

Transfer of Property and Private International Law

Transfer of Property and Private International Law

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Edward Elgar Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781785361173
  • 出版时间 December 2016
  • 规格: Hardback , 1992 pages
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    This comprehensive new title brings together seminal articles on the subject of transfer of property and private international law, ranging from the early twentieth century to present day. The first volume focuses on classic principles concerning the lex situs rule, as well as on specialities regarding immovable property, tangible movable property and intangible property, conditional sale and securities transactions, goods in transit and confiscation of property. The second volume is devoted to an in-depth and insightful discussion of cultural property and private international law. Together with an original introduction by the editor, this collection provides a valuable source of reference for researchers, academics and scholars alike.

  • Introduction
    Janeen M. Carruthers

    1. Robby Alden (1987), ‘Notes – Modernizing the Situs Rule for Real Property Conflicts’, Texas Law Review, 65 (3), February, 585–633
    2. Ian F.G. Baxter (1964), ‘Conflicts of Law and Property’, McGill Law Journal, 10 (1), 1–37
    3. Joseph H. Beale (1919), ‘The Situs of Things’, Yale Law Journal, XXVIII (6), April, 525–41
    4. Wendell Carnahan (1935), ‘Tangible Property and the Conflict of Laws’, University of Chicago Law Review, 2 (3), April, 345–84
    5. Peter B. Carter (1981), ‘Decisions of British Courts During 1981 Involving Questions of Public or Private International Law: B. Private International Law: Note – Transfer Inter Vivos of Movable Property’, British Yearbook of International Law, 52 (1), 329–34
    6. J.A. Clarence-Smith (1963), ‘Classification by the Site in the Conflict of Laws’, Modern Law Review, 26 (1), January, 16–33
    7. Celia Wasserstein Fassberg (2002), ‘On Time and Place in Choice of Law for Property’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 51 (2), April, 385–400
    8. Mitchell Franklin (1932), ‘Comparative Law – Security of Acquisition and of Transaction: La Possession Vaut Titre and Bona Fide Purchase’, Tulane Law Review, 6, 589–612
    9. C.S.P. Harding and M.S. Rowell (1977), ‘Protection of Property versus Protection of Commercial Transactions in French and English Law’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 26 (2), April, 354–80
    10. David Colwyn Williams (1959), ‘Land Contracts in the Conflict of Laws –Lex Situs: Rule or Exception’, Hastings Law Journal, 11, November, 159–73
    11. Walter Wheeler Cook (1939), ‘'Immovables' and the 'Law' of the ‘Situs’: A Study in the Ambiguity of Legal Terminology’, Harvard Law Review, 52 (8), June, 1246–74
    12. Brainerd Currie (1953–4), ‘Full Faith and Credit to Foreign Land Decrees’, University of Chicago Law Review, 21 (4), Autumn, 620–79
    13. Alex Donaldson (1951), ‘The Lex Situs and Heritable (Or Real) Property’, International Law Quarterly, 4 (1), January, 100–10
    14. Moffatt Hancock (1967), ‘Conceptual Devices for Avoiding the Land Taboo in Conflict of Laws: The Disadvantages of Disingenuousness’, Stanford Law Review, 20 (1), November, 1–40
    15. Peter Hay (1988) ‘The Situs Rule in European and American Conflicts Law – Comparative Notes’, in Peter Hay and Michael H. Hoeflich (eds), Property Law and Legal Education: Essays in Honor of John. E Cribbet, Urbana and Chicago, IL, USA: University of Illinois Press, 109–32
    16. Fritz Hellendall (1941), ‘The Characterization of Proprietary Rights to Tangible Movables in the Conflict of Laws’, Tulane Law Review, XV, 374–93
    17. Fr. Vinding Kruse (1958), ‘What Does “Transfer of Property” Mean with Regard to Chattels? A Study in Comparative Law’, American Journal of Comparative Law, 7 (4), Autumn, 500–15
