

Veerinder on Taxation, 6th Edition

Veerinder on Taxation, 6th Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: CCH Malaysia
  • ISBN: 10076185-0005
  • 出版时间 August 2022
  • 规格: Paperback , 1680 pages
  • 适应领域: Malaysia ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
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  • 描述 
  • 大纲 
  • 作者 
  • 详细

    The 6th edition of Veerinder on Taxation emphasises on providing a firm foundation by discussing the basic principles and practice of Malaysian taxation with reference to case law decisions and administrative practices. Therefore, the book contains chapters on the contribution of taxation to the national economy, the theoretical aspects of tax systems and structures, the legal and practical aspects of Malaysian taxation as well as illustrations of the application of principles. Relevant local and foreign case law decisions are discussed. 

    Many practical examples which should prove useful especially to readers are also incorporated. In addition, some diagrammatic presentations and flow charts are presented to enable readers to grasp the fundamental principles of taxation. 

    Key Features  

    • All tax changes made since the publication of the previous edition including changes effected by the 2019 Budget, the Finance Act 2018, Income Tax (Amendment) Act 2018, the recent exemption orders, rules and public rulings issued are featured in this edition 
    • User friendly format helps readers find the answers to their tax questions  
    • Extensive cross-referencing, index and finding aids   
    • Content, rates and tables are completely up-to-date 
    • The law as it stands for this edition is 24 June 2019. 


    Student Edition ISBN 不可用
    Previous edition isbn 不可用
    Hardback edition isbn 不可用
    Paperback edition ISBN 不可用
  • 1. Tax Policy, Tax Systems, Revenue Law and Interpretation of Statutes

    2. The Malaysian Taxation System: An Overview

    3. The Income Tax Structure

    4. Tax Administration

    5. The Charge to Income Tax

    6. Business Income

    7. Employment Income

    8. Other Sources of Income

    9. Exempt Income

    10. Deductible Expenses

    11. Relief on Capital Expenditure

    12. Personal Reliefs and Rebates

    13. Partnerships

    14. Tax Computations and Tax Audits

    15. Real Property Gains Tax

    16. Tax Planning, Avoidance, Losses and Current Developments

  • Sudharsanan Thillainathan is a Senior Partner at Steven Thiru & Sudhar Partnership. He holds double degrees in Law as well as Accounting & Finance from Monash University, Australia and a Masters of Law from the London School of Economics & Political Science. He was called to the Malaysian Bar in 1997 and has more than 20 years of active litigation and arbitration practice.

    Ong Chong Chee has more than 20 years experience in the tax field and he has extensive experience in providing innovative and pragmatic solutions to his clients covering a wide range of Malaysian taxation matters. Besides being an Executive Director of the tax division of Moore Stephens, Chong Chee currently sits on the board of a technology company listed in Bursa Malaysia as an Independent Non-Executive Director.

    Tania Kat-Lin Edward is a Senior Associate at Steven Thiru & Sudhar Partnership. Tania holds a LLB (Hons) Degree (First Class) from the University of Reading, U.K. Tania was called to the Bar of England & Wales in 2014 and was called to the Malaysian Bar in 2015. Her areas of practice are Administrative and Constitutional Law, Banking and Finance Litigation, Corporate Law, Commercial Law, Family, Probate and Trusts, General and Civil Litigation, Tax and Revenue.
