
Guide: SOC 2 Reporting on an Examination of Controls at a Service Organization Relevant to Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, or Privacy

Guide: SOC 2 Reporting on an Examination of Controls at a Service Organization Relevant to Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, or Privacy

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: John Wiley & Sons
  • ISBN: 9781945498602
  • 出版时间 April 2018
  • 规格: Paperback , 496 pages
  • 适应领域: U.S. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥845.50

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Updated as of January 1, 2018, this guide includes relevant guidance contained in applicable standards and other technical sources. It explains the relationship between a service organization and its user entities, provides examples of service organizations, describes the description criteria to be used to prepare the description of the service organization’s system, identifies the trust services criteria as the criteria to be used to evaluate the design and operating effectiveness of controls, explains the difference between a type 1 and type 2 SOC 2 report, and provides illustrative reports for CPAs engaged to examine and report on system and organization controls at a service organization. It also describes the matters to be considered and procedures to be performed by the service auditor in planning, performing, and reporting on SOC 2 and SOC 3 engagements.
    New to this edition are:

    • Updated for SSAE No. 18 (clarified attestation standards),  this guide has been fully conformed to reflect lessons learned in practice
    • Contains insight from expert authors on the SOC 2 working group composed of CPAs who perform SOC 2 and SOC 3 engagements
    • Includes illustrative report paragraphs describing the matter that gave rise to the report modification for a large variety of situations
    • Includes a new appendix for performing and reporting on a SOC 2 examination in accordance with International Standards on Assurance Engagements (ISAEs) or in accordance with both the AICPA’s attestation standards and the ISAEs
  • 1 Introduction and Background .01-.77

    Introduction .01-.06

    Intended Users of a SOC 2® Report .07-.13

    Overview of a SOC 2® Examination .14-.17

    Contents of the SOC 2® Report .18-.49

    Definition of a System .19 -.20

    Boundaries of the System 21-.23

    Time Frame of Examination .24

    Difference Between Privacy and Confidentiality .25-.26

    Criteria for a SOC 2® Examination .27-.43

    The Service Organization’s Service Commitments and System Requirements .44-.49

    SOC 2® Examination That Addresses Additional Subject Matters and Additional Criteria .50-.54

    SOC 3® Examination .55-.58

    Other Types of SOC Examinations: SOC Suite of Services .59-.68

    SOC 1®—SOC for Service Organizations: ICFR .60-.62

    SOC for Cybersecurity .63-.68

    Professional Standards .69-.76

    Attestation Standards .70-.72

    Code of Professional Conduct .73

    Quality in the SOC 2® Examination .74-.76

    Definitions .77

    2 Accepting and Planning a SOC 2® Examination .01-.172

    Introduction .01-.02

    Understanding Service Organization Management’s Responsibilities .03-.29

    Management Responsibilities Prior to Engaging the Service Auditor .04-.25

    Management Responsibilities During the Examination .26-.28

    Management’s Responsibilities During Engagement Completion .29

    Responsibilities of the Service Auditor .30

    Engagement Acceptance and Continuance .31-.34

    Independence .35-.38

    Competence of Engagement Team Members .39-.42

    Preconditions of a SOC 2® Engagement .43-.65

    Determining Whether the Subject Matter Is Appropriate for the SOC 2® Examination .44-.48

    Determining Whether Management Is Likely to Have a Reasonable Basis for Its Assertion .49-.56

    Assessing the Suitability and Availability of Criteria .57-.58

    Assessing the Appropriateness of the Service Organization’s Principal Service Commitments and System Requirements Stated in the Description .59-.65

    Requesting a Written Assertion and Representations From Service Organization Management .66-.69

    Agreeing on the Terms of the Engagement .70-.90

    Accepting a Change in the Terms of the Examination .75-.78

    Additional Considerations for a Request to Extend or Modify the Period Covered by the Examination 79-.90

    Establishing an Overall Examination Strategy for and Planning the Examination .91-.109

    Planning Considerations When the Inclusive Method Is Used to Present the Services of a Subservice Organization .96-.103

    Considering Materiality During Planning .104-.109

    Performing Risk Assessment Procedures .110-.126

    Obtaining an Understanding of the Service Organization’s System .110-.119

    Assessing the Risk of Material Misstatement .120-.126

    Considering Entity-Level Controls .127-.131

    Understanding the Internal Audit Function .132-.136

    Planning to Use the Work of Internal Auditors .137-.153

    Evaluating the Competence, Objectivity, and Systematic Approach Used by Internal Auditors .139-.144

