

The Principles of the Law of Restitution, 4th Edition

The Principles of the Law of Restitution, 4th Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Oxford University Press
  • ISBN: 9780198885320
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198726388
  • 出版时间 May 2024
  • 规格: Hardback , 912 pages
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥1,645.00

¥1,595.65 Save ¥49.35 (3%)

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    The fourth edition of The Principles of the Law of Restitution brings this widely cited and influential volume fully up to date.

    Substantially rewritten to reflect significant changes in the law of restitution and the expansion in the theoretical and critical commentary on the subject, this book is grounded in its clarity of exposition and analysis. The new edition significantly expands existing chapters on the treatment of the history of unjust enrichment, enrichment, the treatment of legally effective bases for receipt, and compulsion. It further expands existing parts on restitution for wrongs and proprietary restitutionary claims as well as offering completely new chapters dealing with 'at the claimant's expense', 'absence of intent', and the defence of illegality. Focusing primarily on English law, the volume also engages with the law in other common law jurisdictions, notably Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Singapore. It provides a clear exposition of complex areas of law as well as critical analysis of that law.

    Timely and comprehensive, this book provides readers with a crucial guide to the law of restitution and will continue to be invaluable to student, academics, and practitioners alike.

  • 1. The Essence Of Restitution
    2. Themes And Controversies

    Part II Unjust Enrichment
    3. The Principle Of Unjust Enrichment
    4. Enrichment
    5. At The Expense Of The Claimant
    6. Principles Underlying The Recognition Of The Grounds Of Restitution
    7. Lawful Bases
    8. Ignorance
    9. Mistake
    10. Compulsion
    11. Exploitation
    12. Necessity
    13. Failure Of Basis
    14. Incapacity
    15. Restitution From Public Authorities

    Part III Restitution For Wrongs
    16. General Principles
    17. Restitution For Torts
    18. Restitution For Breach Of Contract
    19. Restitution For Equitable Wrongdoing
    20. Criminal Offences

    Part IV Proprietary Restitutionary Claims
    21. Establishing Proprietary Restitutionary Claims
    22. Restitutionary Claims And Remedies To Vindicate Property Rights
    23. The Defence Of Bona Fide Purchase

    Part V General Defences To Restitutionary Claims
    24. Fundamental Principles
    25. Defences Arising From Changes In The Defendants Circumstances
    26. Passing On And Mitigation Of Loss
    27. Illegality
    28. Incapacity
    29. Limitation Periods And Laches

  • Graham Virgo, University of Cambridge, Pro-Vice Chancellor

    Graham Virgo is Professor in English Private Law and Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education at the University of Cambridge, and Fellow of Downing College, Cambridge. He is also a Bencher of Lincoln's Inn. After graduating from Downing College in 1987, and studying for the BCL at Oxford, he lectured in criminal law, taxation, Equity and restitution. His main research interests are the law of restitution, criminal law, and Equity. He is a recipient of The Pilkington Teaching Prize of Cambridge University in Law (2002), recognized for Outstanding Teaching in Law and was nominated in 2013 for the OUP Law Teacher of the Year award.


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