
Nimmer on Copyright

Nimmer on Copyright

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: LexisNexis Matthew Bender
  • ISBN: 9780820514659
  • 出版时间 Subscription-type (Contents updated periodically)
  • 规格: Loose-leaf (11 volumes)
  • 适应领域: U.S. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
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    Whenever you need an authoritative answer to a copyright law question, turn first to the undisputed authority in the field: Nimmer on Copyright®.

    Cited over 2600 times by the federal courts, no other treatise is relied upon by judges as heavily as Nimmer on Copyright®. This definitive work on copyright law is a rich resource for the expert as well as the practitioner just beginning to explore the arena. Nimmer on Copyright® has appeal both to the domestic and international audience. Accompanying the emergence of global communications, U.S. copyright issues are increasingly relevant to foreign parties whose protected works are easily being transmitted from foreign locales into the U.S.

    Everything you need to practice copyright law more confidently:

    In-depth, comprehensive analysis of modern U.S. copyright law affecting printed works, plays and motion pictures, music, artistic property, software and digital content delivered over the Internet.

    Up-to-date guidance on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act -- including copyright protection to combat piracy and rules to determine liability for online infringement.

    Three updates throughout the year to incorporate all significant copyright law decisions into the text.

    Expert insights into open questions of law and suggested lines of argument to plan the most effective strategies for your clients -- and maximize the scope of their copyright protection.

    Outstanding litigation forms provided by top intellectual property litigators.

    State-of-the-art transactional forms with side-by-side commentary written by leading copyright law practitioners.

    Text of all relevant statutes, regulations, treaties and legislative histories.

    Nimmer on Copyright® is a registered trademark of Matthew Bender & Company, Inc.

  • VOLUME 1
    Dedication and Tribute
    In Memoriam
    Preface to the 1978 Comprehensive Treatise Revision
    Preface to the Original Edition
    Publisher's Editorial Staff
    Glossary of Abbreviations and Other References
    Copyright Timeline
    Overview: The Structure of U.S. Copyright Law
    Chapter 1: Constitutional Aspects of Copyright
    Chapter 2: Subject Matter of Copyright
    Chapter 3: Derivative and Collective Works
    Chapter 4: Publication
    Chapter 5: Persons Entitled to Copyright
    Chapter 6: Co-Ownership of Copyright
    Chapter 6A: Community Property

    VOLUME 2
    Chapter 7: Statutory Formalities
    Chapter 8: The Nature of the Rights Protected by Copyright
    Chapter 8A: Semiconductor Chips and Boat Hulls
    Chapter 8B: Audio Home Recording
    Chapter 8C: State Law Rights

    VOLUME 3
    Chapter 8D: Moral Rights
    Chapter 8E: Rights Against Bootlegging Musical Performances
    Chapter 9: Duration and Renewal of Copyright
    Chapter 9A: Copyrights Restored from the Public Domain
    Chapter 10: Assignments, Licenses, and Other Transfers of Rights
    Chapter 11: Statutory Termination of Transfers and Nonexclusive Licenses
    Chapter 12: Infringement Actions--Procedural Aspects
    Chapter 12A: Copyright Protection Systems and Management Information
    Chapter 12B: Liability for Online Copyright Infringement

    VOLUME 4
    Chapter 13: Infringement Actions--Substantive Aspects
    Chapter 14: Infringement Actions--Remedies
    Chapter 15: Criminal Actions
    Chapter 16: Reserved
    Chapter 17: Foreign and International Copyright
    Chapter 18: World Trade
    Chapter 19: Adjunct Doctrines
    Chapter 19A: Bankruptcy
    Chapter 19B: Taxation
    Chapter 19C: Insurance
    Chapter 19D: The Law of Ideas
    Chapter 19E: Freedom of Speech
    Chapter 20: Reserved