    18. J.H.C. Morris (1945), ‘The Transfer of Chattels in the Conflict of Laws’, British Yearbook of International Law, XXII, 232–48
    19. Elihu Schott and Charles Rembar (1938), ‘Notes – Choice of Law for Land Transactions’, Columbia Law Review, 38 (6), June, 1049–59
    20. Joseph William Singer (2014), ‘Property Law Conflicts’, Washburn Law Journal, 54 (1), Fall, 129–60
    21. Russell J. Weintraub (1966), ‘An Inquiry into the Utility of “Situs” as a Concept in Conflicts Analysis’, Cornell Law Quarterly, 52 (1), Fall, 1–42
    22. Fletcher R. Andrews (1939), ‘Situs of Intangibles in Suits against Nonresident Claimants’, Yale Law Journal, 49 (2), December, 241–73
    23. Joanna Benjamin (1998), ‘Determining the Situs of Interests in Immobilised Securities’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 47 (4), October, 923–34
    24. Mark Moshinsky (1992), ‘The Assignment of Debts in the Conflict of Laws’, Law Quarterly Review, 109, October, 591–625
    25. P.J. Rogerson (1990), ‘The Situs of Debts in the Conflict of Laws – Illogical, Unnecessary and Misleading’, Cambridge Law Journal, 49 (3), November, 441–60
    26. (1956), ‘Note – Situs of Intangible Property in Conflict of Laws’, St. John's Law Review, 30 (2), May, 224–36
    27. David F. Cavers (1960), ‘The Conditional Seller's Remedies and the Choice-of-Law Process – Some Notes on Shanahan’, New York University Law Review, 35, June, 1126–49
    28. M.R. Chesterman (1973), ‘Choice of Law Aspects of Liens and Similar Claims in International Sale of Goods’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 22 (2), April, 213–53
    29. J.L.R. Davis (1964), ‘Conditional Sales and Chattel Mortgages in the Conflict of Laws’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 13 (1), January, 53–77
    30. F. Hellendall (1939), ‘The Res in Transitu and Similar Problems in the Conflict of Laws’, Canadian Bar Review, XVII, 7–36, 105–25
    31. George W. Stumberg (1942), ‘Chattel Security Transactions and the Conflict of Laws’, Iowa Law Review, 27, 528–51
    32. David H. Vernon (1962), ‘Recorded Chattel Security Interests in the Conflict of Laws’, Iowa Law Review, 47, 346–81
    33. Jacob S. Ziegel (1967), ‘Conditional Sales and the Conflict of Laws’, Canadian Bar Review, XLV, May, 284–334
    34. J.E.S. Fawcett (1950), ‘Some Foreign Effects of Nationalization of Property’, British Yearbook of International Law, XXVII, 355–75
    35. George A. van Hecke (1951), ‘Confiscation, Expropriation and the Conflict of Laws’, International Law Quarterly, 4 (3), July, 345–57
    36. F.A. Mann (1986), ‘Notes – The Effect in England of the Compulsory Acquisition by a Foreign State of the Shares in a Foreign Company’, Law Quarterly Review, 102, April, 191–97
    37. F.A. Mann (1959), ‘Outlines of a History of Expropriation’, Law Quarterly Review, 75, April, 188–219
    Volume II
    Introduction An introduction by the editor appears in Volume I
    1. Paul M. Bator (1982), ‘An Essay on the International Trade in Art’, Stanford Law Review, 34 (2), January, 275–384
    2. Andrea Biondi (1997), ‘The Merchant, the Thief and the Citizen: The Circulation of Works of Art Within the European Union’, Common Market Law Review, 34 (5), 1173–95
    3. Janet Blake (2000), ‘On Defining the Cultural Heritage’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 49 (1), January, 61–85
    4. David L. Carey Miller, David W. Meyers and Anne L. Cowe (2001), ‘Restitution of Art and Cultural Objects: A Re-assessment of the Role of Limitation’, Art, Antiquity and Law, 6 (1), March, 1–17
    5. Janeen M. Carruthers (2001), ‘Cultural Property and Law – An International Private Law Perspective’, Juridical Review, 3, 127–45
    6. Kevin Chamberlain (2002), ‘UK Accession to the 1970 UNESCO Convention’, Art, Antiquity and Law, 7 (3), September, 231–52
