

Tolley's Health and Safety at Work (service with CD-ROM - Pay-As-You-Go Version)

Tolley's Health and Safety at Work (service with CD-ROM - Pay-As-You-Go Version)

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: LexisNexis U.K. (S)
  • ISBN: 9780754508151
  • 出版时间 Subscription-type (Contents updated periodically)
  • 规格: Loose-leaf + CD-ROM
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
发货时间:大约 4-5 weeks
Extra 2-10 working days if shipping address outside Hong Kong
Free delivery Hong Kong?
Hong Kong: free delivery (order over HKD 1000)
  • 描述 
  • 大纲 
  • 详细

    Written by a team of experts on health and safety, this bestselling looseleaf service provides a comprehensive, accessible and frequently updated source of material covering all aspects of health and safety as well as related environmental and employment issues in an easy-to-use A-Z format. Providing clear interpretation of legislation and regulations, on a range of subjects from accident reporting to workplaces and welfare facilities, this looseleaf is updated six times a year with full chapter inserts (issues are invoiced separately on publication). A stop press section in every update highlights any recent or forthcoming changes.

    In addition, the looseleaf contains tables of regulations and statutes, and lists the current HSE publications and guidance, relevant British Standards, and useful names and addresses of organisations.

    New chapters in Tolley's Health and Safety at Work:

    * Accident Reporting and Investigation
    * Business Continuity
    * Dangerous Goods Systems
    * Enforcement
    * Noise at Work
    * Occupational Health and Diseases
    * Occupiers' Liability
    * Rehabilitation
    * Safe Systems at Work
    * Ventilation
    * Vibration

    This service includes subscription to the Health and Safety at Work CD-ROM providing you with the full text of the looseleaf and:
    * The full text of relevant health, safety and environment legislation
    * A Build list function which allows the user to develop company policies and produce reports
    * A formfiller, which allows some forms to be filled in on screen and printed off
    * Powerful search tools which allow the user to instantly find relevant information
    * Hypertext links between the text commentary to both relevant legislation and other areas of related interest
    * A noticeboard which provides a round-up of recent developments
    * The service also comprises a monthly newsletter which provides you with all the latest news and guidance (included in the price for the first year only)

    Updates are invoiced separately on publication.


    Student Edition ISBN 不可用
    Paperback edition ISBN 不可用
    Hardback edition isbn 不可用
    Previous edition isbn 不可用
  • - Introduction
    - Access, Traffic Routes and Vehicles
    - Accident Reporting and Investigation
    - Asbestos
    - Business Continuity
    - Compensation for Work Injuries/Diseases
    - Community Health and Safety
    - Confined Spaces
    - Construction and Building Operations
    - Dangerous Goods Systems
    - Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres
    - Disaster and Emergency Management Systems
    - Display Screen Equipment
    - Electricity
    - Emissions into the Atmosphere
    - Employer's Liability Insurance
    - Employment Protection
    - Enforcement
    - Environmental Management
    - Ergonomics
    - Facilities Management - An Overview
    - Fire Prevention and Control
    - First-Aid
    - Food Safety and Standards
    - Gas Safety
    - Harassment in the Workplace
    - Hazardous Substances in the Workplace
    - Joint Consultation in Safety - Safety Representatives, Safety Committees, Collective Agreements and Works - Councils
    - Lifting Operations
    - Lighting
    - Machinery Safety
    - Major Accident Hazards
    - Managing Absence
    - Managing Health and Safety
    - Managing Work Related Road Safety
    - Manual Handling
    - Noise at Work
    - Occupational Health and Diseases
    - Occupiers' Liability
    - Offshore Operations; 
    - Personal Protective Equipment
    - Pressure Systems
    - Product Safety
    - Radiation
    - Rehabilitation
    - Risk Assessment
    - Safe Systems of Work
    - Statements of Health and Safety Policy
    - Stress at Work
    - Training and Competence in Occupational Safety and Health
    - Ventilation
    - Vibration
    - Violence in the Workplace
    - Vulnerable Persons
    - Work at Height
    - Working Time
    - Workplaces - Health, Safety and Welfare
    - Appendices
    - Tables
    - Index


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