
The Milosevic Trial

The Milosevic Trial An Autopsy

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Oxford University Press
  • ISBN: 9780190270780
  • 出版时间 October 2015
  • 规格: Paperback , 696 pages
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    • This is the first cross-disciplinary examination of the longest, most controversial war crimes trial of the modern era and its contested legacy for the growing fields of international criminal law and post-conflict justice.
    • Three distinct types of author are brought together in this volume, addressing the interests of three distinct audiences: Actual trial participants, including members of the defense and prosecution; leading scholars of international criminal law; and area studies experts, the last including voices from the former Yugoslavia.
    • This volume incorporates law, political science, history and others perspectives, placing the trial and its impact in broader context relevant to thinkers and policymakers interested not only in the wars in Yugoslavia, but their practical lessons for other conflicts and other courts.

    The Milosevic Trial - An Autopsy provides a cross-disciplinary examination of the most controversial war crimes trial of the modern era and its contested legacy for the growing fields of international criminal law and post-conflict justice.

    The international trial of Slobodan Milosevic, who presided over the violent collapse of Yugoslavia - was already among the longest war crimes trials when Milosevic died in 2006. Yet precisely because it ended without judgment, its significance and legacy are specially contested. The contributors to this volume, including trial participants, area specialists, and international law scholars bring a variety of perspectives as they examine the meaning of the trial's termination and its implications for post-conflict justice. The book's approach is intensively cross-disciplinary, weighing the implications for law, politics, and society that modern war crimes trials create.

    The time for such an examination is fitting, with the imminent closing of the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal and rising debates over its legacy, as well as the 20th anniversary of the outbreak of the Yugoslav conflict. The Milosevic Trial - An Autopsy brings thought-provoking insights into the impact of war crimes trials on post-conflict justice.


    Readership: Scholars interested in international law, war crimes, Yugoslavia and Eastern European history.

  • Topical Index
    Forward: A Trial Terminated
    A Note on Reading This Book
    I. Vital Signs: The Milosevic Trial in Its Context
    1. The Context, Contested: Histories of Yugoslavia and its Violent Dissolution
    2. The Forum: The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
    3. The Man on Trial: Slobodan Milosevic
    4. IT-02-54, Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milosevic
    II. Causes of Death
    5. Real Justice, in Time: The Initial Indictment of Milosevic
    Clint Williamson (Chief Prosecutor for the EU Special Investigative Task Force)
    6. Real Justice or Realpolitik? The Delayed Indictment of Milosevic
    Cherif Bassiouni (DePaul University)
    . . .
    7. Slow Poison: Joinder and the Death of Milosevic
    Gideon Boas (Monash University)
    8. Joinder, Fairness and the Goals of International Criminal Justice
    Frédéric Mégret (McGill University)
    . . .
    9. Difficulties for the Participants: Indictment Correct, Trial Impossible
    Carla Del Ponte (Former Chief Prosecutor, ICTY and ICTR)
    10. Outside the Internal Dynamics of the Prosecution
    Kelly Dawn Askin (Open Society Justice Initiative)
    . . .
    11. In the Shadow of Non-Recognition: Milosevic and the Self-Represented Accused's Right to Justice
    Evelyn Anoya (Special Tribunal for Lebanon)
    12. The Legitimacy Paradox of Self-Representation
    Yuval Shany (Hebrew University)
    III. Reporting the Demise
    13. Guilty without a Verdict: Bosniaks' Perceptions of the Milosevic Trial
    Safia Swimelar (Elon University)
    14. The Hague Front in the Homeland War: Narratives of the Milosevic Trial in Croatia
    Christopher K. Lamont (University of Groningen)
    . . .
    15. Another Report on the Banality of Evil: The Cultural Politics of the Milosevic Trial in Kosovo
    Vjollca Krasniqi (University of Prishtina; University of Ljubljana)
    16. Conversations with Milosevic: Two Meetings, Bloody Hands
    Veton Surroi (KOHA Media Group)
    . . .
    17. Underwhelmed: Kosovar Albanians' Reactions to the Milosevic Trial
    Frances Trix (Indiana University)
    18. Airing Crimes, Marginalizing Victims: Political Expectations and Transitional Justice in Kosovo
    Denisa Kostovicova (London School of Economics)
    . . .
    19. Framing the Trial of the Century: Influences of, and on, International Media
    Klaus Bachmann (Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities)
    20. The Court and Public Opinion: Negotiating Tensions between Trial Process and Public Interest in Milosevic
    Judith Armatta (Formerly Coalition for International Justice)
    Maps and Photos
    IV. Final Examination
    21. Dead Man's Tale: Deriving Narrative Authority from the Terminated Milosevic Trial
    Timothy Waters (Indiana University)
    22. Beyond the Theater of International Justice: The Rule 98bis Decision in Milosevic
    Jens Meierhenrich (London School of Economics)
    . . .
    23. Can We Salvage a History of the Yugoslav Conflicts from the Milosevic Trial?
    Christian Axboe Nielsen (Aarhus University)
    24. Do Historians Need a Verdict?
    Florian Bieber (Karl-Franzens Universität Graz)
    . . .
    25. Body of Evidence: The Prosecution's Construction of Milosevic
    Marko Prelec (International Crisis Group)
    26. Milosevic and the Justice of Peace
    Alexander K.A. Greenawalt (Pace University)
    V. Disposing of the Body
    27. The Parting of Ways: Public Reckoning with the Recent Past in Post-Milosevic Serbia
    Jasna Dragovic-Soso (Goldsmiths)
    28. Antecedents to a Debate: Conflicts over the Transfer of Milosevic
    Vesna Pesic (Member of Parliament, Serbia)
    . . .
    29. The Show and the Trial: The Political Death of Milosevic
    Florian Bieber (Karl-Franzens Universität Graz)
    30. From Politics to Law, to Tedium, and Back
    Mark Drumbl (Washington & Lee University)
    VI. Reanimation: Designing Trials and Doing Justice after Milosevic
    31. Two Sides of the Same Coin? Judging Milosevic and Serbia before the ICTY and ICJ
    Yuval Shany (Hebrew University)
    32. Ambiguous Choices in the Trials of Milosevic's Serbia
    Tibor Várady (Central European University; Emory University)
    . . .
    33. Abdicated Legacy: The Prosecution's Use of Evidence from Milosevic
    Florence Hartmann (Formerly Office of the Prosecutor, ICTY)
    34. The Spider and the System: Milosevic and Joint Criminal Enterprise
    Harmen van der Wilt (University of Amsterdam)
    VII. Biopsy: Legacies of Milosevic
    Timeline with Chronological Index
    Author Biographies and Acknowledgments

