

The Red Book: A Manual on Legal Style 4th ed

The Red Book: A Manual on Legal Style 4th ed

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: West Academic Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781642421002
  • 出版时间 July 2018
  • 规格: Spiral-bound paperback
  • 适应领域: U.S. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
New Edition is available now !
  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Since first appearing in 2002, Bryan Garner's The Redbook: A Manual on Legal Style has established itself as the go-to source for all questions of legal style (apart from citation form).

    The book isn't just one talented man's effort: Garner has two experienced coauthors plus a hands-on team of 54 editorial advisers, most of whom have long and valuable experience teaching LRW. The book is a one-of-a-kind resource - the legal writer's equivalent of The AP Stylebook or The Chicago Manual of Style. The brand-new fourth edition has lots of new material, including an especially helpful new chapter on handling quotations.

    The two exhaustive indexes (word and subject), plus the detailed table of contents, make it easy to find authoritative guidance within seconds, whatever the question might be. The author, Bryan Garner, is now the most frequently cited author in opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court. It's true: last term, four of his books were cited a total of 14 times (in the somewhat fewer than 90 cases decided).

    This term the count is on a similar pace. In American appellate decisions generally, Garner is at the top end of sources relied on.

  • Part 1: The Mechanics
    Italics, Boldface and Underlining
    Document Design
    Typographic Symbols
    Part 2: Grammar, Usage, and Editing
    Stuffy Words and Legalese
    Troublesome Words
    Editing and Proofreading
    Part 3: Legal Documents
    Case Briefs
    Business Correspondence
    E-mail Messages
    Research Memos
    Opinion Letters
    Demand Letters
    Affidavits and Declarations
    Appellate Briefs
    Judicial Opinions
    Legislation, Rules, and Regulations
    Part 4: Scholarly Writing
    Student Research Papers and Law-Review Notes
    Law-Review Articles
    Book Reviews
    Word Index
    General Index


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