

Transfer Pricing and Tax Avoidance: A Global Guide From Practical Law, 2nd Edition

Transfer Pricing and Tax Avoidance: A Global Guide From Practical Law, 2nd Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Sweet & Maxwell U.K.
  • ISBN: 9780414062856
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414033504
  • 出版时间 June 2017
  • 规格: Hardback , 669 pages
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥1,996.56

¥1,936.66 Save ¥59.90 (3%)

发货时间:大约 4-5 weeks
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  • 描述 
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  • 作者 
  • 详细

    Transfer Pricing & Tax Avoidance: Jurisdictional Comparisons is the essential reference guide for corporations, financial institutions and legal professionals. Covering major jurisdictions worldwide it provides a clear overview of the law relating to transfer pricing and tax avoidance in each one, and is structured to allow easy comparisons between jurisdictions.

    • Offers a well organised starting point for international reference
    • Covers the law in major jurisdictions around the world
    • Uses a reader-friendly Q&A format that enables quick and easy crossjurisdictional comparisons
    • Includes contributions from leading local practitioners who are experts in the field
    • Addresses the key questions of multinational organisations
    • Transfer pricing: covers topics such as legislative framework; national policy initiatives; revenue authority initiatives; administrative guidelines; case law; penalties; dispute resolution mechanisms
    • Tax avoidance: covers topics such as acceptable tax planning areas; definitions of abusive tax avoidance; legislative framework; key case law; penalties; current trends
    • Provides straightforward, practical commentary on each jurisdiction and the respective legal systems
  • Part One: Transfer Pricing

    1.1  General Overview

    1.2 Identification of Legislative Framework

    1.2.1 Federal Legislation

    1.2.2  State and Provincial Legislative Interplay

    1.2.3 International Treaties and Agreements
    2.1 National Policy Issues

    2.1.1  Overall National Policy Announcements

    2.1.2 National Revenue Authority Initiatives

    2.1.3 Administrative Statements

    2.1.4 Administrative Guidelines

    3.1  Case Law

    3.1.2  Current Cases

    3.1.3  Historical Cases of Note

    4.1 Penalties

    4.1.2  Types

    4.1.3  Special or Notable Cases

    5.1  Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

    5.1.2  Preferred National Options

    5.1.3  International Choices

    Part Two: Tax Avoidance

    6.1  Acceptable Tax Planning Areas / Subjects

    7.1  Defining Abusive Tax Avoidance (National Considerations)

    8.1  The Legislative Framework

    9.1   Key Cases of Interest

    9.1.1  Current Cases

    9.1.2  Key Historical Cases

    10.  Penalties
    10.1  Legislative Provisions
    10.1.2  Examples of Penalties Imposed

    11   Current Trends
    11.1  National Policy and Law
    11.1.2  The Impact and Role of the OECD and Other International Relations

    David W. Chodikoff specializes in Tax Litigation (Civil and Criminal) and International Tax Dispute Resolution. He represents clients in tax disputes with government tax authorities before the courts.


    Miller Thomson enjoys a reputation as one of Canada’s most respected national business law firms. Through strategic growth, Miller Thomson has added enhanced capabilities, depth and resources in many core and specialty areas of expertise.


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