

Strategic Use of Trusts in Tax and Estate Planning, 3rd Edition

Strategic Use of Trusts in Tax and Estate Planning, 3rd Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: CCH Canada
  • ISBN: 9781554969920
  • 出版时间 January 2018
  • 规格: Online , 639 pages
  • 适应领域: Canada ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥1,278.40

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  • 描述 
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    Strategic Use of Trusts in Tax and Estate Planning provides comprehensive and concise coverage of practical strategies and tactics to maximize the use of trusts in tax, estate, and financial planning.

    The 3rd edition is fully updated and comments in detail on the many areas that have significantly changed since the previous edition (from 2016): tax on split income (TOSI), US estate tax developments, principal residence exemption changes, and much more. Here are just some of the topics that are covered in depth in this new edition.

    • New Tax on Split Income rules (TOSI)
    • Who is subject to TOSI;
    • How TOSI applies in a variety of situations - including different corporate structures, inheritances, spouses living separate and apart, prescribed loans, and multiplication of the capital gains exemption
    • Changes to the taxation of testamentary trust income, including
    • Evaluation of testamentary spousal and family trusts as a valuable tax planning strategy;
    • Pros and cons of using a trust vs. an enduring power of attorney;
    • Combining a tainted and a regular testamentary spousal trust; and more
    • Recent amendments to the principal residence exemption
    • Which trusts can still benefit from the exemption;
    • How to handle trusts that can no longer benefit from the deduction; and
    • A discussion of the transitional rules
    • US Estate Tax - Trump's Tax Reform
    • A review of recent cases and developments on a variety of topics, including attribution rules, GAAR, and graduated rate estates ("GREs")
    • New trust reporting requirements
    • Tips and traps of alter ego trusts, self-benefit trusts, and joint partner trusts


    Student Edition ISBN 不可用
    Previous edition isbn 不可用
    Hardback edition isbn 不可用
    Paperback edition ISBN 不可用
    1. Trust under Common and Civil Law
    2. The Trust and its Fiscal Framework
    3. What is Income and What is Capital of a Trust?
    4. Using Trusts as a Way to Protect an Inheritance
    5. Testamentary Spousal Trust and Post-Mortem Planning
    6. Testamentary Trusts– Recent Developments
    7. Testamentary Trusts and Blended Families
    8. Trusts for Minors
    9. Insurance and Trusts
    10. Trusts and Ownership of a Vacation Property
    11. Impediments to Planning Using Inter Vivos Trusts
    12. Trusts and Income Splitting
    13. Trusts in an Estate Freeze Context
    14. New Development – Attribution Rules
    15. Trusts and the 21-Year Deemed Disposition
    16. Trusts and Farm Property
    17. Asset Protection Trusts
    18. Trusts With Foreign Connections
    19. Trust as an Employee Incentive
    20. Unusual Trusts
  • Caroline Rhéaume, LL.L., M.fisc., TEP, has her own firm and specializes in Canadian, American, and French tax and estate planning, the use of trusts, incentive compensation of senior management, and expatriate taxation. She also developed an expertise in the taxation of investments. She provides tax consulting services to high-net-worth individuals and families, and oversees the coordination and administration of these services across Canada, France, and the United States. Caroline gained her international experience working with multinational clients of all sizes. She was also the first professional from the province of Quebec to have completed the Seven Stages of Money Maturity program offered by the Kinder Institute that trains and coaches financial advisors worldwide.

    Ms. Rhéaume is the author of the best sellers Utilisation des fiducies en planification fiscale et financièreand Stratégies de planification utilisant des fiducies, two books also published by Wolters Kluwer. In addition to implementing strategies proposed in her books, Ms. Rhéaume frequently presents at conferences and regularly writes tax articles for Wolters Kluwer.


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