

New Arrival Mediation Law and Civil Practice, 3rd Edition

Mediation Law and Civil Practice, 3rd Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Bloomsbury Professional (formerly Tottel Publishing)
  • ISBN: 9781526531292
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9781526506801
  • 出版时间 October 2024
  • 规格: Paperback , 416 pages
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥1,038.70

¥1,007.54 Save ¥31.16 (3%)

发货时间:大约 4 weeks
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  • 描述 
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    This title examines the position of mediation within the civil justice system in England and Wales, providing an essential read for mediators, mediation providers, lawyers, judges, academics and students. The book traces the evolution of the relationship between the courts and mediation, discussing all the significant judgments relating to mediation over the last 30 years as well as exploring the key concepts at the heart of mediation and all the latest developments.

    The Third Edition has been updated to include:

    • Discussion of the Court of Appeal judgment in Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council overturning the decision in Halsey in relation to court-ordered mediation
    • New content covering the proposed amendments to the CPR consequent on Churchill; mediator ethics; and the development of judicial attitudes to settlement
    • An update on proposed reforms to the Pre-Action Protocols over requiring use of mediation
    • Recent case law including: Lomax v Lomax; McParland v Whitehead; Mills & Reeve v Martin; Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil; Wales v CBRE and Aviva; DS v Blackpool FC; Moon v Deane; and Ohpen v Invesco

    Mediation Law and Civil Practice also challenges the status quo by casting doubt on some decisions and generates alternative thinking around current legal and practice concepts.

  • Chapter 1: Mediation and civil justice: the politics of encouraging settlement
    Chapter 2: The status of mediation in civil procedure law
    Chapter 3: Mediators and the law
    Chapter 4: Mediation and the Civil Procedure Rules
    Chapter 5: The courts and ADR Orders
    Chapter 6: Costs sanctions 1
    Chapter 7: Costs sancti0ns 2
    Chapter 8: Contracting in advance to use ADR
    Chapter 9: Mediation privilege and confidentiality
    Chapter 10: EU law
    Chapter 11: Mediation and litigation costs
    Chapter 12: Mediation and litigation finding
    Chapter 13: Law reform

  • “Here you have all you need to know and more...this textbook will become the ADR bible. I unreservedly recommend it.” –  The Rt Hon Sir Alan Ward, Foreword to the 1st Edition

    “A very interesting, elegant and admirably succinct text” –  Professor Neil H Andrews, University of Cambridge, Review of previous edition

    “Whether you are an academic looking for a scholarly insight into the principles of mediation law in civil practice, a mediator, potential participant in mediation either as an advisor or an individual, or even just someone with an interest in the subject, I unhesitatingly recommend this book.” –  Review of previous edition, Brian Dawson, mediator & deputy district judge, New Law Journal

    “The book has been well written in a straight forward and logical manner and as a result it is an in-depth and authoritative guide that will be useful to not only practising mediators but also the judiciary, lawyers, academics, students (both under and post graduate) and mediation providers.” –  Review of previous edition, Mukesh Basra QDR, The Expert and Dispute Resolver, Summer 2014, Vol 19, No.2


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