

Coming Soon Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong, 4th Edition (e-Book only)

Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong, 4th Edition (e-Book only)

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Sweet & Maxwell Hong Kong
  • ISBN: 9789888590230
  • 出版时间 March 2025
  • 规格: e-Book , 1400 pages
  • 适应领域: Hong Kong ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥4,634.20

¥4,495.17 Save ¥139.03 (3%)

发货时间:大约 2 weeks ?Extra 2-10 working days for address outside Hong Kong

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    Remarks: PRINT version is also available. Please click here to purchase the PRINT version.


     Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong, 4th edition has been thoroughly revised to take account of the many recent developments in this ever-dynamic area of law. Chapters on negligence, defences, defamation, vicarious liability, causation, trespass to person and economic torts have been largely rewritten. There are also new sections on diseases, sports liability, road users, public authority liability, child abuse, omissions, and online defamation.  

    New decisions considered include:

    • Robinson v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police [2018] UKSC 4 (negligence – duty of care);
    • Monat Investment Ltd v All persons in occupation etc [2023] HKCA 479 (illegality defence);
    • Trustees of the Barry Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses v BXB [2023] UKSC 15 (vicarious liability); 
    • CCIG Investments Pty Ltd v Schokman [2023] HCA 21 (vicarious liability);
    • Fearn v Board of Trustees of the Tate Gallery [2023] UKSC 4 (nuisance);
    • Jonathan Lu v Paul Chan Mo Po [2018] HKCFA 11 (defamation – qualified privilege);
    • Chang Wa Shan v Esther Chan Pui Kwan [2018] HKCFA 29 (malicious falsehood);
    • Secretary for Justice v Persons Unlawfully and Wilfully Conducting etc [2019] HKCFI 2773 (harassment – doxxing);
    • Eton Properties Ltd v 廈門新景地集團有限公司 [2020] HKCFA 32 (tort of inducing a breach of contract);
    • Paul v Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust [2024] 2 WLR 417 (psychiatric injury);
    • Swarnjit Kaur v Lo's Cleaning Services Ltd [2023] 3 HKLRD 629 (safe system of work)
    1. The Nature of Tort Law
    2. Negligence
    3. Occupier's Liability
    4. Professional Liability
    5. Product Liability
    6. Causation
    7. Defences
    8. Vicarious Liability
    9. Trespass to the Person
    10. Trespass to Land
    11. Wrongful Interference with Goods
    12. Nuisance
    13. Rylands v Fletcher
    14. Environmental Torts
    15. Animals
    16. Breach of Statutory Duty
    17. Misfeasance in Public Office
    18. Defamation
    19. Malicious Falsehood
    20. Breach of Confidence
    21. Privacy
    22. Anti-Discrimination
    23. Economic Torts
    24. Deceit
    25. Statutory Intellectual Property Rights
    26. Passing Off
    27. Damages
    28. Injunctions
    29. Limitation
    30. Discharge of Torts
    31. Conflict of Laws
  • Editor-in-Chief

    Mr Justice Kemal Bokhary GBM, NPJ

    General Editors

    Dr Normann Witzleb is an Associate Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law, and an Adjunct Associate Professor at Monash University, Faculty of Law. He has published widely on torts, remedies and privacy laws. He is admitted as a Barrister of the High Court of Australia and a Legal Practitioner of the Australian Capital Territory.

    Dr Neerav Srivastava is a Lecturer at Deakin Law School specialising in law and technology, in particular digital platforms and artificial intelligence. Dr Srivastava recently completed his PhD at Monash University. He has been cited in Hong Kong courts, published in respected journals, and won publication prizes. He was awarded a scholarship prize in his PCLL studies.


    Anton Cooray
    Fergus Chan
    Jeff Chan
    Peter Chang
    Tommy Cheung
    Martin Lau
    Alice Lee
    Wilson Lui
    Jack Lui
    PY Lo
    Stefan Lo
    Michael Ramsden
    Peter Reading
    Ashok K. Sakhrani
    Charu Sharma
    Gary Soo
    Neerav Srivastava
    DK Srivastava
    Shrina Daswani
    Christopher Tung
    John Hui
    Isaac Yung
    Kenny Wong
    Thomas Wong
    Thomas Yeon
    Tim Kwok
    Normann Witzleb


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