    VOLUME 5
    Contributors to the Forms Volumes
    Author's Preface
    Introduction to the Forms
    Chapter 21: Copyright Office Forms and Related Materials
    Chapter 22: Search Reports
    Chapter 23: Motion Pictures
    Chapter 24: Reserved
    Chapter 25: Theater
    Chapter 26: Publishing
    Chapter 27: Computers
    Chapter 28: Fine Art
    Chapter 29: Reserved

    VOLUME 6
    Chapter 30: Music
    Chapter 31: Introduction to Litigation Forms
    Chapter 32: Complaints and Related Materials
    Chapter 33: Responses to Demand Letters or Complaints
    Chapter 34: Responses to Counterclaim
    Chapter 35: Provisional and Related Relief
    Chapter 36: Discovery
    Chapter 37: Summary Adjudication
    Chapter 38: Pretrial Procedure
    Chapter 39: Trial
    Chapter 40: Settlement
    Chapters 41-46: Reserved
    Chapter 47: Criminal Actions

    VOLUME 7
    Appendix 1: The Constitutional Provision Regarding Copyright
    Appendix 2: The Copyright Act of 1976 (as amended and codified)
    Appendix 2A: Materials on the Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988
    Appendix 2B: 1990 Statutes Affecting Copyright
    Appendix 2C: 1992 Statutes Affecting Copyright
    Appendix 2D: Materials on the Copyright Royalty Tribunal Reform Act of 1993
    Appendix 2E: Materials on the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
    Appendix 2F: Materials on the Home Satellite Viewer Act of 1994
    Appendix 2G: Materials on the Uruguay Round Agreements Act
    Appendix 2H: Materials on the Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act of 1995
    Appendix 2I: Materials on the Technical Corrections to Certain Provisions of Title 17, United States Code
    Appendix 2J: Materials on the No Electronic Theft (NET) Act
    Appendix 2K: Materials on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
    Appendix 3: Copyright Office Regulations Promulgated under the Copyright Act of 1976 and Related Acts

    VOLUME 8
    Appendix 4: The House Report on the Copyright Act of 1976
    Appendix 4A: The Senate Report on the Copyright Act of 1976
    Appendix 5: The Conference Report on the Copyright Act of 1976
    Appendix 6: The Copyright Act of 1909 (as amended and codified)
    Appendix 7: Copyright Enactments Prior to the 1909 Act, Including the English Statute of Anne (1710) and Original State Statutes from 1783
    Appendix 8: Renewal Term Extensions under the 1909 Copyright Act
    Appendix 9: Selected Sections from the Judicial Code (28 U.S.C.) Relating to Copyright
    Appendix 10: Copyright in Territories and Insular Possessions of the United States, Including Areas of Political Union
    Appendix 11: Copyright Office Regulations: Promulgated under the Copyright Act of 1909
    Appendix 12: United States Supreme Court Copyright Practice Rules (1909)
    Appendix 13: The House Report on the Copyright Act of 1909
    Appendix 14: Register's Report on the General Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law (1961)

    VOLUME 9
    Appendix 15: Supplementary Register's Report on the General Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law (1965)
    Appendix 16: Second Supplementary Register's Report on the General Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law (1975)
    Appendix 17: Letter to the Hon. Robert Kastenmeier, Chairman, Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Liberties and the Administration of Justice from the Assistant Attorney General (July 27, 1976)
    Appendix 18: The House Report on the Sound Recording Amendment of 1971
    Appendix 19: The Satellite Distribution Treaty
    Appendix 20: International Copyright Relations of the United States
    Appendix 21 through 22: Reserved
    Appendix 23: Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms -- List of Ratifications or Accessions
    Appendix 24: The Universal Copyright Convention (Geneva Text -- September 6, 1952)
    Appendix 25: The Universal Copyright Convention (Paris Text -- July 24, 1952)
    Appendix 26: The Berne Convention (Brussels Text -- June 26, 1948)
    Appendix 27: The Berne Convention (Paris Text -- July 24, 1971, as amended in 1979)
    Appendix 28: The Buenos Aires Convention
    Appendix 29: The Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms against Unauthorized Duplication of their Phonograms
    Appendix 30: The House Report on the Semiconductor Chip Protection Act of 1984
    Appendix 31: The Conference Report on the Semiconductor Chip Protection Act of 1984
    Appendix 32: The House Report on the Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988
    Appendix 33: The Senate Statement on the Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988
    Appendix 34: The House Statement on the Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988
    Appendix 35: The Senate Report on the Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988
    Appendix 36: The Senate Report on the Audio Home Recording Act of 1992
    Appendix 37: The House Report on the Audio Home Recording Act of 1992

