
    Agricultural Accidents 
    Injury in the Course of Employment 
    Notifiable Diseases 
    Industrial Diseases 
    Other Reportable Diseases

    Chapter 16. Treasure
    Medieval Definition 
    The Treasure Act 1996 
    Codes of Practice and Reports 
    Jurisdiction of the Coroner 
    The Coroner’s Powers and Duties 
    Function of an Inquest into Treasure 
    Evidence and Procedure 
    Modern Application

    Chapter 17. Major Disasters
    Cadre of DVI Coroners 
    Contingency Planning 
    Mortuary and Other Facilities 
    The Course of the Inquiry 
    Coordination with Other Inquiries 
    Holding the Inquest 
    Multiple Deaths by Homicide 

    PART V

    Chapter 18. Matters After the Inquiry
    Functus officio 
    Post-Inquiry Duties 
    Other Returns 
    Fees, Allowances and Expenses 
    Access to Documents and Information 
    General Administrative Matters

    Chapter 19. Appeals
    Statutory Power 
    Judicial Review 
    Appeals to the Court of Appeal 
    Residual Common Law Powers 
    Funding of Legal Services 

    Chapter 20. Further Proceedings


    Chapter 21. Coroners and Human Rights
    The Right to Life 
    The Right to a Fair Hearing 
    The Right to Respect for Private and Family Life 
    The Right to Freedom of Religion and Belief 
    The right to Freedom of Expression 
    Other Miscellaneous Rights

    Chapter 22. Comparative Death Inquiry Law
    Common Law Systems 
    Mixed Jurisdictions 
    Civilian Systems 


    Appendix 1. Statutes and Statutory Extracts 
    Appendix 2. Statutory Instruments 
    Appendix 3. Forms 
    Appendix 4. Precedents for Judicial Review 
    Appendix 5. Death 
    Appendix 6. Forensic Medicine and Pathology 
    Appendix 7. Useful Websites

  • Paul Matthews, B.C.L. (Oxon), LL.D. (Lond.) is a Solicitor Advocate (Higher Courts: Civil) at Withers LLP and is HM Senior Coroner for the City of London. He is also a part-time Professor at Kings College, London, a county court recorder and a deputy chancery master. He has written for Sweet and Maxwell for many years in both Jervis on Coroners and Matthews and Malek on Disclosure. 

    Consultant editors: (1) Selena Lynch, HM Senior Coroner for South London, (2) Michael Burgess, former coroner for Surrey and the Royal Household and secretary of the Coroners’ Society, and now assistant coroner for Surrey Berkshire West Sussex and Norfolk, and (3) Roy Palmer, former senior coroner for South London and now assistant coroner for the City of London.


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