

Renewable Energy from Wind and Solar Power: Law and Regulation

Renewable Energy from Wind and Solar Power: Law and Regulation

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing
  • ISBN: 9780854902866
  • 出版时间 May 2021
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
发货时间:大约 4-5 weeks
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Renewable Energy from Wind and Solar Power: Law and Regulation is concerned with the law and regulation of electricity generation in the case of the two most popular sources of energy derived from renewable resources. It covers up-to-date national policy and guidance relevant to electricity generation collected from renewable resources. There is also coverage of the powers of local planning authorities and of the Secretary of State, along with devolved powers in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, dealing with onshore and offshore projects. The book also examines the impact of Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects under the 2008 Act.

    This book also covers consents under sections 36 (onshore and offshore wind generation) and 37 (overhead lines) of the Electricity Act 1989 and the grant of FEBA licences from the Marine and Fisheries Agency in the case of offshore consents. The availability of financial assistance for the generation and export of renewable energy to the grid is also dealt with and the book outlines the basic technology involved in wind and solar power. The energy planning regime is examined through a series of case studies which look at a number of recent decisions of the courts, the Secretary of State, inspectors and reporters, involving wind and solar energy proposals.

    Renewable Energy from Wind and Solar Power: Law and Regulation will be an invaluable reference for lawyers, planning professionals and operators in the relevant sectors. It will also be of interest to others in showing how rapidly the industry is developing and of the regulatory processes involved in securing consents for the commercial development of energy from wind and solar power.

    FROM BOOK REVIEW 'Of particular use to practitioners is the case study section in which Webster has identified the critical issues upon which the various cases turned. This will doubtless be of assistance to those promoting and resisting applications.' Dr Ashley Bowes, Editor of the Journal of Planning and Environmental Law

  • Preface;
    List of Abbreviations;
    Table of Cases
    Table of Statutes;
    Table of Statutory Instruments;
    Table of EU Material
    Table of Other Material

    Scope of introduction
    Climate change
    The UK’s record on climate change
    The UK’s sources of energy
    Brief statistical overview (fossil fuels and renewables)
    Sites generating renewable electricity at the end of December 2019
    European energy policy
    UK renewables’ policies
    Availability of financial assistance for the generation and export of renewable energy to the grid
    Comment – should the planning balance change when it comes to renewable energy applications?

    Onshore energy
    Permitted development
    Planning Act 2008
    Electricity Act 1989: section 36 consents for onshore and offshore electricity generation
    Varying section 36 consents
    Environmental standards
    European sites
    Environmental assessment
    Exemption from consent requirement
    Deemed planning permission
    FEPA licence
    Overhead electricity lines
    Deemed planning permission for overhead lines
    Public inquiries where there are objections to section 36 and section 37 applications
    Ancillary or supporting facilities
    Compulsory purchase powers
    Position in Wales
    Key elements of planning law
    Planning permission
    National Planning Policy Framework in England
    Sustainable development
    Plan-making: key principles
    Decision-making: key principles
    Planning conditions and obligations
    The rural economy
    Green Belt land
    Proposals affecting Green Belt land
    Climate change
    Conserving the natural environment
    Conserving the historic environment
    UK Solar PV Strategy (Parts 1 and 2)

    Policy Statements
    The statutory process (i.e. that relevant to wind and solar energy)
    Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project regime in Wales

    Purpose of Environmental Impact Assessment
    Overview of Environmental Impact Assessment
    When is an Environmental Impact Assessment required?
    Procedure for deciding whether a Schedule 2 project is likely to have significant effects on the environment
    Obtaining a screening opinion from the local planning authority
    Treatment of multiple applications
    Can an Environmental Statement be submitted without a screening opinion?
    What if a planning application for a Schedule 2 development is not accompanied by an Environmental Statement?
    Called-in applications where there is no Environmental Statement
    Procedure for planning appeals
    Determining planning applications that have been subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment

    Overview of the Habitats Regulations 2017

    Regulatory framework underlying decision-making
    National Planning Practice Guidance – Guidance on climate change
    National Planning Practice Guidance – Guidance on renewable and low carbon energy
    Electricity development consents
    Decommissioning offshore renewable energy installations
    Wayleaves and compulsory purchase orders

    Written Ministerial Statement applying to proposed onshore wind energy development
    Report of the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee published on 22 August 2019
    Repowering existing onshore wind turbines
    How do offshore and onshore wind farms work?
    How efficient is wind power?
    How much of the UK’s electricity comes from wind power?
    Advantages of offshore wind
    Disadvantages of offshore wind (see also onshore wind farms where there is some overlap)
    Seven of the ten largest offshore wind farms in the world are in UK waters
    Advantages of onshore wind
    Disadvantages of onshore wind
    Checklist of requirements for wind energy projects
    Cost and overheads of wind turbines
    Repowering/decommissioning wind farms

