

Social Justice and the World of Work: Possible Global Futures - Essays in Honour of Francis Maupain

Social Justice and the World of Work: Possible Global Futures - Essays in Honour of Francis Maupain

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Hart Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781509961290
  • 出版时间 August 2024
  • 规格: Paperback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
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    In this book, leading international thinkers take up the demanding challenge to rethink our understanding of social justice at work and our means for achieving it - at a time when global forces are tearing the familiar fabric of our working lives and the laws regulating them. When fabric is torn we can see deeply into it, understand its structural weaknesses, and imagine alterations in the name of resilience and sustainability. Seizing that opportunity, the authoritative commentators examine the lessons revealed by the pandemic and other global shocks for our ideas about justice at work, and how to advance that cause in the world as we now find it. The chapters deliver critical re-assessments of our goals, explore our new challenges, and creatively re-imagine trajectories for progress on two global fronts - via international institutions and by a myriad of other transnational techniques. These forward-looking essays are in honour of Francis Maupain, whose international career and scholarly writing are inspiring models for those who, in a changing world, seize opportunities for creativity in the pursuit of global justice at work.


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  • Foreword George Politakis (International Labour Organization, Switzerland)
    Preface - Short Tribute to Francis Maupain
    Introduction Brian Langille (University of Toronto, Canada) and Anne Trebilcock (Georg-August University, Germany) List of Contributors

    Part 1 - Goals and Challenges
    A. Clarifying the Idea of Social Justice in Work
    1. Social Justice and the Market Adalberto Perulli (Ca' Foscari University, Italy) 2. What Can Law Do for International Social and Ecological Justice? Alain Supiot (College de France, France) 3. Unsettling International Labour Law for Social Justice Adelle Blackett (McGill University, Canada) 4. Searching for the 'Mirage' of Social Justice Loic Picard (International Labour Organization, Switzerland) 5. Adaptation of International Axiologies for Social Justice Jordi Agusti Panareda (International Labour Organization, Switzerland)
    B. Dimensions of the Global Future of Social Justice in Work (i) Global Crises and the Future of Labour Law 6. The Global Public Health Emergency and Workers' Rights Keith Ewing (King's College London, UK) and Lord Hendy (Barrister; House of Lords, UK) 7. Sustainability as a Guide for the Future Development of International Labour Law? Tonia Novitz (University of Bristol, UK) 8. How International Environmental Law Contributes to Global Social Justice Laurence Boisson De Chazournes (University of Geneva, Switzerland) (ii) Confronting Decolonization and Migration 9. Towards a Post-colonial Future for Global Labour Justice Supriya Routh (University of Victoria, Canada) 10. Doing Away With Citizenship to Enable Global Social Justice Alan Hyde (Rutgers University, USA) 11. Restrictive Visa Schemes and the Future of Global Labour Justice Virginia Mantouvalou (University College London, UK)
    C. Tackling Inclusion 12. The Future Place of International Labour Law in Governing Non-market Subsistence Activities Liam McHugh-Russell (Dalhousie Schulich School of Law, Canada) 13. Intersectionality and Equality: Inclusion in International Labour Law Flavia Maximo (Universidade Federal De Ouro Preto, Brazil) 14. Looking at Gender and Labour Issues Through the Lens of Working Time Regulation Kirsten Scheiwe (University of Hildesheim, Germany)

    Part 2 - Means
    A. International Institutions and the Future of Global Labour Justice
    (i) The International Labor Organization (ILO) 15. The Contemporary Quest for Social Justice, Examining the Case of the ILO Jean-Michel Servais (University of Gerona, Spain) 16. The Value of International Organizations As Institutions: The ILO's Experience and Outlook for the Future Tomi Kohiyama (International Labour Organization, Switzerland) and Thomas Lieby (International Labour Organization, Switzerland) 17. The Impact of the Standards Review Mechanism on the Future of International Labour Standards Claire La Hovary (International Labour Organization, Switzerland) 18. The Epistemic Authority of ILO Legal Advisers: Pointers for the Future? Jan Klabbers (University of Helsinki, Finland) (ii) The World Trade Organization (WTO) 19. Changing WTO Rules for Social Justice Steve Charnovitz (George Washington University, USA) 20. Inserting WTO Sanctioning Mechanisms Into the ILO Desiree LeClercq (Cornell University, USA) (iii) The OECD 21. Implications of the New OECD Guidelines for Global Social Justice Froukje Boele (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) (iv) Competing Spaces 22. Competition Between ISO 45001 and ILO Standards on OSH Isabelle Daugareilh (University of Bordeaux, France; Centre de Droit Compare du Travail et de la Securite Sociale, France) 23. Contrasting and Overlapping Narratives About the World of Work - How to Make Them More Inclusive? Kerry Rittich (University of Toronto, Canada) (v) The Potential of Regional Systems 24. Social Justice and Collective Rights in the EU - Between Sustainability and Solidarity Bruno Caruso (University of Catania, Italy) and Veronica Papa (University of Catania, Italy) 25. Regional Institutions in the Americas - Constitutionalizing Futures of Global Social Justice? Franz Ebert (Max Planck Institute of Comparative Public and International Law, Germany)
    B. Possible Futures of Global Labour Justice by Other Means
    (i) Private Actors, Law and Global Supply Chains 26. Private Actors in Global Supply Chain Governance and Human Rights Barbara Kresal (Llubjlana University, Slovenia) 27. Judicial Choices in Private Law As Avenues for Global Social Justice in Supply Chains? Judy Fudge (McMaster University, Canada) and Guy Mundlak (Tel Aviv University, Israel) 28. Using Arbitration to Resolve Transnational Labour Disputes? Monica Feria-Tinta (Barrister, UK) (ii) Public Actors 29. Public Procurement for Global Social Justice Olga Martin-Ortega (University of Greenwich, UK) 30. International Investment Agreements as a Means of Promoting Global Social Justice? Makane Mbengue (University of Geneva, Switzerland) 31. Learning From EU Trade Preferences and Human Rights in Myanmar Richard Horsey (Independent Political Consultant; Former ILO Representative, Myanmar) (iii) 'Labour Law Itself' 32. Collective Action as a Means in Facing Up to Artificial Intelligence Julia Lopez Lopez (Pompeu Fabra University, Spain) 33. Achieving Equality in the World of Work: What Works Shauna Olney (International Civil Service Commission, United Nations; Formerly ILO Diversity Unit) 34. Reconfiguring Labour Law for Social Justice Adrian Goldin (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina) List of the Publications of Francis Maupain



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