

Religion and the Exercise of Public Authority

Religion and the Exercise of Public Authority

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Hart Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781509924738
  • 出版时间 October 2018
  • 规格: Paperback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Law and religion scholarship has tended to focus on broad, structural questions such as the scope of religious freedom, the nature and limits of religious toleration and accommodation, and the demands and character of secularism.

    A finer-grained issue that has received less attention concerns the role of religion in the decisions, actions, and experiences of individuals who discharge public duties. How do the religious commitments of public actors affect the performance of their official functions? In what way does religion figure in how public actors understand and negotiate their roles? What are the distinctive issues of law and policy raised by the confluence of religion and public authority?

    This volume brings together scholars from a variety of disciplines, such as philosophy, sociology, politics, law, history, and religious studies, to address these questions. The public actors discussed in this volume include teachers, health-care providers, lawyers, judges, and policy makers, and the topics addressed range from conscientious objection and religious symbols to public decision-making and religious education.


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    Paperback edition ISBN 不可用
  • Introduction: Religious Neutrality and the Exercise of Public Authority
    Richard Moon and Benjamin L Berger
    1. The Meaning and Entailment of the Religious Neutrality of the State: The Case of Public Employees
    Jocelyn Maclure
    2. Against Circumspection: Judges, Religious Symbols, and Signs of Moral Independence
    Benjamin L Berger
    3. Religious Lawyering and Legal Ethics
    Faisal Bhabha
    4. Managing and Imagining Religion in Canada from the Top and the Bottom: 15 Years After
    Paul Bramadat
    5. God Keep Our Land: The Legal Ritual of the McKenna-McBride Royal Commission, 1913–16
    Pamela E Klassen
    6. In/Visible Religion in Public Institutions: Canadian Muslim Public Servants
    Amélie Barras, Jennifer A Selby and Lori G Beaman
    7. The Prayer Case Saga in Canada: An 'Expert Insider' Perspective on Praying in the Political and Public Arenas
    Solange Lefebvre
    8. Physicians' Rights to Conscientious Objection
    Bruce Ryder
    9. Conscientious Objections by Civil Servants: The Case of Marriage Commissioners and Same-Sex Civil Marriages
    Richard Moon
    10. A Freedom of Religion-Based Argument for the Regulation of Religious Schools
    Daniel M Weinstock
    11. 'Open House'/'Portes Ouvertes': Classrooms as Sites of Interfaith Interface
    Shauna Van Praagh


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