    I Permission Granted for Four Wind Turbines near to an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
    II Wind Farm Close to Listed Buildings
    III Wind Turbine in Green Belt
    IV Wind Turbines and Community Benefits as Material Considerations
    V Policies Requiring Exceptional Circumstances in the Context of a Wind Farm Development involving Seven Wind Turbines on Land in Powys
    VI Varying Conditions whose Effect was to Change the Description of the Development (Concerning Two Wind Turbines)
    VII Community Benefits as Material Considerations – Appeal Against a Decision to Uphold the Quashing of a Grant of Planning Permission for a Wind Turbine
    VIII Permission for Onshore Substation to Support Major Offshore Wind Farm
    IX Approval of Wind Farm Despite the Turbines Exceeding Local Policy Height Restrictions
    X Proposal for Eight Wind Turbines Fails on Adverse Landscape and Visual Impacts
    XI Proposal for Five 125m High Wind Turbines Allowed on Orkney
    XII Lifetime of Wind Farm Extended on Basis that the Proposal Involved Repowering and was not a Fresh Application
    XIII Approval Given to 14-Turbine Wind Farm Despite Concerns about 19km Access Track
    XIV Ten-Turbine Wind Farm Approved despite Landscape Objections
    XV Single Wind Turbine on Green Belt close to Heathrow Rejected
    XVI Five Wind Turbines Refused on Significant Environmental Grounds
    XVII Single Turbine Allowed where Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Landscape and Visual Impacts Found to be Minor (Involving Heritage Issues and Local Planning Authority’s Declaration of Climate Emergency)
    XVIII Benefits Associated with the Generation of Renewable Energy and Climate Change Considerations still Insufficient to Outweigh Adverse Impacts on Landscape and Visual Effects Could Not Satisfactorily be Mitigated
    XIX Renewable Energy Benefits still Insufficient to Outweigh Adverse Landscape Impacts
    XX Permission Refused for a Development Consent Order Extending the Thanet Offshore Wind Farm on the Ground of Navigational Risks
    XXI Development Consent Granted for 158 Wind Turbines off the Norfolk Coast (Decision recently quashed and subject to re-determination)
    XXII Development Consent Granted in Principle for 231-Turbine Hornsea Project Three Offshore Wind Farm in the North Sea, although a Final Decision was Delayed to Allow for Final Approval of Measures to Cover Adverse Impacts to the Kittiwake Population and Coastal Special Protection Area
    XXIII Unacceptable Landscape and Visual Impacts Preclude 30-Turbine Wind Farm in an Area of Great Natural Beauty in Dumfries and Galloway
    XXIV Single Wind Turbine Allowed in Close Proximity to Existing Wind Farm

    Photovoltaic system
    Solar cells
    Types of photovoltaic systems
    Photovoltaic mounting
    Solar tracker
    Selling solar electricity back to the grid (domestic installations)
    How much electricity do solar panels produce and how many panels might one need for a dwelling?
    How much do residential solar panels cost?
    Commercial-scale ground-mounted solar photovoltaic – bullet points
    Ministerial Statements affecting solar energy (as material considerations)

    I Whether the Effect that Development might have on Solar Panels on Neighbouring Residential Property was a Material Planning Consideration
    II Large Solar Farm in Green Belt Rejected on Landscape Grounds by Secretary of State on Recovered Appeal – Appeal Dismissed
    III 10MW Solar Farm Rejected because of Harm to Landscape – Appeal Refused
    IV Solar Farm Rejected on Landscape and Heritage Grounds – Appeals Refused
    V Domestic Solar Energy Proposal on Land Just Outside a National Park Rejected on the Basis of Green Belt Harm – Appeal Dismissed
    VI Solar Panels Not Allowed on Grade II Listed Church – Appeal Partly Allowed
    VII Free-standing Solar Panels Not Allowed in Grounds of Country House in National Park – Appeal Dismissed
    VIII Free-standing Solar Panels for Domestic Use Not Allowed in Green Belt and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – Appeal Dismissed
    IX 13.6GWh Solar Farm on 16 Hectare Site Rejected because of Adverse Visual and Heritage Impacts – Appeal Dismissed
    X The UK’s Largest Solar Farm Obtains a Development Consent Order
    XI Renewable Energy and Climate Change Benefits of Solar Farm Sufficient to Justify Additional 10-Year Period of Operation



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