1: The Future of Law and Economics,, Gary Becker and Richard Posner
Part I. Methodology and Foundations
2: Economic Models of Law, Thomas Miceli
3: Empirical Law and Economics, Jonathan Klick
4: Bounded Rationality, Behavioral Economics, and the Law, Christine Jolls
5: Experimental Economics and the Law, Charles Holt and Sean Sullivan
6: Experimental Psychology and the Law, Tess Ryan-Wilkinson
7: Social Psychology and the Law, Pam Mueller and Janice Nadler
8: Evolutionary Law and Economics, Georg von Wangenheim
9: Public Choice Theory and Legal Institutions, Daniel A. Farber
10: Constitutional Economics and the Law, Stefan Voigt
11: Law, Economics, and Positive Political Theory, Emerson H. Tiller
12: Contractarian Perspectives in Law and Economics, Georg Vanberg and Viktor Vanberg
13: Austrian Perspectives in Law and Economics, Shruti Rajagopalan and Mario J. Rizzo
14: Moral Philosophy and Law and Economics, Brian Bix
15: Critiques of Law and Economics, David Driesen and Robin Malloy
Part II. Concepts and Tools
16: Income Redistribution through the Law, Chris Sanchirico
17: Cost-Benefit Analysis in Legal Decision-Making, Richard Zerbe
18: Well-Being and Public Policy, John Bronsteen, Christopher Buccafusco, and Jonathan Masur
19: Value-Driven Behavior and the Law, Tom Tyler
20: Carrots vs. Sticks, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci and Gerrit DeGeest
21: Law and Social Norms, Emanuela Carbonara
22: Mechanism Design and the Law, Werner Güth
23: Collective Decision Making and Jury Theorems, Shmuel Nitzan and Jacob Paroush
Part I. Private Law
1: Economics of Contract Law, Douglas Baird
2: Theory of Efficient Breach, Daniel Markovits and Alan Schwartz
3: Economics of Tort Law, Jennifer Arlen
4: Estimating Pain and Suffering Damages, Ronen Avraham
5: Medical Malpractice, Ronen Avraham and Max M. Schanzenbach
6: Economics of Property Law, Henry Smith
7: Commons and Anticommons, Michael Heller
8: Economics of Intellectual Property Law, , Robert P. Merges
9: Trademarks and Unfair Competition, Clarisa Long
10: Law and Economics of Information, Tim Wu
11: Open-Access and Information Commons, Yochai Benkler
12: Family and Household Economics, Amy Wax
13: Economics of Remedies, Ariel Porat
Part II. Corporate, Commercial, and Environmental Law
14: The Economic Nature of the Corporation, Lynn Stout
15: Market for Corporate Law, Roberta Romano
16: Agency and Partnership, George M. Cohen
17: Banking and Financial Regulation, Steven L. Schwarcz
18: Economics of Bankruptcy, Michelle White
19: Law and Economics of Insurance, Daniel Schwarcz and Peter Siegelman
20: Economics of Environmental Law, Michael A. Livermore and Richard L. Revesz
Part I. Constitutions, Statutes, and Regulations
1: Optimal Constitutional Structure, Richard A. Epstein
2: Design of Constitutions, Thomas Ginsburg
3: Democratic Rulemaking, John M. de Figueiredo and Edward H. Stiglitz
4: Regulatory Decision-Making and Economic Analysis, Mariano-Florentino Cuellar and Jerry Mashaw
5: Economics of Federalism, Daniel Rubinfeld and Robert Inman
6: Economics of Tax Law, Daniel Shaviro
Part II. Civil Process and Litigation
7: Judge-Made Law and the Common Law Process, Ben Depoorter and Paul Rubin
8: Economics of Civil Procedure, Robert G. Bone
9: Economics of Evidence, Chris W. Sanchirico
10: Economics of Litigation, Bruce Kobayashi
11: Settlement and Trial, Andrew Daughety and Jennifer Reinganum
12: Legal Fees and Lawyers' Compensation, Winard Emons
13: Legal Profession and the Market for Lawyers, Albert Yoon
14: Law and Economics of Alternative Dispute Resolution, Talia Fisher
Part III. Crime and Punishment
15: Economics of Criminal Law, Isaac Ehrlich
16: Economics of Criminal Procedure, Keith Hylton
17: Guns and Crime, Anthony Braga
18: Prosecutorial Strategies, Roger Bowles
Part IV. Beyond National Legal Systems
19: Economics of Ancient Legal Systems, Geoffrey Miller
20: Economics of Legal History, Daniel Klerman
21: Economics of International Law, Alan Sykes and Andrew Guzman
22: Enforcement of International Law, Paul B. Stephan
23: International Finance and Sovereign Debt, W. Mark C. Weidemaier and Mitu Gulati
24: Economics of International Organizations, Joel Trachtman
25: Choice of Law and Conflict of Laws, Erin O'Hara