    7. Derek Fincham (2008), ‘How Adopting the Lex Originis Rule Can Impede the Flow of Illicit Cultural Property’, Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts, 32 (1), 111–150
    8. Derek Fincham (2007), ‘Rejecting Renvoi for Movable Cultural Property: The Islamic Republic of Iran v. Denyse Berend’, International Journal of Cultural Property, 14 (1), February, 111–20
    9. Claudia Fox (1993), ‘The UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects: An Answer to the World Problem of Illicit Trade in Cultural Property’, American University Journal of International Law and Policy, 9 (1), 225–67
    10. Patty Gerstenblith (2001), ‘The Public Interest in the Restitution of Cultural Objects’, Connecticut Journal of International Law, 16 (2), Spring, 197–246
    11. Ashton Hawkins, Richard A. Rothman and David B. Goldstein (1995), ‘A Tale of Two Innocents: Creating an Equitable Balance between the Rights of Former Owners and Good Faith Purchasers of Stolen Art’, Fordham Law Review, 64 (1), 49–96
    12. Andrea E. Hayworth (1993), ‘Notes – Stolen Artwork: Deciding Ownership is No Pretty Picture’, Duke Law Journal, 43 (2), November, 337–83
    13. Lawrence M. Kaye (1998), ‘Looted Art: What Can and Should be Done’, Cardozo Law Review, 20 (2), December, 657–70
    14. John Henry Merryman (1985), ‘Thinking About the Elgin Marbles’, Michigan Law Review, 83 (8), August, 1881–84, 1888–923
    15. John Henry Merryman (2005), ‘Cultural Property Internationalism’, International Journal of Cultural Property, 12 (1), February, 11–39
    16. Halina Nie? (1976), ‘Legislative Models of Protection of Cultural Property’, Hastings Law Journal, 27, May, 1089–122
    17. Norman Palmer (1994), ‘Recovering Stolen Art’, Current Legal Problems, 47 (2), 215–54
    18. Norman Palmer (2015), ‘The Best We Can Do? Exploring a Collegiate Approach to Holocaust-related Claims’, in Evelien Campfens (ed.), Fair and Just Solutions? Alternatives to Litigation in Nazi-Looted Art Disputes: Status Quo and New Developments, Part III, Chapter 7, The Hague, the Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing, 153–185
    19. Emily Pocock (2000), ‘Spoliation of Works of Art During the Holocaust and World War II Period - A Commentary on the National Museum Directors’ Conference First Progress Report on Provenance Research for the Period 1933–1945’, Art, Antiquity and Law, 5 (1), March, 81–96
    20. Lyndel V. Prott (1996), ‘UNESCO and UNIDROIT: A Partnership against Trafficking in Cultural Objects’, Uniform Law Review, 1 (1), January, 59–71
    21. Gerte Reichelt (1985), ‘International Protection of Cultural Property’, Uniform Law Review, os-13 (1), January, 42–153
    22. Christa Roodt (2013), ‘State Courts or ADR in Nazi-Era Art Disputes: A Choice “More Apparent than Real”?’, Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution, 14 (2), Winter, 421–63
    23. Christa Roodt and David Carey Miller (2013), ‘Stolen Cultural Property: Implications of Vitium Reale in Private Law and Private International Law’, Transnational Dispute Management, TDM 10 (5), October, 1–9
    24. Kimberly A. Short (1993), ‘Note – Preventing the Theft and Illegal Export of Art in a Europe without Borders’, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 26, 633–65
    25. Kurt Siehr (1998), ‘The Protection of Cultural Property: The 1995 UNIDROIT Convention and the EEC Instruments of 1992/93 Compared’, Uniform Law Review, 3 (2–3), April, 671–83
    26. Kurt Siehr (1997), ‘The Protection of Cultural Heritage and International Commerce’, International Journal of Cultural Property, 6 (2), July, 304–25
    27. Symeon C. Symeonides (2005), ‘A Choice-of-Law Rule for Conflicts Involving Stolen Cultural Property’, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 38 (4), October, 1177–98
    28. Charlotte Woodhead (2013), ‘Nazi Era Spoliation: Establishing Procedural and Substantive Principles’, Art, Antiquity and Law, XVIII (2), July, 167–92
