

The Oxford Handbook of Criminological Theory

The Oxford Handbook of Criminological Theory

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Oxford University Press USA
  • ISBN: 9780190457075
  • 出版时间 December 2015
  • 规格: Paperback , 736 pages
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
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  • 描述 
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    • Provides up-to-date chapters on the <"cutting edge>" of criminological theory, not providing a mere summary of standard schools of criminological thought, but probes special issues of current interest to scholars.

    Criminological theory texts typically follow a conventional format. Diverse writings are neatly packaged into schools of thought, which are given clear labels and conveyed a chapter at a time, with topics like control theory in one chapter and strain theory in another. 

    The Oxford Handbook of Criminological Theory takes a different approach across the criminological landscape. The volume is organized not around schools of thought but around themes that shape much thinking about and research on crime. This more unconventional approach seeks to show that criminological theory is not static but dynamic. In fact, most prominent scholars do not spend their time commenting upon and retesting theoretical propositions that have existed for many years. Rather, they move into more novel areas--areas often located in the interstitial junctures between more traditional theories. This Oxford Handbook presents a series of essays that captures not the past of criminology, but where theoretical explanation is headed. As a result, the volume is replete with new ideas, discussions of substantive topics with salient theoretical implications, and reviews and interpretations of literatures that illuminate promising avenues along which theory and research should evolve. Special attention is paid to how criminal participation is shaped intimately by individual traits, diverse social contexts, the situations in which the choice of crime is made, and exposure to coercive experiences. Each chapter can be read on its own--as furnishing an important analysis of a given theoretical issue--yet read as a whole, The Oxford Handbook of Criminological Theory offers a unique and deep understanding of criminology at its cutting edge.

    Readership: Undergraduate, graduate students, and faculty in criminology, criminal justice, sociology, law, and public policy.

  • Preface
    Section 1 Individual and Society
    Part I. Biosocial Criminology
    1. Revisiting Lombroso
    Matt DeLisi
    2. Biology and Crime
    Melissa Peskin, Yu Gao, Andrea L. Glenn, Anna Rudo-Hutt, Yaling Yang, and
    Adrian Raine
    3. Parenting and Crime
    John Paul Wright and Kevin M. Beaver
    Part II. Individuals and Crime
    4. The Psychology of Criminal Conduct
    Paula Smith
    5. Risk Factors and Crime
    Emily E. Tanner-Smith, Sandra Jo Wilson, and Mark W. Lipsey
    Part III. Social Sources of Offending
    6. Social Learning and Crime
    Emily Salisbury
    7. Hirschi's Criminology
    Barbara J. Costello
    8. General Strain and Urban Youth Violence
    Timothy Brezina and Robert Agnew
    9. Social Support and Crime
    Matthew D. Makarios and Tara Livelsberger
    Part IV. Crime and the Life Course
    10. Life-Course-Persistent Offenders
    Shawn D. Bushway
    11. Change in Offending across the Life Course
    Christopher J. Sullivan
    12. Two Approaches to Developmental/Life-Course Theorizing
    David P. Farrington and Rolf Loeber
    Section 2 Contexts of Offending
    Part V. Peers, Gangs, and Crime
    13. Peer Networks and Crime
    Dana L. Haynie and Derek A. Kreager
    14. Contemporary Gang Ethnographies
    Scott Decker and David Pyrooz
    15. Girls, Friends, and Delinquency
    Jean Marie McGloin and Stephanie DiPietro
    16. Gender and Theories of Delinquency
    Stacy De Coster, Karen Heimer, and Samantha R. Cumley
    Part VI. Communities and Crime
    17. Neighborhood Ties, Control, and Crime
    Barbara D. Warner and Audrey C. Clubb
    18. Community, Inequality, and Crime
    Graham C. Ousey and Matthew R. Lee
    19. Street Culture and Crime
    Mark T. Berg and Eric A. Stewart
    20. The Code of the Suburb and Drug Dealing
    Scott Jacques and Richard Wright
    Part VII. The American Experience and Crime
    21. Social Institutions and Crime
    Steven F. Messner, Richard Rosenfeld, and Susanne Karstedt
    22. The Market Economy and Crime
    Elliott Currie
    23. Immigration and Crime
    Charis E. Kubrin
    Section 3 Choice and Opportunity
    Part VIII. Deciding to Offend
    24. Choosing Street Crime
    Richard Wright and Volkan Topalli
    25. Choosing White-Collar Crime
    Neal Shover, Andy Hochstetler, and Tage Alalehto
    26. Emotions, Choice, and Crime
    Michael L. Benson and Tara Livelsberger
    Part IX. Opportunity Theories
    27. Routine Activity Theory
    Arelys Madero-Hernandez and Bonnie S. Fisher
    28. The Theory of Target Search
    Paul J. Brantingham and Patricia L. Brantingham
    29. Crime Places and Place Management
    Tamara D. Madensen and John E. Eck
    30. Multilevel Criminal Opportunity
    Pamela Wilcox, Brooke Miller Gialopsos, and Kenneth C. Land
    Section 4 Theories of Power and Punishment
    Part X. Critical Criminology
    31. Coercion and Crime
    Thomas Vander Ven and Mark Colvin
    32. Green Criminology
    Michael J. Lynch and Paul B. Stretesky
    Part XI. Theories of the Criminal Sanction
    33. Perceptual Deterrence Theory
    Ray Paternoster and Ronet Bachman
    34. The Effects of Imprisonment
    Cheryl Lero Jonson
    35. Coercive Mobility
    Natasha A. Frost and Todd R. Clear

  • Edited by Francis T. Cullen, Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati, and Pamela Wilcox, Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati

    Francis T. Cullen is Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati, where he also holds a joint appointment in Sociology. Pamela Wilcox is Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati. Together they are the editors of the Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory (Sage, 2010).

