

Set-Off Law and Practice: An International Handbook, 3rd Edition

Set-Off Law and Practice: An International Handbook, 3rd Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Oxford University Press
  • ISBN: 9780198808589
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199579716
  • 出版时间 February 2018
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
发货时间:大约 4 weeks
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  • 描述 
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    The third edition of this invaluable guide covers the application and practice of the law of set-off in over 30 jurisdictions spanning Europe, Asia and the Americas.

    Written by leading experts from around the word, each chapter explains the principles of the law of set-off in the jurisdiction concerned, and provides a comparative guide for banking and finance lawyers wishing to establish the pitfalls of set-off in a foreign jurisdiction.

    For this new edition every chapter has been updated to contain new material specifically devoted to cross border aspects, including analysis of choice of law issues.

    Fully updated legal analysis is also provided, with an emphasis on how set-off may be used as security and the application of insolvency set-off: taking into account new legal developments in the various jurisdictions and reflecting recent changes to legislation in the financial sector relating to bank and other financial firm resolution.


    Student Edition ISBN 不可用
    Previous edition isbn 9780199579716
    Hardback edition isbn
    Paperback edition ISBN
  • 1: Introduction
    2: Argentina
    3: Australia
    4: Austria
    5: Belgium
    6: Brazil
    7: Canada
    8: Chile
    9: China
    10: Czech Republic
    11: Denmark
    12: England
    13: Finland
    14: France
    15: Germany
    16: Hong Kong
    17: India
    18: Ireland
    19: Italy
    20: Japan
    21: Luxembourg
    22: Mexico
    23: The Netherlands
    24: New Zealand
    25: Poland
    26: Portugal
    27: Romania
    28: Russia
    29: Singapore
    30: South Africa
    31: South Korea
    32: Spain
    33: Sweden
    34: Switzerland
    35: Turkey
    36: USA
  • Edited by William Johnston, Partner, Arthur Cox, Dublin, and Thomas Werlen, General Counsel, Novartis

    Find out more about one of the contributors, Jean-François Adelle


    Cecelia M. Mairal, Marval O'Farrell & Mairal, Argentina
    Sebastian Soler, Marval O'Farrell & Mairal, Argentina
    Ian Paterson, Mallesons Stephen Jaques, Australia
    Dr Stefan Tiefenthaler, Binder Grosswang Rechtsanwaelte, Austria
    Marc Vermylen, Loyens, Belgium
    Fernando Ruiz de Almeida Prado, Brazil
    Tiago A. D. Themudo Lessa, Pinheiro Neto, Brazil
    Ruth Wahl, Ogilvy Renault LLP, Canada
    Marcelo Armas M., Philippi Yrarrazaval Pulido & Brunner, Chile
    Xusheng Yang, King & Wood, China
    Dana Schweigelova, Glatzova & Co, Czech Republic
    Martin Krechler, Glatzova & Co, Czech Republic
    Niels Walther-Rasmussen, Kromann Reumert, Denmark
    Simon Falbe-Hansen, Kromann Reumert, Denmark
    Ian Annetts, Allen & Overy LLP, England
    Tarja Wist, Waselius & Wist, Finland
    Thomas Kolster, Waselius & Wist, Finland
    Charles-Henri de Pardieu, De Pardieu Brocas Maffei, France
    Olivier Hubert, De Pardieu Brocas Maffei, France
    Dr Hendrik Haag, Hengeler Mueller Weitzel Wirtz, Germany
    Richard McKeown, Simmons & Simmons, Hong Kong
    Atul Setalvad, India
    H. Jayesh, Juris Corp., India
    William F. R. Johnston, Arthur Cox, Ireland
    Lisa Curran, Allen & Overy, Italy
    Akihiro Wani, Linklaters, Japan
    Mamiko Nagai, Linklaters, Japan
    Henri Wagner, Allen & Overy, Luxembourg
    Pablo Perezalonso, Ritch Heather y Mueller, Mexico
    Pim Rank, Nauta Dutilh, Netherlands
    Larissa Silverentand, Nauta Dutilh, Netherlands
    Jonathan Ross, Bell Gully, New Zealand
    Ewa Butkiewicz, Wardynski & Partners, Poland
    Michal Barlowski, Wardynski & Partners, Poland
    Tiago Ferreira de Lemos, Abreu & Marques Vinhas, Portugal
    Bryan Jardine, Wolf Theiss, Romania
    Anthony Humphrey, Allen & Overy LLP, Russia
    Elena Tchoubykina, Allen & Overy LLP, Russia
    Sergey Logunov, Allen & Overy LLP, Russia
    Andrew Chan, Allen & Gledhill, Singapore
    David Lancaster, Webber Wentzel Bowens, South Africa
    Johann Scholtz, Webber Wentzel Bowens, South Africa
    Suhn-Kyong Hong, Kim & Chang, South Korea
    Jun-Ho Lee, Kim & Chang, South Korea
    Charles Corwin Coward, Uria & Menendez, Spain
    Antonio Herrera, Uria & Menendez, Spain
    Zoran Stambolovski, Mannheimer Swartling, Sweden
    Susanne Forsberg, Mannheimer Swartling, Sweden
    Dr Rene Boesch, Homburger, Switzerland
    Meltem Akol, White & Case, Turkey
    Asli Basgoz, White & Case, Turkey
    Joshua Cohn, Allen & Overy LLP, USA

  • "A succinct and lucid survey of set-off and netting covering 35 key jurisdictions and written by outstanding practitioners. This excellent work has solutions to the crucial questions and is an outstanding contribution to the literature on this vital subject" - Phillip Wood, Allen and Overy LLP, London

    "The editors can be congratulated on marshalling so many authoritative contributions into a coherent whole of considerable potential value to the international practitioner." - Francis Neate, Former partner of Slaughter and May and Former President of International Bar Association

    "The editors can be congratulated on marshalling so many authoritative contributions into a coherant whole of considerable potential value to the international practitioner" - Francis Neate, Insolvency and Restructuring International

    "To...practitioners this user-friendly volume, on a subject often considered arcane, is warmly commended. Tothose with academic concerns, there is much to be gained from the practical focus on the types of agreements to which practitioners regularly have to bring their knowledge of set-off...but which are not...much considered." - Ross Gilbert Anderson, The Edinburgh Law Review
