

Shawcross and Beaumont: Air Law

Shawcross and Beaumont: Air Law

  • 出版商: LexisNexis U.K. (S)
  • ISBN: 9780406998361
  • 出版时间 Subscription-type (Contents updated periodically)
  • 规格: Loose-leaf
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
发货时间:大约 4-5 weeks
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  • 描述 
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  • 作者 
  • 详细

    Shawcross and Beaumont: Air Law is an invaluable three-volume looseleaf service that includes everything you need to know about aviation law. It deals with international and European law, and its implementation in the United Kingdom, and draws on case-law and periodical literature from around the world.

    Shawcross and Beaumont: Air Law is complete with full commentary on the Warsaw and Montreal Conventions and the development of the Single European Sky, and extensive treatment of aviation insurance, competition law as it affects aviation, the law relating to airports, rights in aircraft, the terrorist threat, recent developments relative to climate change and the EU's efforts to regulate emissions, and generally the flight and operation of aircraft worldwide.

    Shawcross and Beaumont: Air Law volumes also contain the full text of the relevant international conventions, with regularly updated lists of parties, of the fast-growing body of European regulations and directives, as well as statutory and industry materials and IATA forms. Regularly updated and maintained, Shawcross and Beaumont is the leading authority on air law and is an invaluable reference tool for those who need to stay at the forefront of this constantly evolving and complex area of law. Three looseleaf volumes, four service issues approx per year (invoiced separately on publication).

    Key benefits of Shawcross and Beaumont: Air Law:

    • Shawcross and Beaumont: Air Law provides comprehensive, informed and up-to-date material on all aspects of aviation law in an easy-to-use format for the busy practitioner.
    • Written by a team of specialist editors
    •  Shawcross and Beaumont: Air Law contains full commentary on the Warsaw and Montreal Conventions and the development of the Single European Sky
    • Contain the full text of the relevant international conventions, with regularly updated lists of parties, of the fast-growing body of European regulations and directives, as well as statutory and industry materials and IATA forms
    • Regularly updated and maintained
  • Volume 1 - General Text.

    Introduction to Air Law.

    Administration of Civil Aviation.



    Aircraft Operations.

    Services to Civil Aviation.

    Carriage by Air.

    Protection of Civil Aviation.

    Aviation Insurance.


    Volume 2 - Treaties and EC Materials.

    Appendix A: Status of Conventions and Agreements.

    Appendix B: Text of Multilateral Conventions and Agreements.

    Appendix C: UK Bilateral Agreements.

    Appendix D: EC Materials.

    Appendix E: Miscellaneous.

    Volume 3 - UK Legislation.

    Appendix F: Statutes.

    Appendix G: Statutory Instruments

  • Editors: J D McClean, CBE, DCL (Oxon), FBA Bencher of Grays Inn, Associe, Institut de Droit International, Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Sheffield; J M Balfour, MA (Oxon), Solicitor, Partner, Beaumont and Son; Richard K Gardiner, MA, LLM, Barrister, Senior Lecturer at University College London; Jeffrey Goh, LLB, PhD, A Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales, General Counsel, Star Alliance Services GmbH; Filippo Lorenzon, LLD (Italy), LLM (Soton), FCIL, Avvocato in Venezia (Italy), A Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales, Lecturer in Law and Member


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