

The Principles and Practice of International Aviation Law

The Principles and Practice of International Aviation Law

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Cambridge University Press
  • ISBN: 9781107697737
  • 出版时间 May 2014
  • 规格: Paperback , 459 pages
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥549.90

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    The Principles and Practice of International Aviation Law provides an introduction to, and demystification of, the private and public dimensions of international aviation law. Unlike other global sectors, the air transport industry is not governed by a discrete area of the law, but by disparate transnational regulatory instruments. Everything from the routes that an international air carrier can serve to the acquisition of its fleet and its liability to passengers and shippers for incidents arising from its operations can be the object of bilateral and multilateral treaties that represent diverse and often contradictory interests. Beneath this are hundreds of domestic regulatory regimes that also apply national and international rules in disparate ways. The result is an agglomeration of legal cultures that can leave even experienced lawyers and academics perplexed. By combining classical doctrinal analysis with insights from newer disciplines such as international relations and economics, the book maps international aviation law's complex terrain for new and veteran observers alike.

    • Provides full coverage of international aviation law's public and private dimensions • Incorporates theoretical insights from non-law disciplines, including international relations theory and economics • Serves as a bridge to other areas of international law, including transnational investment law and international peace and security law

  • 1. What is international aviation law?; 2. The foundations of public international aviation law; 3. The international law regime for trade in air services; 4. The international law regime for airline investment and global alliances; 5. The international law regime for aviation safety and security; 6. The international law regime for aviation and the environment; 7. The international legal regime for air carrier liability and surface damage; 8. The international law regime for aircraft financing and aircraft nationality.

  • Brian F. Havel
    DePaul University School of Law

    Gabriel S. Sanchez
    DePaul University School of Law

  • 'Havel and Sanchez have written a magisterial volume on international aviation law, one that belongs on the desk of every scholar and practitioner in the field. Filling a decades-old gap in the legal literature, they have rendered the aviation community an enormous service with a balanced and nuanced treatment of the full panoply of air law, including the most contentious issues.' John Byerly, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Transportation Affairs

    'The Principles and Practice of International Aviation Law is to be greatly welcomed as a forward-looking update to existing aviation law publications. Reminiscent of the 'Chicago School' of economics, authors Havel and Sanchez represent a 'Chicago School' of aviation law that is leaving its own distinct footprint on the global aviation community. The book employs a broadly contextualized and innovative approach to complete a topical picture of international aviation law in an interesting and practical manner as rightly suggested by the title.' Pablo Mendes de Leon, Universiteit Leiden

    'This is a long-needed contemporary overview of the dynamic and distinctive world of international aviation law. It is comprehensive in its subject coverage, sophisticated in its analysis and use of interdisciplinary concepts, and puts the past, present and speculations about the future in context. Anyone interested in the subject should want a copy.' Michael E. Levine, Distinguished Research Scholar and Senior Lecturer, New York University School of Law


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