

Education Law, Policy, and Practice: Cases and Materials, 4th Edition

Education Law, Policy, and Practice: Cases and Materials, 4th Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Aspen Legal Education
  • ISBN: 9781454883326
  • 出版时间 June 2017
  • 规格: Hardback , 1085 pages
  • 适应领域: U.S. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
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  • 描述 
  • 详细

    Challenging students to question the political and philosophical assumptions underlying the law, Education Law, Policy, and Practice promotes a depth of understanding about the key cases and statutes. The authors integrate the law with policy and practice, following related political, financial, and practical issues. The law is presented through a teachable mix of key cases and materials on the practice and political aspects of school law, and an effective macro organization helps place topics into an integrated framework. Each of the major issues in education law is discussed at length:  the boundaries of public and private, church and state, relations; school governance and the tensions between federal power and local control; the rights and responsibilities of students and teachers; and the educational environment and its liabilities. “Practicums” in each section allow students to apply the law to realistic situations. A helpful Teacher’s Manual provides a clear synopsis for every case in the book, answers to the questions at the end of cases, strategies for discussing and resolving the Practicums, additional teaching techniques, and alternative syllabi.

    New to the Fourth Edition:

    • New cases: Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District; Fisher v. the University of Texas
    • A complete description and analysis of the brand new Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015
    • A series of key questions and answers after each major section which are designed to provide formative and summative assessments of student learning outcomes
    • Authorities addressing controversial issues (such as racial desegregation, religion in schools, privatization, vouchers, school choice, charter schools, affirmative action, sexual violence, sexual harassment and gender discrimination, inadequate and inequitable school funding, access to early childhood education programs, teacher rights and responsibilities, student rights and responsibilities, student discipline and restorative justice, bullying, cyberbullying, student protests, student harassment and speech codes, federalism, local control, school governance, accountability, and special education), including:
    • New data regarding inequities in educational resources
    • New data regarding early childhood education and judicial and legislative developments
    • Materials regarding the Department of Education's new Guidance on student discipline, zero tolerance and restorative justice
    • Materials regarding the Department of Education's new Guidance on Title IX compliance in the area of sexual violence and assault
    • New materials on charter schools and voucher programs
    • New neuroscience and brain research regarding educational best practices
    • New materials on public-private school partnerships and pay for success regimes


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