    VOLUME 10
    Appendix 38: The North American Free Trade Agreement, Chapter 17
    Appendix 39: The House Report on the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
    Appendix 40: The Rome Convention
    Appendix 41: The Washington Convention
    Appendix 42: The Agreement on Trade?Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights ("TRIPs") (Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, Annex 1C)
    Appendix 43: The Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes ("DSU") (Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, Annex 2)
    Appendix 44: Selected Provisions of the Statement of Administrative Action
    Appendix 45: The House Report on the Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act of 1995
    Appendix 46: The Senate Report on the Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act of 1995
    Appendix 47: The Senate Report on the Intellectual Property Bankruptcy Protection Act of 1988
    Appendix 48 through 49: Reserved
    Appendix 50: WIPO Copyright Treaty
    Appendix 51: WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty
    Appendix 52: House Judiciary Committee Report on the DMCA
    Appendix 53: House Commerce Committee Report on the DMCA
    Appendix 54: Senate Judiciary Committee Report on the DMCA
    Appendix 55: Section-by-Section Analysis of H.R. 2281
    Appendix 56: Executive Report on WIPO Copyright Treaty
    Appendix 57: Conference Report on DMCA

    VOLUME 11
    Appendix 58: Statement of the Librarian of Congress Relating to Section 1201
    Appendix 59: 2000 Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies
    Appendix 60: 2003 Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies
    Appendix 61: 2006 Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies
    Appendix 62: Copyright Office Section 104 Report August 2001
    Appendix 63: House Report on Vessel Hull Design Protection Act
    Appendix 64: Copyright Office Report on Vessel Hull Design Protection Act November 2003
    Appendix 65: House Report on Copyright Term Extension Act
    Appendix 66: Senate Report on Copyright Term Extension Act
    Table of References to Title 17 (1976 Act)
    Table of References to Title 37 C.F.R.
    Table of References to 1909 Copyright Act
    Table of References to Title 17, Supp.
    Comparative Table of Section Numbers
    Table of Cases

  • David Nimmer is Of Counsel to Irell & Manella in Los Angeles, California. Since 1985, he has assumed responsibilities from his father, the late Professor Melville B. Nimmer of UCLA Law School, for updating and revising Nimmer on Copyright, the standard reference treatise in the field, routinely cited by U.S. and foreign courts at all levels in copyright litigation. Apart from his treatise, Mr. Nimmer authors numerous law review articles on domestic and international copyright issues.
    Mr. Nimmer also lectures widely in the copyright area. He has delivered a number of lectures concerning multimedia: at MILIA in Cannes, at Digital World in Los Angeles, and at seminars for the in-house legal staffs of Turner Broadcasting System in Atlanta and Times Mirror in New York and Los Angeles.
    In addition to writing and lecturing, Mr. Nimmer represents clients in the entertainment, publishing, and high technology fields. He gave Congressional testimony on behalf of the National Association of Broadcasters in 1992, and Parliamentary testimony on behalf of the Combined Newspaper and Magazine Copyright Committee of Australia in Sydney in 1993.
    Mr. Nimmer received an A.B. with distinction and honors from Stanford University, and his J.D. at Yale Law School, where he served as Editor of the Yale Law Journal.


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