

A Practical Guide to Initial Public Offering in Hong Kong, 3rd Edition (e-Book)

A Practical Guide to Initial Public Offering in Hong Kong, 3rd Edition (e-Book)

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Wolters Kluwer (HK) (formerly CCH)
  • 出版时间 September 2020
  • 规格: e-Book , 603 pages
  • 适应领域: Hong Kong ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥1,861.20

¥1,805.36 Save ¥55.84 (3%)

发货时间:大约 3-5 working days
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    Remarks: PRINT version is also available. Please click here to purchase PRINT version.

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    You can either buy this standalone book OR buy this toolkit which also includes this book and a lot more useful contents: Hong Kong Company Law & Compliance Practical Toolkit

    A Practical Guide to Initial Public Offering in Hong Kong 3rd Edition provides practical guidance for companies which are considering to list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The Practical Guide starts by giving readers a general overview of the global IPO environment, the characteristics and latest development of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and then discusses key considerations of an IPO in the areas of Accounting, Tax, Internal Control, Corporate Governance, Sponsorship and Intellectual Property.

    This third edition is updated with insights on the latest development of IPO in Hong Kong. This Practical Guide can respond to some of the questions asked by owners, executives and boards of directors in making the decision to go public. This Practical Guide is to help companies and the related parties successfully navigate this transition by providing a comprehensive overview of the IPO process in Hong Kong, addressing the most important aspects of planning, launching and completing a successful IPO.

    Key Features:

    • Expertly updated by the Capital Market Group of RSM Hong Kong, acting as the Lead Editor. Sponsorship Chapter updated by Charltons, a law firm specialised in Corporate Finance and the Intellectual Property Chapter prepared by ELLALAN, a law firm specialised in Intellectual Property
    • The listing requirements on the Main Board and GEM
    • Listing information related to Weighted Voting Rights (WVR) structure and pre-revenue biotech companies with reference to Chapter 18A of the Listing Rules
    • Expert comments on conclusions to HKEX consultation on the ‘Review of the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting Guide (ESG Guide) and Related Listing Rules’ (ESG Consultation Conclusions)
    • Hong Kong and China tax development and consideration in an IPO; transfer pricing documentation requirement
    • Common accounting and internal control issues encountered in the listing process
    • The listing process and documentation required for listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
    • Illustrative examples, case studies, diagrams, tables and flowcharts and dissects the IPO roadmap into layers to provide on in-depth analysis and better understanding of the issues that need to be considered in listing a company on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
    • Contains user-friendly indexes, section finding list and case table which ensure fast access to information


    Remarks: The price you pay now includes one year access to the online contents, plus free updates within one year if available. After one year, you will be asked to pay for an annual subscription fee again if you want to keep reading the online contents. The next year annual subscription fee will be determined by the publisher in the next year.

    1. Thinking of an IPO
    2. Overview of Hong Kong Stock Exchange and Listing in Hong Kong
    3. Main Board and Growth Enterprise Market
    4. Specific IPO Issues
    5. Documents to be files for IPO Applications
    6. The IPO Team
    7. Hong Kong IPO Sponsorship
    8. Tax Consideration in an IPO
    9. Intellectual Property Consideration in an IPO
    10. Strategic Considerations for Controlling Shareholders
    11. Corporate Governance for Listing in Hong Kong
    12. Post-IPO Considerations
    13. Latest Development of IPO in Hong Kong 


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