

Benjamin's Sale of Goods 9th ed with 2nd Supplement

Benjamin's Sale of Goods 9th ed with 2nd Supplement

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Sweet & Maxwell U.K.
  • ISBN: 9780414051041
  • 出版时间 September 2016
  • 规格: Hardback + Paperback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Benjamin’s Sale of Goods provides practitioners with comprehensive advice on case law and legislation regarding sale of goods in the UK and globally. Part of the Common Law Library, this title has established itself as the premier publication on sale of goods and is frequently cited in court due to its depth and coverage.

    • The 2nd Supplement was published in September 2016
    • The Special Supplement was published in September 2015 (and is dedicated to the Consumer Rights Act 2015)
    • The Main Work was published in November 2014
    • First published in 1868, this title is now seen as a must-have purchase for its core readership of commercial practitioners in medium and large-firms, academics and commercial barristers
    • Covers the needs of practitioners interested in all areas of sale of goods case law
    • Includes clearly defined and structured content, with separate sections for Nature and formation of the Contract of Sale, Property and risk, Performance of the contract, Defective goods, Consumer Protection, Remedies, Overseas Sales, Conflict of laws
    • Provides high level text supported by all relevant developments in legislation and case law - the cases selected and the interpretation and guidance provided being one of the title's added values
    • Provides a comprehensive explanation of the law of sale of goods, including terms and conditions, rights and obligations
    • Sets out the nature and formation of the contract of sale
    • Includes discussion of unfair contract terms in commercial and consumer sales
    • Details the remedies available when disputes arise
    • Explains the implications of E-Commerce, including electronic contracts and payments
    • Examines the law on Letters of Credit
    • Incorporates the Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002, and recent European Directives
    • Includes expert commentary on the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
    • Outlines the implications of the Consumer Credit Act and gives a detailed account of consumer protection
    • Provides authoritative discussion on conflict of laws
    • Examines the international scope of the subject, with chapters on overseas sales
    • Takes you through the laws relating to consumer protection

  • Part one Nature and formation of the Contract of Sale;
    The contract of sale of goods
    Formation of the contract
    Application of general contractual principles

    Part two Property and risk;
    The title of the seller
    Passing of property
    Risk and frustration
    Transfer of title by non-owners

    Part three Performance of the contract;
    Acceptance and payment

    Part four Defective goods;
    Classification of statements as to goods
    Terms as to description and quality implied by the sale of goods act
    Remedies in respect of defects
    Exemption clauses

    Part five Consumer protection;
    Consumer protection

    Part six Remedies;
    The seller’s remedies affecting the goods
    Other remedies of the seller
    The remedies of the buyer

    Part seven Overseas sales;
    Overseas sales in general
    CIF contracts
    FOB contracts
    Other special terms and provisions in overseas sales
    Negotiable instruments in overseas sales
    Documentary credits
    Autonomous guarantees
    Export credit guarantees

    Part Eight Conflict of laws;
    Conflict of laws

    The Sale of Goods Act 1979


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