

Investigator and Fraud Fighter Guidebook

Investigator and Fraud Fighter Guidebook Operation War Stories

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: John Wiley & Sons
  • ISBN: 9781118871171
  • 出版时间 April 2014
  • 规格: Hardback , 336 pages
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥470.00

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  • 描述 
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    Get federal investigative insight and guidance on conducting thorough investigations and case-building

    The ability to conduct thorough and effective investigations is a skill that has become increasingly in-demand across many industries. At the same time, investigative resources are dwindling as markets recede. Regulation and financial hurdles impede traditional investigation processes. Even seasoned professionals are finding themselves overtasked or lacking the experience to pursue the types of cases that are accumulating.

    In Investigator and Fraud Fighter Guidebook: Operation War Stories, author Charles E. Piper, CFE provides insight and guidance on how to conduct thorough and complete investigations while juggling a caseload. Piper served over 30 years in law enforcement-including 20 as an award-winning Federal Special Agent-Criminal Investigator. His wide array of experience allows him to lend a high-level perspective to the art and science of professional investigations of criminal, civil, and administrative cases. In the book, Piper provides guidance on conducting thorough and complete investigations (even with fewer resources) and spotting red flags that often indicate big-picture problems. Piper also shows how to:

    • Identify the suspect's other wrongful acts (similar and otherwise)
    • Identify similar wrongful acts committed by others, and predict future occurrences
    • Identify systemic weaknesses, waste, and abuse
    • Identify changes and corrections necessary to prevent future occurrences

    The book includes Piper's real-life investigative examples to illustrate important concepts. Whether the matter is public, private, or military, the same basic investigative principles apply. Things that may seem totally unrelated may hold the keys that crack the cases. The Investigator and Fraud Fighter Guidebook: Operation War Stories provides the acumen and judgment required to pick up on these clues and successfully conclude investigations.

  • Preface xiii

    Acknowledgments xix

    1. The Successful Investigator 1

    The Basics 3

    Investigators 3

    If You Have the PIG, You Have It Made 4

    Investigation 9

    Success 10

    2. Case Initiation 15

    Jurisdiction, Venue, and Purview 17

    Believable, Reliable, or Credible Source of Information 24

    Dollar Loss 25

    Seriousness/Harm 26

    Caseload 27

    Resources 28

    Funding/Finances 30

    Investigators’ Desire 32

    Investigative Priorities 32

    Projected Remedy 35

    Prosecutor’s Prerogative 36

    Media or Public Interest 38

    Political Interests 44

    3. Conducting Thorough Investigations 49

    Questions to Answer 53

    Seven Questions: Five Ws and Two Hs 54

    Before, During, and After 54

    4. Expanding Investigative Efforts 69

    Comparisons 71

    NCIC 73


    Resources 74

    Seven Questions: Five Ws and Two Hs Plus “Else” 76

    Currently, Previously, or in the Future 77

    Thinking Like Others 79

    Three Investigative Exploration Approaches 82

    Follow the Same Blueprint 84

    5. Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Systemic Weaknesses 87

    Fraud 88

    Waste 88

    Abuse 89

    Systemic Weaknesses 89

    Ten Simultanous Investigations 90

    Suggestions for Improvement 104

    6. Summary Reports 111

    Types of Investigative Reports 112

    Official Files and Working Files 113

    Other Reports 114

    Preparing to Write 115

    Length of Reports 119

    Attachments and Exhibits to Reports 119

    Reports Should Stand Alone 121

    Report Formats 121

    Common Report-Writing Mistakes 123

    7. The Investigator’s Toolbox: Resources, Tools, and Techniques 131

    Investigative Resources 132

    Investigative Tools and Techniques 146

    Search Warrants 156

    Subpoenas 157

    Interceptions and Tracking Devices 159

    NCIC 159

    Mail Covers 160

    Trash Covers 160

    Undercover Assignments 161

    Photography and Video, and Audio Recordings 164

    Laboratory Analysis 167

    Informants 169

    Polygraphs and Deception Detectors 170

    Analysis and Audits 170

    Other Case Files and Police Reports 170

    Ask 173

    8. Interviewing 177

    Interviews and Interrogation 178

    Rapport 179

    Listen and Then Talk 181

    Note Taking 182

    Corroboration 184

    Word Choice 185

    Planning 186

    Body Language 188

    Props 189

    Finish the Job 193

    Empathy 194

    Statement Analysis 194

    Think Plural 199

    Interview Notes 200

    Interview Room Sketches and Photographs 200

    9. Case Planning 205

    Plans Change 211

    Murphy’s Law 213

    Private Investigations 214

    Administrative Responsibilities 215

    Case Files 216

    Electronic Case Folder 216

    Working File 217

    Official File 217

    Investigative Plan 218

    Summary 220

    Juggling a Caseload and Time Management 221

    10. Large-Scale Investigations 227

    Communication 231

    Planning 233

    Interview Log 233

    Re: Strategy 238

    Final Summary Report 241

    Attachments and Exhibits 241

    Postdraft Report 243

    Report Distribution 243

    Investigative Notes and Evidence 243

    11. Making Presentations 245

    Graphics, Charts, Visual Aids, Photos, and Videos 249

    Investigator’s Appearance and Voice 250

    A Copy for the Prosecutor 251

    Presentations to Supervisors 253

    Indictments, Convictions, and Dollar Recoveries 256

    12. Providing Testimony 263

    Dealing with Opposing Counsel 265

    Visual Aids in Court 269

    Make Sure You Understand the Question 271

    13. Closing the Case 275

    Old Case Files 276

    Evidence 277

    Recommendations for Improvement 277

    Suspensions, Debarment, and Improvement Plans 281

    14. Personal and Professional Growth 283

    Training 284

    Networking 285

    Physical Fitness 287

    Morale 288

    Insurance and Representation 290

    Preparing for the Future 291

    Teddy Roosevelt 292

    Conclusion 293


    Samples of Case Presentation Visual Aids 297

    About the Author 305

    Index 309

  • CHARLES E. PIPER, CFE, CRT is the owner of Charles Piper’s Professional Services located in West Tennessee. He’s had a distinguished 30-year career in law enforcement including 20 years as a Special Agent-Criminal Investigator with the Department of Defense (DoD) where he received numerous awards and recognition. Piper has provided training to law enforcement officers, investigators, fraud fighters, businesses, and others. He’s also written feature anti-fraud and investigative articles for the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’ “Fraud Magazine.” Currently serving as a private investigator, consultant, and trainer, Piper also enjoys helping others fight against fraud while sharing his personal and unique investigative war stories.


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