

Property Law in Hong Kong: An Introductory Guide, 2nd Edition

Property Law in Hong Kong: An Introductory Guide, 2nd Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Hong Kong University Press
  • ISBN: 9789888208616
  • 出版时间 March 2014
  • 规格: Paperback , 248 pages
  • 适应领域: Hong Kong ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥150.40

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    This book focuses on the rules regulating property and conveyancing which apply in the territory and is intended for use by the non-lawyer. The organizational structure and concise text reflect this goal. For readers desiring additional information, an extensive notes section provides more comprehensive and detailed explanations as well as Chinese translations of key legal terms.

    As a survey, this text is appropriate for students of law, non-law professionals who need an overview of the subject, and general readers.

  • Foreword
    Preface to the Second Edition
    Preface to the First Edition
    Table of Cases
    Table of Legislation

    1. Introduction to Property – Generally 
    A. Overview
    B. Organization 
    C. Definition 
    D. Possession and Bailment
    E. Possession and the Finder Doctrine
    F.  Classification of Property

    Part 1: Real Property

    2. Estates 
    A. Freehold Estate
    i. Fee Simple
    ii. Fee Tail
    iii. Life Estate
    B. Co-ownership – Types
    i. Joint Tenancy
    ii. Tenancy in Common
    C. Co-ownership – Creation 
    D. Co-ownership – Determination

    3. Licence and Leasehold Estate 
    A. Introduction
    B. Licence – Types 
    i. Bare Licence
    ii. Licence Coupled with an Interest
    iii. Contractual Licence
    C. Leases – Definition
    i. Exclusive Possession
    ii. Fixed Duration
    D. Leases – Types
    i. Fixed-term Lease
    ii. Periodic Lease
    iii. Tenancy at Will
    iv. Tenancy at Sufferance 
    E. Leases – Formal Requirements 
    F. Obligations of Landlords and Tenants
    i. Landlord’s Implied Covenants
    ii. Tenant’s Implied Covenants
    iii. Usual Covenants
    iv. Remedies for Breach of Covenants

    4. Alienation and Determination of Lease 
    A. Alienation of Leases
    B. Determination of a Lease
    i. Lapse of Time
    ii. Notice   
    iii. Surrender 
    iv. Merger 
    v. Forfeiture
    a. Relief against Forfeiture
    b. Waiver
    vi. Estoppel 
    vii. Distress
    C. Domestic Leases
    i. Landlord’s Procedures under the Former Provisions
    ii. Tenant’s Procedures under the Former Provisions
    iii. Landlord’s Grounds for Opposition under the Former Provisions
    iv. Lands Tribunal’s Procedures under the Former Provisions
    D. Commercial Leases
    E. Transfer of Deposits

    5.      Fixtures

    6.      Adverse Possession

    Part 2: Encumbrances

    7.      Servitudes 
    A. Easements
    B. Profit àPrendre 
    C. Creation of Servitudes
    i. By Statue
    ii. By Express Grant 
    iii. By Express Reservation 
    iv. By Implied Grant 
    a. Under the rule in the case of Wheeldon v Burrows
    b.  Arising by Necessity 
    c.  Servitudes of Common Intention 
    d. Implied Reservation 
    e. Presumed Grant (Prescription) 
    (1) Prescription at Common Law – User Since Time Immemorial
    (2) Doctrine of Lost Modern Grant 
    (3) Prescription Act 1832 
    D. Extinguishment of Servitudes
    i. Legislation
    ii. Express Release
    iii. Implied Release
    iv. Unity of Possession and Ownership
    v. Effluction of Time
    vi. Alteration in the Dominant Tenement
    E. Restrictive Covenants

    8.      Mortgages 
    A. Mortgages
    B. Legal Mortgage
    C. Equitable Mortgage
    D. Landholding in Hong Kong – Leasehold Mortgage
    i. Mortgagee’s Rights and Remedies
    a.  Damages
    b.  Entry into Possession 
    c.  Foreclosure
    d. Exercise of the Power of Sale
    e. Receivers
    ii. Mortgagor’s Rights and Remedies

    Part 3: Conveyancing

    9. Leasehold Ownership in Hong Kong

    10. Multi-storey Buildings in Hong Kong 
    A. Ownership Schemes
    i. Consent Scheme
    ii. Non-consent Scheme
    B. Incorporated Owners
    C. Deed of Mutual Covenant

    11. Sale and Purchase Agreements 
    A. General Legal Considerations
    B. Preliminary Agreements/Provisional Agreements 
    i. Role of the Estate Agent 
    ii. Contents of Preliminary Agreements
    iii. Enforceability of Preliminary Agreements
    C. The Formal Sale and Purchase Agreement
    i. Generally
    ii. The Contents of the Sale and Purchase Agreement
    D. Remedies
    i. Specific Performance
    ii. Repudiation and Rescission 
    iii. Action to Recover Damages
    iv. Other Remedies
    a. Forfeiture of Deposit 
    b. Liquidated Damages – Payable by Seller 
    c. Liquidated Damages – Payable by Buyer 
    d. Exclusion of Common Law Remedies
    E. Assignment
    i. Formal Requirements and Practices
    ii. Confirmations
    iii. Nominations
    iv. Covenants and Obligations
    v. Mortgages
    vi. Co-ownerships and Multi-storey Buildings
    F. Completion
    i. Completion Practices
    ii. Stamp Duty
    iii. Land Registration
    iv. Title Registration


  • Stephen D. Mau, BA, JD, LLM is a US-qualified attorney at law who formerly taught international commercial arbitration as an assistant professor of law in City University of Hong Kong’s MA programme in arbitration and dispute resolution. He is presently an assistant professor of law in the Faculty of Construction and Environment at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University where he is the deputy award coordinator for the Master of Science/Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Law and Dispute Resolution programme in the Department of Building and Real Estate. He continues to be involved in the dispute resolution field and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and a member of the American Arbitration Association, as well as a HKMAAL accredited mediator. He has also published articles in international arbitration journals as well as several books on general Hong Kong legal principles.


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