    Robert Agnew is Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Sociology at Emory University.; Tage Alalehto is Lecturer in Sociology at Umea University (Sweden).; Ronet Bachman is Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice at the University of Delaware.; Kevin Beaver is Associate Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University.; Michael L. Benson is Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati.; Mark T. Berg is Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at Indiana University.; Patricia L. Brantingham is University Professor and holds the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Chair in Computational Criminology in the School of Criminology and is Director of the Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies at Simon Fraser University.; Paul J. Brantingham is University Professor and holds the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Chair in Crime Analysis in the School of Criminology and is Associate Director of the Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies at Simon Fraser University.; Timothy Brezina is Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at Georgia State University.; Shawn D. Bushway is Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, and Public Administration and Policy, at the University at Albany, SUNY.; Todd R. Clear is Professor and Dean of The School of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University.; Audrey C. Clubb is a graduate student in the Department of Criminal Justice at Georgia State University.; Mark Colvin is Professor of Sociology at Kent State University.; Barbara J. Costello is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Rhode Island.; Francis T. Cullen is Distinguished Professor of Criminal Justice and Sociology at the University of Cincinnati.; Samantha R. Cumley is a doctoral student in Sociology at the University of Iowa.; Elliott Currie is Professor of Criminology, Law, and Society at the University of California, Irvine.; Stacy De Coster is Associate Professor of Sociology at North Carolina State University.; Scott Decker is Foundation Professor and Director of the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State University.; Matt DeLisi is Professor of Criminal Justice at Iowa State University.; Stephanie DiPietro is Assistant Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.; John E. Eck is Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati.; David P. Farrington is Professor of Psychological Criminology in the Institute of Criminology at Cambridge University.; Bonnie S. Fisher is Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati.; Natasha A. Frost is Associate Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Northeastern University.; Yu Gao is Assistant Professor of Psychology at Brooklyn College, City University of New York.; Brooke Miller Gialopsos is Assistant Professor of Sociology and Criminology at the College of Mount St. Joseph.; Andrea L. Glenn is Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore.; Dana L. Haynie is Professor of Sociology at The Ohio State University.; Karen Heimer is Professor of Sociology at the University of Iowa.; Andy Hochstetler is Associate Professor of Sociology at Iowa State University.; Scott Jacques is Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati.; Cheryl Lero Jonson is Assistant Professor of Political Science and Criminal Justice at Northern Kentucky University.; Susanne Karstedt is Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Leeds (United Kingdom).; Derek A. Kreager is Associate Professor of Sociology and Crime, Law, and Justice at Pennsylvania State University.; Charis E. Kubrin is Associate Professor of Criminology, Law and Society at the University of California, Irvine.; Kenneth C. Land is John Franklin Crowell Professor of Demographic Studies and Sociology at Duke University.; Matthew R. Lee is Professor of Sociology and Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development at Louisiana State University.; Mark W. Lipsey is Director of the Peabody Research Institute at Peabody College, Vanderbilt University.; Tara Livelsberger is a doctoral student in Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati.; Rolf Loeber is Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh.; Michael J. Lynch is Professor of Criminology at the University of South Florida.; Tamara D. Madensen is Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.; Arelys Madero-Hernandez is a doctoral student in Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati.; Matthew D. Makarios is Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.; Jean Marie McGloin is Associate Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Maryland.; Steven F. Messner is Distinguished Teaching Professor of Sociology at the University at Albany, SUNY.; Graham C. Ousey is the Arts & Sciences Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the College of William & Mary.; Ray Paternoster is Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Maryland.; Melissa Peskin is a doctoral candidate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.; David Pyrooz is a doctoral candidate in Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State University.; Adrian Raine is Chair of the Department of Criminology and Richard Perry University Professor of Criminology, Psychiatry, and Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.; Richard Rosenfeld is Curators' Professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.; Anna Rudo-Hutt is a graduate student in Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.; Emily Salisbury is Assistant Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice in the Hatfield School of Government, Portland State University.; Neal Shover is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Tennessee.; Paula Smith is Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati.; Eric A. Stewart is Associate Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University.; Paul B. Stretesky is Associate Professor of Public Affairs at the University of Colorado-Denver.; Christopher J. Sullivan is Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati.; Emily E. Tanner-Smith is a Research Associate at the Peabody Research Institute, Vanderbilt University.; Volkan Topalli is Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Georgia State University.; Thomas Vander Ven is Associate Professor of Sociology at Ohio University.; Barbara D. Warner is Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at Georgia State University.; Pamela Wilcox is Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati.; Sandra Jo Wilson is a Senior Research Associate and Associate Director of the Peabody Research Institute, Vanderbilt University.; John Paul Wright is Associate Professor and Graduate Director of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati.; Richard Wright is Curators' Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.; Yaling Yang is Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Neurology at the UCLA School of Medicine.


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