

Street on Torts, 16th Edition

Street on Torts, 16th Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Oxford University Press
  • ISBN: 9780198865506
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198811169
  • 出版时间 May 2021
  • 规格: Paperback , 824 pages
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥575.75

¥558.48 Save ¥17.27 (3%)

发货时间:大约 2 weeks
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  • 描述 
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  • 作者 
  • 评论
  • 详细

    • incisive treatment of the law of torts building upon decades of scholarly work
    • focus on key concepts and clear explanations
    • content mapped closely to undergraduate courses


    Tried and tested by generations of students, Street on Torts provides a wide-ranging, clear and accurate explanation of the law of torts. Witting incorporates the latest learning on each of the torts covered in this book to provide a thoughtful account of the purposes, rules, and operation of the law.

    Coverage has been closely mapped to undergraduate law courses around the UK. 

    Readership: Suitable for undergraduate students taking a module in tort law as part of the LLB degree course.

  • Part I. Introduction
    1.: Overview of tort law
    Part II. Negligent invasions of personal, property, and financial interests
    2.: Duty of care I: foundational principles
    3.: Duty of care II: recognised harm
    4.: Duty of care III: public authorities
    5.: Breach of duty
    6.: Causation and remoteness
    7.: Defences to negligence
    8.: Liability for defective premises and structures
    Part III. Intentional invasions of interests in the person and property
    9.: Trespass to the person and related torts
    10.: Wrongful interference with goods
    11.: Trespass to land
    12.: Defences to intentional torts against the person or property
    Part IV. Interference with economic and intellectual property interests
    13.: Background to the protection of economic and intellectual property interests
    14.: False representations
    15.: The general economic torts
    Part V. Torts involving strict or stricter liability
    16.: Product liability
    17.: Nuisance
    18.: The rule in Rylands v Fletcher
    19.: Breach of statutory duty
    Part VI. Interests in reputation: defamation
    20.: Defamation: foundational principles
    21.: Defences and remedies in defamation
    Part VII. Misuse of private information
    22.: Misuse of private information
    Part VIII. Misuse of process and public powers
    23.: Misuse of process and public powers
    Part IX. Parties and remedies
    24.: Vicarious liability
    25.: Capacity and parties
    26.: Remedies: basic principles
    27.: Principles of compensation for personal injuries and associated losses
    Additional chapter on ORC: Animals

  • Christian Witting is Professor of Law at the University of Exeter and a Fellow of the European Centre for Tort and Insurance Law, Vienna. He is also a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of Australia, formerly in service with the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department. Witting is the author of Liability for Negligent Misstatements(OUP) and of highly regarded articles on tort law and company law.

  • Review(s) from previous edition

    "One of the best textbooks in the area. An authoritative volume which presents a very clear explanation of the essential issues of tort law. - Dr Peter Whelan, Associate Professor in Law, University of Leeds


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