    Determining the Extent to Which to Use the Work of Internal Auditors .145-.147

    Coordinating Procedures With the Internal Auditors .148-.152

    Evaluating Whether the Work of Internal Auditors Is Adequate for the Service Auditor’s Purposes .153

    Planning to Use the Work of an Other Practitioner .154-.159

    Planning to Use the Work of a Service Auditor’s Specialist .160-.166

    Accepting and Planning a SOC 3® Examination .167-.172

    3 Performing the SOC 2® Examination .01-.229

    Designing Overall Responses to the Risk Assessment and Obtaining Evidence .01-.11

    Considering Materiality in Responding to the Assessed Risks and Planning Procedures .05-.08

    Defining Misstatements in This Guide .09-.11

    Obtaining and Evaluating Evidence About Whether the Description Presents the System That Was Designed and Implemented in Accordance With the Description Criteria .12-.78

    The Service Organization’s Service Commitments and System Requirements .24-.29

    Disclosures About Individual Controls .30-.32

    Disclosures About System Incidents .33-.35

    Disclosures About Complementary User Entity Controls and User Entity Responsibilities .36-.41

    Disclosures Related to Subservice Organizations .42-.51

    Disclosures About Complementary Subservice Organization Controls .52-.54

    Disclosures About Significant Changes to the System During the Period Covered by a Type 2 Examination .55-.56

    Changes to the System That Occur Between the Periods Covered by a Type 2 Examination .57-.58

    Procedures to Obtain Evidence About the Description .59-.63

    Considering Whether the Description Is Misstated or Otherwise Misleading .64-.68

    Identifying and Evaluating Description Misstatements .69-.71

    Materiality Considerations When Evaluating Whether the Description Is Presented in Accordance With the Description Criteria .72-.78

    Obtaining and Evaluating Evidence About the Suitability of the Design of Controls .79-.105

    Additional Considerations for Subservice Organizations .88-.91

    Multiple Controls Are Necessary to Address an Applicable Trust Services Criterion .92-.93

    Multiple Controls to Achieve the Service Organization’s Service Commitments and Service Requirements Based on the Same Applicable Trust Services Criterion .94

    Procedures to Obtain Evidence About the Suitability of Design of Controls .95-.100

    Identifying and Evaluating Deficiencies in the Suitability of Design of Controls .101-.105

    Obtaining and Evaluating Evidence About the Operating Effectiveness of Controls in a Type 2 Examination .106-.114

    Designing and Performing Tests of Controls .110-.114

    Nature of Tests of Controls .115-.130

    Evaluating the Reliability of Information Produced by the Service Organization .121-.130

    Timing of Tests of Controls .131-.133

    Extent of Tests of Controls .134-.139

    Testing Superseded Controls .140-.141

    Using Sampling to Select Items to Be Tested .142-.146

    Selecting Items to Be Tested .145-.146

    Additional Considerations Related to Risks of Vendors and Business Partners .147-.151

    Additional Considerations Related to CSOCs .152-.155

    Considering Controls That Did Not Need to Operate During the Period Covered by the Examination .156

    Identifying and Evaluating Deviations in the Operating Effectiveness of Controls .157-.160

    Materiality Considerations When Evaluating the Suitability of Design and Operating Effectiveness of Controls .161-.165

    Using the Work of the Internal Audit Function .166-.177

    Using the Work of a Service Auditor’s Specialist .178-.180

    Revising the Risk Assessment .181

    Evaluating the Results of Procedures .182-.189

    Responding to and Communicating Known and Suspected Fraud, Noncompliance With Laws or Regulations, Uncorrected Misstatements, and Deficiencies in the Design or Operating Effectiveness of Controls .190-.196

    Known or Suspected Fraud or Noncompliance With Laws or Regulations .190-.192

    Communicating Incidents of Known or Suspected Fraud, Noncompliance With Laws or Regulations, Uncorrected Misstatements, or Internal Control Deficiencies .193-.196

    Obtaining Written Representations .197-.212

    Requested Written Representations Not Provided or Not Reliable .209-.211

    Representations From the Engaging Party When Not the Responsible Party .212

    Subsequent Events and Subsequently Discovered Facts .213-.220

    Subsequent Events Unlikely to Have an Effect on the Service Auditor’s Report .220

    Documentation .221-.225

    Considering Whether Service Organization Management Should Modify Its Assertion .226-.229

    4 Forming the Opinion and Preparing the Service Auditor’s Report .01-.119

    Responsibilities of the Service Auditor .01-.03

    Forming the Service Auditor’s Opinion .04-.14

    Concluding on the Sufficiency and Appropriateness of Evidence .05-.09

    Considering Uncorrected Description Misstatements and Deficiencies .10-.12

    Expressing an Opinion on Each of the Subject Matters in the SOC 2® Examination .13-.14

