

Routledge Handbook of Maritime Regulation and Enforcement

Routledge Handbook of Maritime Regulation and Enforcement

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Routledge
  • ISBN: 9780415704458
  • 出版时间 September 2015
  • 规格: Hardback , 440 pages
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥1,468.75

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    With advances in technology and maritime transport, the spectrum of human activities in all parts of the ocean and the deep seabed is steadily increasing. A combination of factors means that human uses of the ocean now extend beyond the traditional activities of navigation and fishing to new and emerging activities such as bioprospecting for marine genetic resources, deep seabed mineral and hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation, offshore renewable energy developments and marine scientific probes of deep sea areas.

    This handbook examines in depth current regulatory and enforcement instruments and mechanisms for different sectors of maritime activity in the various zones of maritime jurisdiction. The cornerstone of the international law framework for regulating these activities is the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. In the thirty years since its adoption, UNCLOS has been augmented with a growing array of more specific law and regulations governing activities at sea and accompanying enforcement mechanisms and this handbook engages with the full spectrum of maritime regulatory instruments. The specially commissioned chapters in this handbook are authored by some of the world’s foremost authorities on maritime law and offer unique perspectives on maritime law, policy and practice.

    The handbook addresses the prescriptive and enforcement powers of coastal States and the rights and freedoms of user States in different zones of ocean space. It also considers regulation and enforcement in the wider context of international law and policy including the relevance of maritime regulation and enforcement to national regional and global events. It goes on to identify gaps in the maritime and regulation enforcement fabric as well as future challenges in regulation and enforcement at sea.

    This comprehensive reference work will be of interest to scholars and students of maritime law, practitioners and non-lawyers interested in the regulation of offshore areas, as well as policy-makers.

  • Introduction, Robin Warner and Stuart Kaye Part A: International Law Considerations in Maritime Regulation and Enforcement 1. A Zonal Approach to Maritime Regulation and Enforcement, Stuart Kaye 2. Maritime Regulation and Enforcement on the High Seas, Robin Warner 3. Use of Force in Maritime Regulation and Enforcement, Cameron Moore Part B: Role of States and other International Actors in Maritime Regulation and Enforcement 4. Role of Flag States, Sam Bateman 5. Role of Coastal States, Lowell Bautista 6. Role of Port States,Rosemary Rayfuse 7. Role of Global Organizations, J. Ashley Roach 8. Role of Regional Organizations, Kerry Tetzlaff 9. Role of Courts and Tribunals, Dale Stephens Part C: Regulation and Enforcement in Different Maritime Sectors 10. Fisheries, Mary Ann Palma11. Shipping – Safety of Life at Sea, Anthony Morrison 12. Shipping – Vessel Source Pollution,Erik Molenaar 13. Hydrocarbon Exploration and Exploitation, Youna Lyons 14. Marine Scientific Research, Harriet Harden-Davies 15. Transnational Crime, Douglas Guilfoyle 16. Piracy and Armed Robbery at Sea, Clive Schofield & Kamal Deen Ali Part D: Current Issues and Future Challenges 17. Regulation of Offshore Renewable Energy, Anne Marie O’Hagan 18. Regulation of Deep Seabed Mining Activities, Robin Warner 19. Regulation of Bio-prospecting for Marine Genetic Resources, Julia Jabour 20. Use of Technology in Maritime Regulation and Enforcement, Chris Rahman 21. Cooperative Maritime Surveillance and Enforcement, Warwick Gullett 22. Regulation of Ocean Acidification, David Vanderzwaag and Katja Fennel 23. Maritime Regulation and Enforcement in Areas beyond, Robin Warner Conclusions, Robin Warner and Stuart Kaye

  • Robin Warner is Associate Professor at the University of Wollongong, Australia. She was formerly the Assistant Secretary of the International Crime Branch of the Criminal Justice Division in the Commonwealth Attorney General's Department from 2002 to 2006. Previously she served with the Royal Australian Navy as a legal officer. During her Defence Force legal career, Captain Warner occupied a wide range of positions including Director of International Law for the ADF and Deputy Director of Naval Legal Services.

    Stuart Kaye is Winthrop Professor of Law at the University of Western Australia, Australia. He has an extensive research interest in the law of the sea and international law. He holds the rank of Commander in the Royal Australian Navy Reserve, serving as a legal officer, principally providing advice in operations and international law for the ADF and Border Protection Command.


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