

Goode: Consumer Credit Law and Practice

Goode: Consumer Credit Law and Practice

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: LexisNexis U.K. (S)
  • ISBN: 9780406921130
  • 出版时间 Subscription-type (Contents updated periodically)
  • 规格: Loose-leaf + CD-ROM
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
发货时间:大约 4-5 weeks
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  • 描述 
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  • 作者 
  • 详细

    Goode: Consumer Credit Law and Practice is a comprehensive and authoritative work which offers a complete information package comprising five looseleaf volumes, three volumes of Goode: Consumer Credit Reports and a CD.

    Goode: Consumer Credit Reports cover key decisions in consumer credit and related areas and are presented in a user-friendly format. There are approximately three updates provided per year with case reporting to ensure the subscriber is kept completely up-to-date with all the latest developments in this area. The work adopts a practical focus to help busy practitioners quickly find the information they need from one reliable source.

    The entire work is also included on CD-ROM (updates approximately three times a year) and electronic delivery of the material offers a number of benefits to the user. Books on screen technology allows rapid searching facilities and extensive hypertext links ensure the subscriber has instant access to all the relevant material.

    Eight looseleaf volumes. Subscribers receive their first year's updating issues as part of the purchase price (three service issues approximately per year). Subscribers are then charged annually for subsequent updating.

    This work is also available as a separate module on Butterworths Trading, Consumer and Food Safety CD.


    "CCTA have used Goode Consumer Credit Law and Practice for many years as the authoritative work on Consumer Credit Law, which has proved invaluable in our role as a major Trade Association in the Consumer Credit Industry.

    We are particularly impressed by the clear, precise nature of the work together with comprehensive commentaries sections which assists enormously in the interpretation of a complex and evolving piece of legislation..."

    Chris Oakes
    Consumer Credit Trade Association


    "I am a Consumer Credit specialist advising financial institutions on the Consumer Credit Act and attendant Regulations. Goode: Consumer Credit Law and Practice is never far from my desk. The loose-leaf volumes are invaluable for any practitioner and in my view represent a trusted authority on this very technical area of law."

    Ian Norman
    Lightfoots LLP

    • Division I: Narrative Text
    • Division II: The Consumer Credit Act 1974
    • Division III: Regulations under the 1974 Act
    • Division IV: General Notices and Determinations
    • Division V: Other Statutes
    • Division VI: Other Statutory Instruments
    • Division VII: Rates and Rebates
    • Division VIII: Codes of Practice and Guidance Notes
    • Division IX: VAT Materials
    • Division X: EC Materials
    • Division XI: Non-Contentious Forms
    • Division XII: Contentious Forms
    • Division XIII: Official Forms
    • Division XIV: Directory
  • General editor: Professor Sir Roy Goode, CBE, QC, LLD (Lond), DCL, FBA, Emeritus Professor of Law in the University of Oxford, Emeritus Fellow of St John's College, Oxford, Honorary Fellow of Queen Mary, University of London, Honorary Bencher of the Inner Temple.

    Editors: John Davison, BA, BSc, LLDip, DMS, CIOT (Fellow), AIIT, ACCA, Director, Grant Thornton, Sydney; Frank R Johnstone, MA, LLB (University of Glasgow), Partner, McClure Naismith, Glasgow; Richard Mawrey, QC, MA (Oxon), Barrister, Henderson Chambers; Stephen Makin, LLB (Leics), Solicitor of the Supreme Court


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