

Murphy on Evidence 14th ed

Murphy on Evidence 14th ed

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Oxford University Press
  • ISBN: 9780198733331
  • 出版时间 July 2015
  • 规格: Paperback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Murphy on Evidence is firmly established as a leading student text, framing the law of evidence in its practical context, suitable for both undergraduates as well as those studying for professional law exams. Frequently consulted by judges and practitioners, and regularly cited in judgments, it has come to be regarded as a work of authority throughout the common law world.

    The book's unique approach effectively bridges the gap between the academic study of the law of evidence and its application in practice, combining detailed analysis of the law with a wealth of practical information about how it is used in the courtroom.

    The book is accompanied by an Online Resource Centre, which contains:-

    • Supporting documents and multimedia resources for the two fictional cases, including Prosecution and defence case papers Police interviews (incl. transcripts, audio, and video) Witness statements Criminal procedure forms Civil claim forms
    • A range of multiple-choice questions enabling students to test their knowledge
    • A list of useful web links
  • 1. Introduction to the law of evidence
    2. The language of the law of evidence
    3. The judicial function in the law of evidence
    4. The burden and standard of proof
    5. Character evidence I: character evidence generally, in civil cases, evidence of good character
    6. Character evidence II: evidence of bad character
    7. The rule against hearsay I: scope and working of the rule
    8. The rule against hearsay II: common law and statutory exceptions
    9. The rule against hearsay III: admissions and confessions
    10. The rule against hearsay IV: the accused's denials and silence
    11. Opinion evidence
    12. Previous judgments as evidence
    13. Public interest immunity and privilege I: public interest immunity
    14. Public interest immunity and privilege II: privilege
    15. Witnesses: competence and compellability, oaths and affirmations
    16. Examination in chief
    17. Cross-examination and beyond
    18. Corroboration and suspect witness warnings
    19. Documentary and real evidence
    20. Proof without evidence


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