

New Arrival Social Rights and the Politics of Obligation in History

Social Rights and the Politics of Obligation in History

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Cambridge University Press
  • ISBN: 9781009005111
  • 出版时间 February 2025
  • 规格: Paperback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
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List Price: ¥365.66

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    This pioneering volume explores the long-neglected history of social rights, from the Middle Ages to the present. It debunks the myth that social rights are 'second-generation rights' – rights that appeared after World War II as additions to a rights corpus stretching back to the Enlightenment. Not only do social rights stretch back that far; they arguably pre-date the Enlightenment. In tracing their long history across various global contexts, this volume reveals how debates over social rights have often turned on deeper struggles over social obligation – over determining who owes what to whom, morally and legally. In the modern period, these struggles have been intertwined with questions of freedom, democracy, equality and dignity. Many factors have shaped the history of social rights, from class, gender and race to religion, empire and capitalism. With incomparable chronological depth, geographical breadth and conceptual nuance, Social Rights and the Politics of Obligation in History sets an agenda for future histories of human rights.


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    Paperback edition ISBN 不可用
  • Introduction:
    1. Not 'second-generation rights': rethinking the history of social rights
    Steven L.B. Jensen and Charles Walton
    Part I. Religion, Markets, States: Sources of Social Rights before the Twentieth Century:
    2. The rights of the poor: taking the long view
    Julia McClure
    3. Public welfare and the natural order: on the theological and free-market sources of socioeconomic rights
    Dan Edelstein
    4. Who pays? Social rights and the French revolution
    Charles Walton
    5. The Haitian revolution and socioeconomic rights
    Philip Kaisary
    6. Of rights and regulation: technologies of socioeconomic governance in a revolutionary age
    Stephen Sawyer and William Novak
    7. Socioeconomic rights before the welfare state: labour movements and economic emancipation in nineteenth-century Europe
    Nicolas Delalande
    Part II. Race, Gender, Class: Social Rights and the Paradoxes of Difference:
    8. The soviet social: rights and welfare reimagined
    Scott Newton
    9. The Japanese 'welfare society': social rights and the seeds of the precariat?
    Bernard Thomann
    10. Liberation theology, social rights and indigenous rights in Mexico (c.
    Rosie Doyle
    11. The unhappy marriage of gender and socioeconomic rights in France
    Laura Frader
    Part III. Social Rights in the Age of Internationalism: The Politics of State Obligations:
    12. The spirit of social rights
    Samuel Moyn
    13. From human welfare to human rights: considering socioeconomic rights through the 1947–1948 UNESCO human rights survey
    Mark Goodale
    14. Claiming land, claiming rights in Africa's internationally supervised territories
    Meredith Terretta
    15. The road from 1966: social and economic rights after the international covenant
    Christian O. Christiansen and Steven L. B. Jensen
    16. The present and future of social rights
    Philip Alston


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