

Spaces of Care

Spaces of Care

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Hart Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781509974269
  • 出版时间 November 2023
  • 规格: Paperback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
  • Hardback Edition ISBN: 9781509929634

List Price: AU$94.81

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    This collection interrogates the ways in which the emerging interdisciplinary study of care challenges and provokes a reassessment of the points of connection and disjuncture between care and governance, ethics and public, personal and professional identities.

    It brings together leading international scholars to discern and articulate what we may consider to be a useful analytic of care. Lawyers, anthropologists, sociologists and criminologists reflect on specific aspects of conceptualising caring relations in ‘spaces’ including communities of care and abandonment, self-care and kinship care, spaces as ‘gaps’ in care, the meanings of marketised care, and the ways in which care is constructed and constrained in different ways in venues such as homes, prisons, workplaces and virtual spaces.

    Common themes cut across the chapters. These include: temporality (historical specificity) and the dynamics of care across time and place; subjectivity - are intentions of care experienced in that way? What does care feel like?; the economies of care (including the commodification of care; public and private manifestations of care; privatised ‘care’); disruptions of care – which generate vulnerabilities with regards to continuities of care; eligibility – those deemed to be deserving and undeserving of care; relationalities of care (collective and individual agency in caring relations, kinship care), and technologies and imaginaries of care – as in new notions of care forged by those in online virtual worlds such as Second Life.

  • 1. Introduction: Spaces of Care: Concepts, Configurations, and Challenges
    Loraine Gelsthorpe, Perveez Mody and Brian Sloan
    2. Punishment and Care Reappraised
    Rob Canton and Jane Dominey
    3. Who Cares? Probation Practice and Privatisation
    Jane Dominey and Loraine Gelsthorpe
    4. Paradoxes of Care: Women in the Criminal Justice System in England and Wales
    Loraine Gelsthorpe and Rob Canton
    5. 'All Children are Our Children': Care and Kinship in Residential Children's Homes in the Russian Federation
    Elena Khlinovskaya Rockhill
    6. Re-imagining Cities as Spaces of Care – A Perspective from Street Homelessness
    Helen Carr, Ed Kirton-Darling and Maria Fernanda Salcedo Repolês
    7. Formal and Informal Care in the Public and Private Spheres in England and Australia
    Brian Sloan
    8. Care and the Workplace: The Dutch Approach to Part-time Work, Flexible Working Arrangements and Leave
    Susanne Burri
    9. Ethics of Care and Disability Rights: Complementary or Contradictory?
    Jonathan Herring
    10. Kinship Care
    Perveez Mody
    11. Home and Away: Mobility and Care in Botswana's Time of AIDS
    Koreen M Reece
    12. Witnessing, Containing, Holding? Th e German Social Welfare State (Sozialstaat) and People in Flight
    John Borneman
    13. The Ability of Place: Digital Topographies of the Virtual Human on Ethnographia Island
    Tom Boellstorff


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