

Accounting in Hong Kong: Regulatory framework and Advanced Accounting Practice (20th Edition) (e-Book)

Accounting in Hong Kong: Regulatory framework and Advanced Accounting Practice (20th Edition) (e-Book)

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Wolters Kluwer (HK) (formerly CCH)
  • 出版时间 December 2018
  • 规格: e-Book , 418 pages
  • 适应领域: Hong Kong ? 免责申明:
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List Price: ¥921.20

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    Remarks: PRINT version is also available. Please click here to purchase the PRINT version.

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    Accounting in Hong Kong: Regulatory Framework and Advanced Accounting Practice introduces scope and application to comprehensively assist students in their course of study in Accounting. This book contains 20 chapters which are designed to help students to achieve specific objectives. The latest 20th edition provides clear, accurate and up-to-date content in accordance to Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards and Hong Kong Accounting Standards.

    Each Chapter features numerous worked examples to illustrate potential practical situation in which issues are raised. Besides the worked example, each chapter also contains practice questions for students to practice and evaluate their learning progress. Tables, key terms and bulleted lists are included to highlight the essential information which is critical in the learning progress.

    This 20th Edition provides clear and easy-to-read guidance for you to understand the accounting practice in Hong Kong, including:

    - each of the chapters is structured around an important accounting topic;
    - clear explanations for the accounting requirements under the regulatory framework in Hong Kong;
    - numerous worked examples illustrating situations that are likely to arise and provides suitable corresponding accounting treatments; and
    - detailed analysis on specific accounting issues.


    Accounting in Hong Kong: Regulatory Framework and Advanced Accounting Practice allows students to explore and apply relevant accounting knowledge and professional skills in practice. It is written for undergraduate and post graduate students in a way to help them to absorb and understand the knowledge effectively and efficiently. It also provides a great amount of practice questions for students to strengthen their understanding and application of accounting concepts in different situations and scenarios.

    Accounting in Hong Kong: Regulatory Framework and Advanced Accounting Practice provides students with all the necessary tools and contents they will need to understand financial reporting in Hong Kong.

    Key Features:

    • An introduction to Hong Kong’s Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting;
    • Each chapter is divided into concise and easy-to-read paragraphs with examples throughout the text to illustrate the practical aspects of different scenario, strengthening and reinforcing students’ understanding;
    • Important accounting items and topics are discussed in detail;
    • Thorough analysis on specific accounting issues; and
    • Practice questions are provided at the end of each chapter with the objective to test students’ application skills on related concepts.


    Remarks: The price you pay now includes one year access to the online contents, plus free updates within one year if available. After one year, you will be asked to pay for an annual subscription fee again if you want to keep reading the online contents. The next year annual subscription fee will be determined by the publisher in the next year.

  • Section 1: Framework of Financial Reporting

    1          Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting................................................. 3

    Section 2: Accounting for Business Transactions

    2          Property, Plant and Equipment, and Impairment of Assets.............................. 23

    3          Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance, Borrowing Costs, and

    Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations...................... 59

    4          Investment Property......................................................................................... 85

    5          Intangible Assets.............................................................................................. 97

    6          Revenue from Contracts with Customers....................................................... 111

    7          Leases............................................................................................................ 131

    8          Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets............................... 151

    9          Income Taxes........................................................................................................................... 165

    10      The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates..................................... 183

    11      Earnings Per Share........................................................................................ 199

    12      Financial Instruments..................................................................................... 217

    13      Employee Benefits and Share-based Payment.............................................. 243

    Section 3: Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements

    14      Presentation of Financial Statements............................................................. 267

    15      Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates

    and Errors, and Events after the Reporting Period........................................ 287

    16      Consolidated Statement of Financial Position................................................ 303

    17      Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and

    Other Comprehensive Income....................................................................... 341

    18      Associates and Joint Ventures....................................................................... 359

    19      Statement of Cash Flows............................................................................... 377

    20      Related Party Disclosures.............................................................................. 409


  • Patrick P. H. Ng (M. Phil., BA (Hons), FCPA, FCCA, HON. H.K.A.T.) is a Lecturer of the Department of Business Administration at the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational
    Education (Chai Wan). He received a Bachelor of Arts Degree with First Class Honours from the University of Essex and a Master of Philosophy from the University of Cambridge.

    He is a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) and a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), as well as an Honorary Hong Kong Accounting Technician.

    Patrick served as a board member of the Hong Kong Institute of Accredited Accounting Technicians (HKIAAT) from 1999 to 2003, editor of the Members’ Journal of ACCA (Hong Kong) from 1997 to 2005, and chief editor of Accounting Personnel, the Journal of HKIAAT, from 1996 to 2006. He is the author/co-author of thirteen accounting textbooks/manuals entitled, HKIAAT’s AAT Paper 1 Financial Accounting, Advanced Accounting, Financial Accounting for Hong Kong, New Senior Secondary BAFS Frank Woods’ Accounting Module Exam Practice 1, Introduction to Financial Accounting in Hong Kong, Basic Cost Accounting in Hong Kong, Financial Accounting, HKAL – Principles of Accounts (Volumes 1 and 2), HKIAAT’s AAT Paper 7 Financial Accounting, HKIAAT’s PBE Paper 1 Financial Reporting, Examination Guide to ACCA Paper 13 (H) Financial Reporting Environment (Hong Kong), Corporate Accounting
    – Business Combinations in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Master GAAP Guide, and China Master GAAP Guide.

    Eden Y. H. Chow (DBA, MAcc, MEd, BBA, CPA (Aust.)) is a Senior Lecturer of the
    Department of Accountancy at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. Dr Chow is a member of CPA Australia. Before joining the teaching profession, she worked in a CPA firm. She holds a Doctoral Degree in Business Administration from the University of
    Newcastle, a Master’s Degree in Accounting from the Curtin University and a Master’s Degree in Education from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is the co-author of New Horizon: Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Financial Accounting 1 and HKIAAT’s PBE Paper I Financial Reporting.

    Ted Y. T. Chan (MSc, BBA, CPA, CFA) is a Lecturer of the Department of Accountancy at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. After graduating from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Mr. Chan worked in one of the Big 4 accounting firms and became an Associate of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA). He has years of experience in teaching the HKICPA Qualification Program in Module A Financial Reporting and Module B Corporate Finance.

    Morris Y. M. Kwok (MPA, CPA(HK), CPA(Canada), ACMA) is a part-time course coordinator at The Open University of Hong Kong. He graduated from The Hong
    Kong Polytechnic University with a Master’s Degree in Professional Accounting. He is an Associate of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA),
    Associate of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and Associate of Chartered Professional Accountants Canada.

    Morris is well-versed in financial reporting, management accounting, Chinese accounting and auditing fields, as well as Hong Kong tax systems. He has extensive experience in acting as a consultant to multi-national companies. Besides that, he has conducted seminars of Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards to secondary school teachers. He is the author of the course material Financial Reporting Environment of The Open University of Hong Kong. He is also the co-author of HKIAAT’s PBE Paper 1 Financial Reporting and 13 technical articles related to HKIAAT’s PBE Paper I Financial Reporting and HKIAAT’s AAT Paper 7 Financial Accounting.


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