

New Arrival Port Infrastructure Finance

Port Infrastructure Finance

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Informa Law
  • ISBN: 9781032924519
  • 出版时间 October 2024
  • 规格: Paperback , 248 pages
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
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List Price: ¥1,703.75

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    This book provides an expert analysis of alternative investments routes and the investment strategies available to the major port players, and is a much-needed guide to expanding the investor base for private debt funding of projects from loan providers to bond investors.

    Port infrastructure investments are vitally important to all ports throughout the world; without these investments, the competitive position of ports and of the dependent logistics sector will deteriorate.

    National/regional governments and the local port authorities are no longer a guaranteed source of sufficient financial input to meet the continuous port infrastructure investment needs of major ports. It is, therefore, increasingly crucial for ports to broaden their strategies and secure alternative streams of investment.

    This book provides expert insight into areas of port infrastructure finance across the main regions of Europe, Asia, Africa and the USA. Topics include how to estimate future demand by way of forecasting; Public-Private Partnerships; corporatisation; the pricing mechanisms for syndicated loans; European port privatisation; finance strategies for ports in Asia, the USA and Africa; and a discussion of the investment strategies available to the major port players.

    Port Infrastructure Finance is an invaluable book for all parties involved in the port and maritime business, as well as investment companies, banks and other financial institutions involved in infrastructure investment.


    Student Edition ISBN 不可用
    Previous edition isbn 不可用
    Hardback edition isbn 不可用
    Paperback edition ISBN 不可用
  • Chapter 1. Port Infrastructure: What are we Talking About? PROFESSOR THIERRY VANELSLANDER, UNIVERSITY OF ANTWERP Chapter 2. Predicting the Future: How to Estimate Future Demand for Port Throughput and Infrastructure Use PROFESSORS HILDE MEERSMAN AND EDDY VAN DE VOORDE UNIVERSITY OF ANTWERP Chapter 3. Public-Private Partnerships in Ports: Where are we? PROFESSOR ROSÁRIO MACÁRIO, TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF LISBON Chapter 4. Port Authority Corporatisation: Leading Towards Their Privatisation? FRANC J. PIGNA, AEGIR PORT PROPERTY ADVISERSChapter 5. Evidence on the Pricing of the Syndicated Loans for the Global Port IndustryPROFESSOR COSTAS TH. GRAMMENOS, CASS BUSINESS SCHOOL, DR THEOLOGOS DERGIADES, INTERNATIONAL HELLENIC UNIVERSITY , and GEORGIOS MAZIS Chapter 6: Port Privatisation in the UK and Continental Europe: an Evaluation of Past Experience and New Drivers PATRICK VERHOEVEN, EUROPEAN COMMUNITY SHIPOWNERS' ASSOCIATION Chapter 7. Financing Options for Ports: Observations from Asia PROFESSOR ANTHONY T.H. CHIN, NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE SHANE WALDRON, INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT Chapter 8. Experiences with Bond Financing and Innovative Transport Project Financing in the United States: Some Evidence from Port and Port-Related Projects. SOTIRIOS THEOFANIS, PANTEC SA AND RUTGERS UNIVERSITY, and MARIA BOILE, HELLENIC INSTITUTE OF TRANSPORT AND RUTGERS UNIVERSITY Chapter 9. Attracting Private Finance into African Ports DR. SHEILA FARRELL, IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON Chapter 10. How to Finance Future Port Infrastructure Investments? Potential Strategies for the Different Actors PROFESSORS DIMITRIOS TSAMBOULAS AND ATHANASIOS BALLIS, NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY ATHENS Chapter 11. Future Port Infrastructure Finance: Lessons and RecommendationsPROFESSORS HILDE MEERSMAN EDDY VAN DE VOORDE AND THIERRY VANELSLANDER, UNIVERSITY OF ANTWERP

  • Professor Hilde Meersman, University of Antwerp

    Hilde Meersman is a full professor at the University of Antwerp where she teaches Economics, Introductory Econometrics, Applied Econometrics, Transport Modelling. She also teaches at the Technical University of Delft and MIT.

    Professor Eddy Van de Voorde, University of Antwerp

    Eddy Van de Voorde teaches at the University of Antwerp (Faculty of Applied Economics). His work deals with Maritime Economics, Port Economics and Air Transport Economics, and he undertakes extensive research in the field of modelling in the sector of freight transport has resulted in a large number of international transport journal publications.

    Professor Thierry Vanelslander, University of Antwerp

    Thierry Vanelslander graduated as a doctor in Applied Economics at the University of Antwerp in 2005. He currently is assistant professor of transport, logistics and ports at the University of Antwerp. His main interest is in co-operation and competition in sea-port container handling.


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