    Describing Tests of Controls and the Results of Tests in a Type 2 Report .15-.30

    Describing Tests of Controls and Results When Using the Internal Audit Function .23-.27

    Describing Tests of the Reliability of Information Produced by the Service Organization .28-.30

    Preparing the Service Auditor’s SOC 2® Report .31-.41

    Elements of the Service Auditor’s SOC 2® Report .31-.32

    Requirement to Restrict the Use of the SOC 2® Report .33-.35

    Reporting When the Service Organization’s Design of Controls Assumes Complementary User Entity Controls .36-.38

    Reporting When the Service Organization Carves Out the Controls at a Subservice Organization .39-.41

    Reporting When the Service Auditor Assumes Responsibility for the Work of an Other Practitioner .42

    Modifications to the Service Auditor’s Report .43-.67

    Qualified Opinion .51-.53

    Adverse Opinion .54-.55

    Scope Limitation .56-.60

    Disclaimer of Opinion .61-.67

    Report Paragraphs Describing the Matter Giving Rise to the Modification .68-.88

    Illustrative Separate Paragraphs When There Are Material Misstatements in the Description .68-.78

    Illustrative Separate Paragraphs: Material Deficiencies in the Suitability of Controls .79-.82

    Illustrative Separate Paragraphs: Material Deficiencies in the Operating Effectiveness of Controls .83-.88

    Other Matters Related to the Service Auditor’s Report .89-.93

    Emphasis-of-Matter Paragraphs and Other-Matter Paragraphs .89-.90

    Distribution of the Report by Management .91-.93

    Service Auditor’s Recommendations for Improving Controls .94

    Other Information Not Covered by the Service Auditor’s Report .95-.104

    Illustrative Type 2 Reports .105-.106

    Preparing a Type 1 Report .107-.109

    Forming the Opinion and Preparing a SOC 3® Report .110-.119

    Elements of the SOC 3® Report .110-.115

    Elements of the Service Auditor’s Report .116-.118

    Illustrative SOC 3® Management Assertion and Service Auditor’s Report .119

    Supplement A—2018 Description Criteria for a Description of a Service Organization’s System in a SOC 2® Report

    Supplement B—2018 Trust Services Criteria for Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy


    A Information for Service Organization Management

    B Comparison of SOC 1®, SOC 2®, and SOC 3® Examinations and Related Reports

    C Illustrative Comparison of a SOC 2® Examination and Related Report

    With the Cybersecurity Risk Management Examination and Related Report


    D-1 Illustrative Management Assertion and Service Auditor’s Report for a Type 2 Examination (Carved-Out Controls of a Subservice Organization and Complementary Subservice Organization and Complementary User Entity Controls)

    D-2 Illustrative Service Organization and Subservice Organization

    Management Assertions and Service Auditor’s Report for a Type 2 Examination (Subservice Organization Presented Using the Inclusive Method and Complementary User Entity Controls)

    D-3 Illustrative Service Auditor’s Report for a Type 2 Examination in Which the Service Auditor Disclaims an Opinion Because of a Scope Limitation

    D-4 Illustrative Type 2 Report (Including Management’s Assertion, Service Auditor’s Report, and the Description of the System)

    E Illustrative Management Assertion and Service Auditor’s Report for a Type 1 Examination

    F Illustrative Management Assertion and Service Auditor’s Report for a SOC 3® Examination


    G-1 Illustrative Management Representation Letter for Type 2 Engagement

    G-2 Illustrative Management Representation Letter for Type 1 Engagement

    H Performing and Reporting on a SOC 2® Examination in Accordance With International Standards on Assurance Engagements (ISAEs) or in Accordance With Both the AICPA’s Attestation Standards and the ISAEs

    I Definitions

    Index of Pronouncements and Other Technical Guidance

    Subject Index

  • Founded in 1887, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) represents the CPA and accounting profession nationally and globally regarding rule-making and standard-setting, and serves as an advocate before legislative bodies, public interest groups and other professional organizations. The AICPA develops standards for audits of private companies and other services by CPAs; provides educational guidance materials to its members; develops and grades the Uniform CPA Examination; and monitors and enforces compliance with the accounting profession's technical and ethical standards.
    The AICPA's founding established accountancy as a profession distinguished by rigorous educational requirements, high professional standards, a strict code of professional ethics, a licensing status and a commitment to serving the public interest.


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