

The Effects of Financial Crises on the Binding Force of Contracts - Renegotiation, Rescission or Revision

The Effects of Financial Crises on the Binding Force of Contracts - Renegotiation, Rescission or Revision

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Springer-Verlag
  • ISBN: 9783319272542
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: Switzerland ? 免责申明:
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    This book is about one of the most controversial dilemmas of contract law: whether or not the unexpected change of circumstances due to the effects of financial crises may under certain conditions be taken into account. Growing interconnectedness of global economies facilitates the spread of the effects of the financial crises. Financial crises cause severe difficulties for persons to fulfill their contractual obligations.

    During the financial crises, performance of contractual obligations may become excessively onerous or may cause an excessive loss for one of the contracting parties and consequently destroy the contractual equilibrium and legitimate the governmental interventions. Uncomfortable economic climate leads to one of the most controversial dilemmas of the contract law: whether the binding force of the contract is absolute or not. In other words, unstable economic circumstances impose the need to devote special attention to review and perhaps to narrow the binding nature of a contract. Principle of good faith and fair dealing motivate a variety of theoretical bases in order to overcome the legal consequences of financial crises.

    In this book, all these theoretical bases are analyzed with special focus on the available remedies, namely renegotiation, rescission or revision and the circumstances which enables the revocation of these remedies. The book collects the 19 national reports and the general report originally presented in the session regarding the Effects of Financial Crises on the Binding Force of Contracts: Renegotiation, Rescission or Revision during the XIXth congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, held in Vienna, July 2014.

  • Part I General Report.
    General Report on the Effects of Financial Crises on the Binding Force of Contracts: Renegotiation, Rescission or Revision
    Rona Serozan.

    Part II National Reports.
    From Crisis to Crisis: Weakness of Contracts in Argentina
    Julio Cesar Rivera.
    Keeping the Balance: The Effects of Financial Crises on Contracts under Brazilian Law
    Anderson Schreiber.
    Les effets exerces par les crises financieres sur la force obligatoire des contrats: certitudes et incertitudes du droit quebecois en matiere d'imprevision
    Elise Charpentier and Nathalie Vezina.
    Can Financial Crisis Lead to the Application of the Institute of Changed Circumstances under Croatian Law?
    Maja Bukovac Puvaca, Gabrijela Mihelcic and Iva Tuhtan Grgic.
    Elimination of the Impacts of Financial Crisis on Legal Relationships according to Czech Private Law
    Marketa Selucka.
    Financial Crises and Danish Contract Law: No Room for Hardship
    Mads Bryde Andersen and Joseph Lookofsky.
    Crises financieres et contrats: le droit francais refuse la revision d'un contrat devenu desequilibre
    Remy Cabrillac.
    Financial Turmoil as a Change of Circumstances under Greek Contract Law
    Nikolaos A. Davrados.
    "All Roads Lead to Rome": The Multiple Grounds under Italian Law to Challenge a Contract Due to Supervening Changes of Circumstances
    Marco Torsello.
    Effects of a Bubble Economy on the Binding Force of Contracts:The 1990s Experience of Japan and Its Implications
    Shugo Kitayama.
    The Effects of Crises on the Binding Force of Contracts
    Polish Solutions
    Wojciech Robaczynski.
    Discussing the (Ab)Normality of Financial Crises as a Relevant Change of Circumstances Under Portuguese Law
    Manuel Carneiro da Frada and Mariana Fontes da Costa.
    L'imprevision dans le Nouveau Code Civil roumain enfante par la crise economique mondiale
    Dumitru Dobrev and Marilena Uliescu.
    The Russian Federation Legislation on the Effects of Financial Crises on the Binding Force of Contracts: Renegotiation, Rescission or Revision
    Natalia Georgievna Doronina and Natalia Guennadievna Semilyutina.
    The Effects of the Global Financial Crisis on the Binding Force of Contracts: A Focus on Disputes over Structured Notes in Taiwan
    Chang-hsien Tsai.
    Certainty over Clemency: English Contract Law in the Face of Financial Crisis
    Horace Yeung and Flora Huang.
    Financial Crisis and the Remedy of Rescission in the United States
    Aditi Bagchi.
    The Adaptation of the Contract in Turkish Law
    Basak Baysal.



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