

Mental Health and Criminal Justice / Sante mentale et justice penale : International and Domestic Perspectives on Defendants and Detainees with Mental Illness / Perspectives internationales et nationales sur les prevenus et les detenus atteints de maladie

Mental Health and Criminal Justice / Sante mentale et justice penale : International and Domestic Perspectives on Defendants and Detainees with Mental Illness / Perspectives internationales et nationales sur les prevenus et les detenus atteints de maladie

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Eleven International Publishing
  • ISBN: 9789462362482
  • 出版时间 January 2022
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: Netherlands ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
发货时间:大约 4-5 weeks
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  • 描述 
  • 大纲 
  • 详细

    More than 10.74 million people globally are detained in penal institutions. An estimated 40% to 90% of these detainees suffer from mental illness. This makes the prevalence of mental disorder in detainees extremely high compared with the general population (18% to 29%). As a consequence, defendants and detainees with mental illness are not 'yet another vulnerable group' that should be 'taken into account' in developing laws and policies On the contrary, they are a dominant force and therefore a factor that should shape our criminal justice systems. This edited volume provides insight into the causes of the current situation, the human rights implications and other problems that this situation generates and possible solutions and best practices. The volume comprises an introductory chapter that provides a broad introduction to the topic, seven thematic chapters addressing mental health and criminal justice from various disciplines and fourteen national chapters describing the situation in individual countries. In all these chapters a variety of questions is addressed: Should we at all put mentally ill offenders in prison? Can the human rights perspective and the interests of society perspective on this issue be united? And are mentally ill offenders the responsibility of the health department or of the justice department? This edited volume presents a thorough discussion on these and many more questions with a broader aim of contributing to a continuous effort to place the alarming situation of mentally ill offenders on the international agenda.

    Plus de 10,74 millions de personnes dans le monde sont detenues dans des etablissements penitentiaires. On estime que 40 a 90 % de ces detenus souffrent d'une maladie mentale. La prevalence des troubles mentaux chez les detenus est donc extremement elevee par rapport a la population generale (prevalence de 18 % a 29 %). Par consequent, les prevenus et les detenus souffrant de troubles mentaux ne constituent pas " un autre groupe vulnerable " qui devrait etre "pris en compte" lors de l'elaboration de lois et de politiques. Au contraire, ils constituent une force dominante, et donc un facteur qui devrait faconner nos systemes de justice penale. Ce volume edite donne un apercu des causes de la situation actuelle, des implications en matiere de droits de l'homme et des autres problemes que cette situation genere, ainsi que des solutions possibles et des meilleures pratiques. L'ouvrage comprend une introduction circonstanciee du sujet, sept chapitres thematiques abordant la sante mentale et la justice penale sous l'angle de diverses disciplines et quatorze chapitres nationaux decrivant la situation dans les differents pays. Diverses questions sont abordees dans chacun de ces chapitres, telles que : faut-il vraiment emprisonner les delinquants souffrant de troubles mentaux? Est-il possible de concilier la perspective des droits de l'homme et celle des interets de la societe sur cette question? Et: les delinquants souffrant de troubles mentaux relevent-ils de la responsabilite du ministere de la Sante ou du ministere de la Justice? Outre la presentation d'un debat approfondi sur ces questions et bien d'autres encore, cet ouvrage vise a contribuer a un effort continu pour inscrire la situation alarmante des malades mentaux a l'ordre du jour international.
  • Acknowledgements
    A legal perspective on the worldwide situation of defendants and detainees with mental illness
    Une perspective juridique sur la situation mondiale des prevenus et des detenus atteints de maladie mentale
    The effects of the criminal process and deprivation of liberty on mental health
    Mentally disordered in prison? Prevalence, development of symptoms and recidivism
    On the treatment of prisoners with psychiatric disturbances: a matter of health or justice?
    Defendants with psychiatric disturbances or otherwise limited mental abilities - Fair procedure during pre-trial inquiry and at trial
    Healthcare and human rights requirements as regards detainees with psychiatric disturbances
    Prisoners with psychiatric disturbances in detention and in prison
    Les unites hospitalieres specialement amenagees, un dispositif specifique de prise en charge des personnes detenues atteintes de troubles mentaux
    Defendants and prison inmates with mental disabilitiesin the criminal justice system in Brazil
    The criminal justice system, mental health and human rights - The situation of defendants and detainees in Chile
    Defendants and detainees with psychiatric disturbances in Germany
    Defendants and detainees with psychiatric disturbances in the criminal process and in the prison system in Greece
    Defendants and detainees with psychiatric disturbances in the criminal process and in the prison system in Hungary
    Defendants and detainees with psychiatric disturbances in the criminal process and in the prison system in Ireland
    Defendants and detainees with psychiatric disturbances in the criminal process and in the prison system - The Japanese situation
    Prisoners and detainees with mental health disorders in the criminal process and in the prison system in Kazakhstan
    Defendants and detainees with psychiatric disturbances in the criminal process and in the prison system in the Netherlands
    Defendants and detainees with psychiatric disturbances in the criminal process in New Zealand
    Defendants and detainees with psychiatric disturbances in the criminal process and in the prison system of Poland
    Defendants and detainees with psychiatric disturbances in the criminal process and in the prison system in Portugal
    Defendants and detainees with psychiatric disorders in the Spanish criminal justice system
    Defendants and detainees with psychiatric disturbances in the criminal process and in the prison system in the United States of America


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