

Research Handbook On EU Internet Law, 2nd Edition

Research Handbook On EU Internet Law, 2nd Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Edward Elgar Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781803920870
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9781782544166
  • 出版时间 October 2023
  • 规格: Hardback , 648 pages
  • 适应领域: European Union ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥2,526.25

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    The Internet has brought about unprecedented changes to modern life, creating a connected society but also radically opening up the question of how to design and apply legal rules in a digital world. This thoroughly revised second edition provides an updated exploration of the latest developments and controversies in European Internet law.

    Paying close attention to recent acts and proposals, including the Digital Services Act (DSA), Digital Markets Act (DMA), AI Act and others, this Research Handbook traces the developments of main regulatory ideas; provides criticism of the methods, principles, approaches and enforcement; and gives a critical analysis of the normative side of regulation. The expert contributors are clustered around the main regulatory fields and each deals adeptly with one or more of the key features of the passed or proposed acts.

    Providing a critical analysis of the EU’s regulatory efforts in digital regulation, this discerning Research Handbook will be a useful reference tool for academics and postgraduate students specialising in international law, e-commerce, consumer law and IT law. It will also be of interest to practitioners, including governmental officials and data protection officers.

  • Preface

    1. EU Internet Policy
    Gerald Spindler

    2. Net Neutrality Law
    Christopher Marsden

    3. EU Internet Law in the Era of Convergence: The Interplay with EU Telecoms and Media Law
    Søren Sandfeld Jakobsen

    4. Copyright law, An Ancient History, A Contemporary Challenge
    Eleni-Tatiani Synodinou

    5. Limitations to Copyright in the Digital Age
    Christoph Geiger and Franciska Schönherr

    6. Trademark Law and Advertising Keywords
    Ilanah Simon Fhima

    7. Software Patents and the Digital Environment
    Philip Leith

    8. Where Does the Act of “Making Available” Occur?
    Jane C. Ginsburg

    9. Information Society perspectives on Choice of Law and Jurisdiction - Party Autonomy in Transition
    Ulf Maunsbach

    10. Jurisdiction Over Cyber-Torts under the Brussels I Regulation
    Arnaud Nuyts and Sandrine Brachotte

    11. Consumer Contracts and the Internet in EU Private International Law
    Zheng Sophia Tang

    12. E-Commerce in the Single Market Context – The Invisible Framework
    Andrej Savin

    13. Developments in Intermediary Liability
    Andrés Guadamuz

    14. The Concept of European Regulation of B2C Internet Sales
    Hans-W. Micklitz

    15. Information requirements overload? Assessing Disclosure Duties Under the E-commerce Directive, Services Directive and Consumer Directive
    Arno R. Lodder

    16. Online Marketing: Advertisers know you are a Dog on the Internet!
    Christine Riefa and Christiana Markou

    17. Commercial Communication in Social Media
    Jan Trzaskowski

    18. Legal Evidence Production in a Digital Context: Will Signatures Disappear?
    Jos Dumortier and Niels Vandezande

    19. Crowdsourcing and User Empowerment: A Contradiction in Terms?
    Emily M. Weitzenböck

    20. Hate and Harm: The Law on Hate Speech
    Alisdair A. Gillespie

    21. Free Speech, Defamation and the Limits to Freedom of Expression in
    the EU: a Comparative Analysis
    Oreste Pollicino and Marco Bassini

    22. Data Protection Reform and the Internet: the Draft Data Protection Regulation 
    Collette Cuijpers, Nadezhda Purtova, and Eleni Kosta

    23. An Analysis of the European Union's Law and Policy Relating to Website Accessibility
    Catherine Easton


  • Edited by Andrej Savin, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark and Jan Trzaskowski, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark


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