

Asian Conflict of Laws: East and South East Asia

Asian Conflict of Laws: East and South East Asia

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Kluwer Law International
  • ISBN: 9789041147561
  • 出版时间 June 2015
  • 规格: Hardback , 336 pages
  • 适应领域: Asia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    An essential resource for both practitioners and academics, Asian Conflict of Laws: East and South East Asia, provides a comprehensive overview of the various approaches to private international law among the crucially important trade jurisdictions of East and South East Asia.

    Gain expert guidance from local specialists who deliver thorough commentary and analysis on 14 jurisdictions of China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, The Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam. With a lack of legal harmonization between these countries, this useful book will be an essential resource for both practitioners and academics operating in this region.

    The authors describe, in a clear and logically structured way, practice and procedure regarding:

    • codification of private international law and relevance of case law;
    • jurisdiction of local courts in foreign-related cases (including choice of court and arbitration clauses);
    • applicable law;
    • international civil procedure; and
    • recognition and enforcement of foreign (judicial and arbitral) decisions.

    How will my practice benefit from Asian Conflict of Laws: East and South East Asia?

    • Gain practical guidance for non-Asian companies on international litigation and enforcement of foreign decisions in East and South East Asian trade jurisdictions.
    • Valuable resource for practitioners handling commercial matters in East and South East Asia.
    • Provides a major step forward in the ongoing academic and policy endeavors to coordinate efforts in harmonising private international law.

    Asian Conflict of Laws: East and South East Asiaedited by Alejandro Carballo Leyda, is primarily designed to increase the knowledge of non-Asian companies on the specific frameworks regulating international litigation and enforcement of foreign decisions in the region, and will thus be of great practical value to corporate counsel and other practitioners, officials, and policymakers. In addition, it takes a major step forward in the ongoing academic and policy debate to coordinate efforts in harmonising private international law in the region.



    • Comparative analysis of private international law in fourteen East and South East Asian jurisdictions.
    • Description and analysis of frameworks regulating international litigation and enforcement of foreign decisions in fourteen East and South East Asian jurisdictions.
    • Comprehensive overview of approaches to private international law among East and South East Asian trade jurisdictions.


    • Practical guidance for non-Asian companies on international litigation and enforcement of foreign decisions in East and South East Asian trade jurisdictions.
    • Valuable resource for practitioners handling commercial matters in East and South East Asia.
    • Major step forward in the ongoing academic and policy endeavours to coordinate efforts in harmonising private international law.
  • List of Editor and Contributors


    Chapter 1 Mainland China Yongping Xiao & Wenwen Liang

    Chapter 2 Hong Kong Alan Gibb & Richard Morris

    Chapter 3 Indonesia Hendronoto Soesabdo, Reno Hirdarisvita & Ferry Artionang

    Chapter 4 Japan Naoki Iguchi & Naoko Kamimura

    Chapter 5 Republic of Korea Young Seok Lee, Sae Youn Kim & Sy Nae Kim

    Chapter 6 Macau Jorge Menezes

    Chapter 7 Malaysia Effendy Othman

    Chapter 8 Mongolia Munkhselenge Purevdorjiin

    Chapter 9 Philippines Elizabeth H. Aguiling-Pangalangan

    Chapter 10 Singapore Harish Kumar & Jonathan Toh

    Chapter 11 Taiwan Yao-Ming Hsu

    Chapter 12 Thailand Chinnawat Thongpackdee & Vanina Sucharitkul

    Chapter 13 Timor-Leste (East-Timor) Miguel de Lemos

    Chapter 14 Vietnam Nguyen Thi Xuan Trinh & Konrad Hull

