

The Accredited Counter Fraud Specialist Handbook

The Accredited Counter Fraud Specialist Handbook

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: John Wiley & Sons
  • ISBN: 9781118798805
  • 出版时间 January 2015
  • 规格: Paperback , 304 pages
  • 适应领域: U.S. ? 免责申明:
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List Price: S$127.50

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    The most complete, step-by-step guide to the ACFS qualification

    The Accredited Counter Fraud Specialist Handbook is the only guide designed to support all mandatory elements of the ACFS qualification, in-depth and step-by-step. Written by recognized industry leaders, this book focuses specifically on the practitioner's role in fraud investigation in England and Wales, providing complete information about each stage in the investigative process. Readers gain access to all of the information needed to successfully complete the ACFS qualification, and to develop an awareness of the key skills required to undertake efficient, legally compliant, professional investigations. The book includes a Directory of Useful Information, featuring legislation, codes of practice, model forms, and more.

    As incidence of fraud continues to rise, many organisations are recruiting more Counter Fraud Specialists, and mandating Continuous Professional Development for established CFSs. The Accredited Counter Fraud Specialist (ACFS) is a recognized qualification in the field, and is mandatory for investigators in many organisations throughout the public and private sectors. The Accredited Counter Fraud Specialist Handbook is a complete guide to the qualification, both for CPD and first-time qualifiers.

    • Gain a deeper understanding of the legislation related to fraud and investigation
    • Learn the surveillance and intelligence gathering techniques that build a solid case
    • Review the rules of evidence and statement taking guidelines
    • Follow courtroom procedures and prepare a thorough prosecution file

    The professional qualification of ACFS, which is endorsed by the Counter Fraud Professional Accreditation Board, requires both practical and written assessments that demonstrate successful knowledge transfer and understanding of all key concepts of the investigative process. For anyone tasked with the responsibility of countering fraud, The Accredited Counter Fraud Specialist Handbook is a comprehensive guide to the investigative process.


    Student Edition ISBN 不可用
    Previous edition isbn 不可用
    Hardback edition isbn 不可用
    Paperback edition ISBN 不可用
  • 1 How the counter fraud profession developed and what the counter fraud professional should be 1

    2 The Fraud Act 2006 and fraud related legislation 17

    3 Governing legislation 53

    4 Organising and planning an investigation 101

    5 Covert investigation 123

    6 Investigative interviewing 143

    7 Rules of disclosure and evidence 165

    8 The courtroom process 189

    9 Civil law 205

    10 Resource compendium 225

    References 275

    Index 285

  • MARTIN TUNLEY is a Senior Lecturer in Counter Fraud Studies at the Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, University of Portsmouth. He is an Accredited Counter Fraud Specialist, an Accredited Counter Fraud Manager and an Accredited Criminal Intelligence Analyst.

    ANDREW WHITTAKER is a Senior Manager with PKF Littlejohn LLP. He is chair of the Counter Fraud Professional Accreditation Board's Training and Education Committee and is an Accredited Counter Fraud Trainer, an Accredited Counter Fraud Specialist and an Accredited Security Management Specialist.

    JIM GEE is Head of Forensic and Counter Fraud Services at PKF Littlejohn LLP, Chair of the Centre for Counter Fraud Studies, and a Visiting Professor at the University of Portsmouth. Jim was founding CEO of the NHS Counter Fraud Service, and has worked for Governments and private companies in 38 countries, including as a senior advisor on fraud to the UK Attorney General.

    MARK BUTTON is Director of the Centre for Counter Fraud Studies at the Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, University of Portsmouth. Mark also holds the position of Head of Secretariat of the Counter Fraud Professional Accreditation Board.


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