

Woodroffe & Lowe's Consumer Law and Practice, 10th Edition

Woodroffe & Lowe's Consumer Law and Practice, 10th Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Sweet & Maxwell U.K._
  • ISBN: 9780414056121
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414027626
  • 出版时间 October 2016
  • 规格: Paperback , 492 pages
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
发货时间:大约 4-5 weeks
Extra 2-10 working days if shipping address outside Hong Kong
Free delivery Hong Kong ?
Hong Kong: free delivery (order over HKD 1000)
  • 描述 
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  • 评论
  • 详细

    Woodroffe and Lowe’s Consumer Law and Practice provides undergraduate students and those studying the LPC with concise yet comprehensive guidance on consumer law.
    • Takes an innovative problem-solving approach to the subject
    • Focuses on the types of problems most likely to arise or be encountered in real life and uses examples to explain how the law deals with such situations
    • Centred on domestic law including legislation transposing EU Directives
    • Analyses key cases including Carey v HSBC and the Supreme Court decision OFT v Abbey National
    • Covers the latest developments including changes to consumer protection 
    • Includes the latest EU Consumer Credit Directive
    • Explains all the OFT Approved codes of practice
    • Provides a selection of County Court precedentssupplied by a District Judge which highlight the practical applications of this book
  • Introduction
    Part I: The Consumer and the Civil Law
    “They say it isn’t mine”
    “It’s a good little bus”
    “It doesn’t work”
    “It will cost £1,000 to make them safe”
    “Do I have to pay?”
    “What are my remedies?”
    “They say that I have signed away my rights”
    “These small print terms seem very unfair”
    “How do I enforce my rights without going to court?”
    “What happens if I go to court?”

    Part II: The Consumer and the Criminal Law
    “The description misled me”
    “The price was wrong”
    “The goods aren’t safe”
    Crime and compensation

    Part III: Administrative Control
    Fair Trading

    Part IV: Special Protection in Credit Transactions
    The background to Consumer Credit
    “What agreements are caught by the Act?”
    Control of business activities
    “I can’t remember what I signed”
    “Can I get out of the agreement?”
    “The goods are defective”
    “I have lost my credit card”
    “I can’t afford to pay”
    “I want to see my credit file”
    Proposals for reform
    The European Union dimension

  • "Between the covers is a mine of information clearly and accurately set out… a valuable tool for non-specialist and specialist alike." 
    The Law Society’s Gazette

    "It is a work that is well written and researched, comprehensive and practically orientated..." 
    New Law Journal

    "The material is set-out practically and in an engaging way… one of the leading consumer law texts" 
    Student Law Journal


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