  • Timothy Waters

    Timothy William Waters is Associate Professor of Law at Indiana University Maurer School of Law, where he teaches international and comparative law. He earned a BA from UCLA, a Masters in international affairs from Columbia, and a JD from Harvard. Professor Waters previously worked at the ICTY, where he helped draft the Kosovo indictment of Milosevic. He has also worked with the Open Society Institute, Human Rights Watch, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe on issues relating to the former Yugoslavia. He regularly contributes commentary to major print and online media, including the New York Times and Foreign Policy, and is a member of the advisory board of Nationalities Papers.


    Clint Williamson, Chief Prosecutor for the EU Special Investigative Task Force
    Cherif Bassiouni, DePaul University
    Gideon Boas, Monash University
    Frédéric Mégret, McGill University
    Carla Del Ponte, Former Chief Prosecutor, ICTY and ICTR
    Kelly Dawn Askin, Open Society Justice Initiative
    Evelyn Anoya, Special Tribunal for Lebanon
    Yuval Shany, Hebrew University
    Safia Swimelar, Elon University
    Christopher K. Lamont, University of Groningen
    Vjollca Krasniqi, University of Prishtina; University of Ljubljana
    Veton Surroi, KOHA Media Group
    Frances Trix, Indiana University
    Denisa Kostovicova, London School of Economics
    Klaus Bachmann, Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities
    Judith Armatta, Formerly Coalition for International Justice
    Jens Meierhenrich, London School of Economics
    Christian Axboe Nielsen, Aarhus University
    Florian Bieber, Karl-Franzens Universität Graz
    Marko Prelec, International Crisis Group
    Alexander K.A. Greenawalt, Pace University
    Jasna Dragovic-Soso, Goldsmiths
    Vesna Pesic, Member of Parliament, Serbia
    Florian Bieber, Karl-Franzens Universität Graz
    Mark Drumbl, Washington & Lee University
    Yuval Shany, Hebrew University
    Tibor Várady, Central European University; Emory University
    Florence Hartmann, Formerly Office of the Prosecutor, ICTY
    Harmen van der Wilt, University of Amsterdam


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