

The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Law

The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Law

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Oxford University Press
  • ISBN: 9780199679010
  • 出版时间 November 2018
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥1,468.75

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    This volume provides a comprehensive survey of the contemporary study of Islamic law and a critical analysis of its deficiencies. Written by outstanding senior and emerging scholars in their fields, it offers an innovative historiographical examination of the field of Islamic law and an ideal introduction to key personalities and concepts.

    While capturing the state of contemporary Islamic legal studies by chronicling how far the field has come, the Handbook also explains why certain debates recur and indicates fundamental gaps in our knowledge. Each chapter presents bold new avenues for research and will help readers appreciate the contested nature of key concepts and topics in Islamic law.

    This Handbook will be a major reference work for scholars and students of Islam and Islamic law for years to come.

  • Editors' Introduction, Anver M. Emon and Rumee Ahmed
    I. Discipline and Critique
    A. Islamic Legal Studies
    1: Islamic Legal Studies: A Critical Historiography, Ayesha Chaudhry
    2: Fiqh, Anver M. Emon
    3: Islamic Law and Gender, Saadia Yacoob
    4: Islamic Law and Theology, Rumee Ahmed
    5: Anthropology and Islamic Law, John R. Bowen
    6: Falsafa and Law, Andrew F. March
    Part II Legal Theory and Institutions
    A. Legal Theory
    7: Ijtihad, Anver M. Emon
    8: Imami Shi'i Legal Theory: From its Origins to the Early-Twentieth Century, Robert Gleave
    9: Custom in the Islamic Legal Tradition, Ayman Shabana
    10: The Historiography of Sunni Usul al-Fiqh, Youcef Soufi
    11: Ijma', Mairaj U. Syed
    B. Institutions
    12: al-Qadi, Mohammad Fadel
    13: Hisba and Muhtasib, Kristen Stilt and M. Safa Saraçoglu
    14: The Mazalim in Historiography, Matthieu Tillier
    Part III Origins, Empires, and States
    A. Historical Studies
    15: Origins of and Influences on Islamic law, Benjamin Jokisch
    16: The Classical Period: Scripture, Origins, and Early Development, Mariam Sheibani, Amir Toft, and Ahmed El Shamsy
    17: The Age of Development and Continuity, 12th-15th Centuries CE, Marion Katz
    18: The Historiography of Islamic Law During the Mamluk Sultanate, Matthew B. Ingalls
    19: Law in the Ottoman Empire, Haim Gerber
    20: A Historiography of Islamic Law in the Mughal Empire, M. Reza Pirbhai
    21: Delivering Justice: The Monarch's 'Urfi Courts and the Shari'a in Safavid Iran, Rula Jurdi Abisaab
    22: Anglo-Muhammadan Law, Syed Adnan Hussain
    23: Legislation as an Instrument of Islamic Law, Leonard Wood
    Part IV Regional Variations
    A. Muslim-Majority States
    24: Islamic Law and Society in Southeast Asia, Melissa Crouch
    25: Islamic Law in Post-Revolutionary Iran, Antonia Fraser Fujinaga
    26: The Turkish Republic, Ruth A. Miller
    27: Islamic Law in South Asia: A Testament to Diversity, Jeff Redding
    B. Muslim Minorities
    28: The Incorporation of Shari'a in North America: Enforcing the Mahr to Combat Women's Poverty Post-Relationship Dissolution, Natasha Bakht
    29: Islamic Law in Western Europe, Mathias Rohe
    30: Shari'a in Australia, Abdullah Saeed
    Part V Substantive Legal Areas
    A. Case Studies
    31: Islamic Law and Constitutions, Nathan J. Brown and Mara Revkin
    32: Islamic Law and Human Rights, Shannon Dunn
    33: Islamic Law and Finance, Anver M. Emon
    34: Animals, Kristen Stilt
    35: A Historiography of Islamic Family Law, Lynn Welchman


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