

The Insurance Act 2015: A New Regime for Commercial and Marine Insurance Law

The Insurance Act 2015: A New Regime for Commercial and Marine Insurance Law

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Informa Law
  • ISBN: 9781138683303
  • 出版时间 October 2016
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥1,292.50

¥1,253.73 Save ¥38.78 (3%)

发货时间:大约 4 weeks
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    The Insurance Act 2015 represents the first major reform of English commercial insurance law for many years. Its impact will be felt not only in England, where it will greatly affect both maritime and commercial insurance practice, but also elsewhere where English law is the law of choice in insurance contracts.

    Timed to coincide with the coming into force of the Act, The Insurance Act 2015: A New Regime for Commercial and Marine Insurance Law analyses in depth the key aspects of the Act and extensively restates and modifies a number of legal principles applying both at common law and under the Marine Insurance Act 1906.

    Offering much more than the usual commentary on legislation, this book provides critical in-depth analysis of the important topics as was all coverage of areas likely to spawn disputes in future. Written by leading practitioners and academics in the field, this book offers comprehensive, coherent and practical legal analysis of the changes introduced by the Insurance Act 2015.

    The Insurance Act 2015: A New Regime for Commercial and Marine Insurance Law will be of interest to practitioners, insurance professionals and academics

  • Chapter 1 (D. Hertzell, Consultant to BLM and Former Law Commissioner for Commercial and Common Law) The Insurance Act 2015: Background and Philosophy;
    Chapter 2 (P. MacDonald-Eggers QC, 7 KBW): The Fair Presentation of Commercial Risks Under the Insurance Act 2015
    Chapter 3 (Professor B. Soyer, Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law): Insurer's Duty of Good Faith-Path is Now Clear for Introduction of New Remedies
    Chapter 4 (Professor M. Clarke, St Johns College Cambridge): Future of Warranties and Other related Terms in Insurance Contracts
    Chapter 5 (S. Rainey QC, Quadrant Chambers): Remedies for Fraudulent Claims under the Insurance Act 2015
    Chapter 6 (Professor A. Tettenborn, Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law): Late payment of Claims- Better, But by No Means Perfect
    Chapter 7 (Associate Professor G. Leloudas, Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law): Contracting out of the New Regime
    Chapter 8 (Sir Bernard Rix, Arbitrator, Mediator, 20 Essex Street, Former Court of Appeal Judge) An Arbitrator's Perspective on the Insurance Act 2015


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