

Religious Freedom, Religious Discrimination and the Workplace, 2nd Edition

Religious Freedom, Religious Discrimination and the Workplace, 2nd Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Hart Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781849466363
  • 出版时间 September 2016
  • 规格: Paperback , 244 pages
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥611.00

¥592.67 Save ¥18.33 (3%)

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  • 描述 
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  • 评论
  • 详细

    This book considers the extent to which religious interests are protected at work, with particular reference to the protection against religious discrimination provided by the Equality Act 2010. It establishes a principled basis for determining the proper scope of religious freedom at work, and considers the interaction of freedom of religion with the right not to be discriminated against on grounds of religion.

    The book locates the debates surrounding religion and belief equality within a philosophical and theoretical framework in which the importance of freedom of religion and its role within the workplace is fully debated.

    This second edition is fully revised and updated in the light of recent case law from the UK and European Court of Human Rights which deals with religious discrimination and freedom of religion.

  • Lucy Vickers is a Professor of Law and Director of the Centre for Legal Research and Policy Studies at Oxford Brookes University.

  • …a thoughtful and comprehensive book which will be of value to all of us…who teach and work in the field of employment law.
    John Duddington
    Law and Justice - The Christian Law Review
    No. 163, Trinity/Michaelmas, 2009

    The book looks at such issues as the nature of religious freedom, discrimination based on religious interests, the extent to which such interests deserve protection at the workplace, and the guidance offered by international instruments such as the European Convention on Human Rights. Although the work is UK-centred, there are some comparative perspectives included, notably from the United States, Canada and the rest of Europe.
    The Commonwealth Lawyer
    Vol 17, No 2

    ...scholarly, informative, interesting, and thought-provoking...Vickers has written a highly informative book that provides great detail about the subject. She offers the reader nuanced and dense discussions of the issues, and while some readers may find the legal arguments and explanations complex, the informed reader with an interest in the subject will welcome the elucidation and clarification of many fine points...an informative and welcome addition to the literature on this important subject.
    Gloria C. Cox
    Law and Politics Book Review
    Nov 2008

    This work is a comprehensive overview of the topic with some extremely useful material, particularly in the early chapters. The author's style is concise and accessible, which will render this book useful to academics, students and practitioners both within and without the law, although they may wish to read it alongside a more recent discussion of the relevant case law.
    Andrew Hambler
    Ecclesiastical Law Journal

    ...a thoughtful and wide-ranging survey, enhanced by a useful section on comparison with other jurisdictions...It is not possible within the confi nes of a book review to do justice to the rich and fascinating range of arguments propounded in this work.
    Gwyneth Pitt
    Industrial Law Journal
    Vol. 38, No. 2, June 2009


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