

The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Health Law

The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Health Law

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Oxford University Press
  • ISBN: 9780190846756
  • 出版时间 October 2021
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Health Law addresses some of the most critical issues facing scholars, legislators, and judges today: how to protect against threats to public health that can quickly cross national borders, how to ensure access to affordable health care, and how to regulate the pharmaceutical industry, among many others. When matters of life and death literally hang in the balance, it is especially important for policymakers to get things right, and the making of policy can be greatly enhanced by learning from the successes and failures of approaches taken in other countries. Where there are "common challenges" in law and health, there is much to be gained from experiences elsewhere. Thus, for example, countries that suffered early from the COVID-19 pandemic provided valuable lessons about public health interventions for countries that were hit later. Accordingly, the Handbook considers key health law questions from a comparative perspective.

    In health law, common challenges are frequent. In addition to ones already mentioned, there are questions about addressing the social determinants of health (e.g., poverty and pollution), organizing health systems to optimize use of available resources, ensuring that physicians provide care of the highest quality, protecting patient privacy in a data-driven world, and properly balancing patient autonomy with the interest in preserving life when reproductive and end-of-life decisions are made.

    This Handbook's wide scope and comparative take on health law are particularly timely. Economic globalization has made it increasingly important for different countries to harmonize their legal rules. Students, practitioners, scholars, and policymakers need to understand how health laws vary across national boundaries and how reforms can ensure a convergence toward an optimal set of legal rules, or ensure that specific legal arrangements are needed in particular contexts. Indeed, comparative analysis has become essential for legal scholars, and The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Health Law is the only resource that provides such an analysis in health law.

  • 1. Editors' Introduction to The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Health Law / Tamara Hervey, David Orentlicher
    Part I. Paradigms of Healthcare Systems, Law and Regulation
    2. Paradigms of Healthcare Systems, Law and Regulation: A Transatlantic Conversation / Alceste Santuari, William M. Sage
    Part II. Preventing Ill Health
    3. Introduction to Public Health Law / Wendy E. Parmet, Markus Frischhut, Amandine Garde, Brigit Toebes
    4. Communicable and Other Infectious Diseases: The EU Perspective / Markus Frischhut
    5. Communicable Disease / Wendy E. Parmet
    6. U.S. Law Relating to Non-Communicable Diseases / Wendy E. Parmet
    7. The Lack of Coherence in the European Union's Approach to Non-Communicable Disease Prevention / Amandine Garde
    8. Socio-Economic Health Inequalities in Europe: The Role of Law and Human Rights / Brigit Toebes
    9. Social Determinants in the United States / Wendy E. Parmet
    Part III. Treating Ill Health
    Access to the Health Care System
    10. Introduction to Access to Health Care / André den Exter, Mark A. Hall, Allison K. Hoffman, Keith Syrett
    11. The American Pathology of Inequitable Access to Medical Care / Allison K. Hoffman, Mark A. Hall
    12. Access to Health Care in Europe / André den Exter, Keith Syrett
    Regulation of Health Care Services, Facilities, and Transactions
    13. Introduction to Regulation of Professionals and Facilities / Deirdre Madden, Isaac D. Buck
    14. Regulation of Professionals and Facilities in Europe / Deirdre Madden
    15. Regulation of Professionals and Facilities in the United States / Isaac D. Buck
    16. Introduction to Antitrust and the Provision of Health Care in the United States and European Union: Common Challenges / Thomas Greaney, Okeoghene Odudu
    17. Health Care Services and EU Competition Law / Okeoghene Odudu
    18. Healthcare Antitrust in the United States: The Intersection of Regulation and Competition / Thomas Greaney
    19. Introduction to Fraud and Abuse Law / Tracey A. Elliott, Joan H. Krause
    20. Fraud and Abuse Law in the United States / Joan H. Krause
    21. Healthcare Fraud and Abuse in Europe / Tracey A. Elliott
    The Treatment Relationship: Confidentiality, Consent, and Conflicts of Interest
    22. Privacy and Integrity of Medical Information / Sharona Hoffman, Jean Herveg
    23. Patient Autonomy, Capacity, and Consent: Children / Jessica Berg, Emma Cave
    24. Patient Autonomy, Capacity, and Consent: Vulnerable Adults / Mary Donnelly, Jessica Berg
    25. Introduction to Provider Conflicts of Interest in Health Care / Suncana Roksandic, Richard S. Saver
    26. Provider Conflicts of Interest in U.S. Health Care: The Intractable Regulatory Challenge / Richard S. Saver
    27. Provider Conflicts of Interest in European Health Care: Trustworthy Physicians / Suncana Roksandic
    Medical Malpractice
    28. Medical Liability: Comparing Compensation Systems / Karl Harald Sovig, Barry Furrow
    Part IV. Regulating the Development and Use of Medical Treatments
    Human Experimentation and Research
    29. Introduction to Research with Human Participants / Carl H. Coleman
    30. Research with Human Participants in the European Union / David Townend, David Shaw
    31. Research with Human Participants in the United States / Carl H. Coleman
    32. Biobanks / Graeme T. Laurie, Carl H. Coleman
    Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Law
    33. Introduction to Medical Products Law / Erika Lietzan, Aurélie Mahalatchimy, Patricia J. Zettler
    34. Regulating Medicines in the United States / Erika Lietzan, Patricia J. Zettler
    35. Regulating Medicines in the European Union / Aurélie Mahalatchimy
    36. Regulating Medical Devices in the United States / Patricia J. Zettler, Erika Lietzan
    37. Regulating Medical Devices in the European Union / Aurélie Mahalatchimy
    Control, Use, and Allocation of Body Parts: Organs, Human Tissue, Blood
    38. Property in Human Body Parts: An Old Legal Question for a New Technological Age / Justine Pila
    39. Organ Transplantation / Joaquin Cayon-De Las Cuevas, David Orentlicher
    40. Introduction to Incomplete Commodification and Its Creeping Counterpart / Stéphanie Hennette Vauchez, Natalie Ram
    41. Incomplete Commodification in American Law / Natalie Ram
    42. Of Markets and Principles: The European Perspective / Stéphanie Hennette Vauchez
    Ethical and Legal Implications of Advances in Genetics
    43. Introduction to Genetics and the Law / Maxwell Mehlman, Mette Hartlev, Sonia Suter
    44. Genetics and the Law: United States / Maxwell Mehlman, Sonia Suter
    45. Genetics and the Law: Europe / Mette Hartlev
    46. Genetics and the Law: Conclusion / Maxwell Mehlman, Mette Hartlev, Sonia Suter
    Part V. Health Care at the Beginning and End of Life
    Reproductive Rights
    47. Introduction to the Right to Procreate and Assisted Reproductive Technologies / I. Glenn Cohen, Emily Jackson
    48. The Right to Procreate and Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Europe / Emily Jackson
    49. The Right(s) to Procreate and Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the United States / I. Glenn Cohen
    50. Introduction to the Right to Avoid Procreation and the Regulation of Pregnancy / Janne Rothmar Herrmann, Elizabeth Sepper
    51. The Right to Avoid Procreation and the Regulation of Pregnancy: A European Perspective / Janne Rothmar Herrmann
    52. The Right to Avoid Procreation and the Regulation of Pregnancy: A U.S. Perspective / Elizabeth Sepper
    The Right and "Duty" to Die
    53. Decisions at the End of Life / David Orentlicher, Judit Sándor


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