

The Images of the Consumer in EU Law: Legislation, Free Movement and Competition Law

The Images of the Consumer in EU Law: Legislation, Free Movement and Competition Law

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Hart Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781509921171
  • 出版时间 April 2018
  • 规格: Paperback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
  • Hardback Edition ISBN: 9781849465441
发货时间:大约 4-5 weeks
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    This book consists of contributions exploring from different perspectives the ‘images’ of the consumer in EU law. The images of the consumer form the foundation for various EU policies, more or less directly oriented towards the goal of consumer protection. The purpose of the volume is to establish what visions of the consumer there are in different contexts of EU law, whether they are consistent and whether EU law’s engagement with consumer-related considerations is sincere, or merely instrumental to the achievement of other goals.

    The chapters discuss how consumers should be protected in EU contract, competition, free movement and trade mark law. They reflect on the limits of the consumer empowerment rationale as the basis for EU consumer policy. The chapters look also at the variety of concerns consumers might have, including the cost of goods and services, access to credit, ethical questions of consumption, the challenges of excessive choice and the possibility to influence the content of regulatory measures and explore the significance of these issues for the EU’s legislative and judicial process.

    2. The Consumer: Marketised, Fragmentised, Constitutionalised HANS-W MICKLITZ
    3. The Images of the `Consumer' in EU Competition Law ALBERTINA ALBORS-LLORENS AND ALISON JONES
    4. Seeking the EU `Consumer' in Services of General Economic Interest ANGUS JOHNSTON
    5. Vulnerable Consumers in EU Law NORBERT REICH
    6. Changing Policy Paradigms of EU Consumer Credit and Debt Regulation IAIN RAMSAY
    7. The Importance of Law and Harmonisation for the EU's Confident Consumer CHRISTIAN TWIGG-FLESNER
    8. Empowerment is not the only Fruit STEPHEN WEATHERILL
    9. Targeted Consumer Protection STEFAN GRUNDMANN
    10. The Consumer as Regulator CHRISTOPHER HODGES
    11. Regulatory Cost, the Consumer, and the EU Constitutional Framework DOROTA LECZYKIEWICZ
    12. Ethical Consumption and the Internal Market LUCINDA MILLER
    13. Conformity of Goods, the Network Society, and the Ethical Consumer HUGH COLLINS
    14. The Consumer, the Citizen, and the Human Being GARETH DAVIES
    15. The Image of the Consumer in EU Trade Mark Law GRAEME B DINWOODIE AND DEV S GANGJEE
    16. The Consumer in European Regulatory Private Law VANESSA MAK
    17. The Court of Justice's `Paradigm Consumer' in EU Free Movement Law SYBE A DE VRIES
    18. Europe's (Lack of) Vision on Consumer Protection: A Case of Rhetoric Hiding Substance? GERAINT HOWELLS
    19. A Short History of Consumer Policy in the EU SIDNEY FREEDMAN


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