

Employment Law and Pensions, 2nd Edition

Employment Law and Pensions, 2nd Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Bloomsbury Professional (formerly Tottel Publishing)
  • ISBN: 9781526525826
  • 出版时间 July 2023
  • 规格: Hardback , 936 pages
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥1,833.00

¥1,778.01 Save ¥54.99 (3%)

发货时间:大约 4 weeks
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Alongside a comprehensive overview of pensions provision in the UK, this title is organised into seven parts to guide you through the distinct issues concerning these intersecting disciplines. These include the obligations of employers, unlawful discrimination, employment contracts, employers' powers and consultation, TUPE and the cessation of employment.

    The Second Edition has been fully updated to include:

    - New cases across all seven parts of the work, assessing their impact on practice and procedure, including Walker v Innospec in the Supreme Court and IBM v Dalgeish and Bradbury v BBC in the Court of Appeal

    - New chapters covering:
    - disability discrimination and pensions
    - the definition of pensionable pay in a pension trust
    - Braganza duties on employers
    - whether TUPE transfers third party obligations

    - The impact of Brexit on pensions provision in the UK

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
    Chapter 2: Pension provision
    Chapter 3: Occupational pension schemes
    Chapter 4: Employment contracts and pensions: disclosure
    Chapter 5: No Employer obligations to advise
    Chapter 6: Employer liability if advise negligently
    Chapter 7: Limited trustee obligation to advise
    Chapter 8: Maternity and paternity rights and pensions
    Chapter 9: Discrimination and pensions: sex discrimination
    Chapter 10: Discrimination and pensions: age discrimination
    Chapter 11: Discrimination and pensions: civil partners and same sex marriage
    Chapter 12: Employment contracts and pensions – what is the promise?
    Chapter 13: Works councils and pensions
    Chapter 14: Trade unions and pensions
    Chapter 15: Employer “Imperial” duties: mutual duty of trust and confidence
    Chapter 16: Confidentiality obligations
    Chapter 17: Variation of pensions – with employee consent
    Chapter 18: Non-pensionable pay
    Chapter 19: Variation of pensions – without employee consent
    Chapter 20: Variation of pensions: Pensions Act 2004 consultation
    Chapter 21: Salary sacrifices
    Chapter 22: Employer liens and charges over benefits
    Chapter 23: Appointment of trustees
    Chapter 24: Protection for employees acting as a trustee
    Chapter 25: TUPE and pensions: general rules
    Chapter 26: TUPE and pensions: consultation
    Chapter 27: TUPE and pensions: Pensions Act 2004
    Chapter 28: TUPE and pensions: public sector (fair deal)
    Chapter 29: TUPE and pensions: Non-old age benefits: Beckmann, Martin and Procter & Gamble
    Chapter 30: Benefits on cessation of employment: retirement?
    Chapter 31: Wrongful dismissal: pension claims in contract
    Chapter 32: Unfair dismissal: Pension loss
    Chapter 33: Compensation sacrifice/adjustment
    Chapter 34: Offsetting redundancy against pensions


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