

Machine Ethics and Robot Ethics

Machine Ethics and Robot Ethics

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Routledge
  • ISBN: 9781472430397
  • 出版时间 November 2016
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Once the stuff of science fiction, recent progress in artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine learning means that these rapidly advancing technologies are finally coming into widespread use within everyday life. Such rapid development in these areas also brings with it a host of social, political and legal issues, as well as a rise in public concern and academic interest in the ethical challenges these new technologies pose.

    This volume is a collection of scholarly work from leading figures in the development of both robot ethics and machine ethics; it includes essays of historical significance which have become foundational for research in these two new areas of study, as well as important recent articles. The research articles selected focus on the control and governance of computational systems; the exploration of ethical and moral theories using software and robots as laboratories or simulations; inquiry into the necessary requirements for moral agency and the basis and boundaries of rights; and questions of how best to design systems that are both useful and morally sound. Collectively the articles ask what the practical ethical and legal issues, arising from the development of robots, will be over the next twenty years and how best to address these future considerations.

  • Part I Introduction: The emergence of robot ethics and machine ethics, Peter Asaro and Wendell Wallach
    Appendix 1: research priorities for robust and beneficial artificial intelligence: an open letter
    Appendix 2: research priorities for robust and beneficial artificial intelligence.

    Part II Laying Foundations: Asimov's laws of robotics: implications for information technology (1), R. Clarke
    Asimov's laws of robotics: implications for information technology (2), R. Clarke
    Prolegomena to any future artificial moral agent, C. Allen, G. Varner and J. Zinser
    How computer systems embody values, H. Nissenbaum
    Ethical issues in advanced artificial intelligence, N. Bostrom.

    Part III Robot Ethics: Roboethics: a bottom-up interdisciplinary discourse in the field of applied ethics in robotics, G. Veruggio and F. Operto
    What should we want from a robot ethic?, P. Asaro
    The Turing triage test, Robert Sparrow
    A nascent robotics culture: new complicities for companionship, Sherry Turkle
    Moral appearances: emotions, robots, and human morality, Mark Coeckelbergh
    Robot caregivers: harbingers of expanded freedom for all?, Jason Borenstein and Yvette Pearson
    Carebots and caregivers: sustaining the ethical ideal of care in the twenty-first century, Shannon Vallor
    The crying shame of robot nannies: an ethical appraisal, Noel Sharkey and Amanda Sharkey
    Designing robots for care: care centered value-sensitive design, Aimee van Wynsberghe
    Robots, love, and sex: the ethics of building a love machine, John P. Sullins
    Moral competence in social robots, B. Malle and Matthias Scheutz.

    Part IV Machine Ethics: The nature, importance, and difficulty of machine ethics, James H. Moor
    Machine ethics: creating an ethical intelligent agent, Michael Anderson and Susan Leigh Anderson
    Machine morality: bottom-up and top-down approaches for modelling human moral faculties, Wendell Wallach, Colin Allen and Iva Smit
    Why ethics is a high hurdle for AI, Drew McDermott
    Prospects for a Kantian machine, Thomas M. Powers
    Particularism and generalism: how AI can help us to better understand moral cognition, Marcello Guarini
    Toward a general logicist methodology for engineering ethically correct robots, S. Bringsjord, K. Arkoudas and P. Bello
    Consciousness and ethics: artificially conscious moral agents, Wendell Wallach, Colin Allen and Stan Franklin.

    Part V Moral Agents and Agency: On the morality of artificial agents, Luciano Floridi and Jeff W. Sanders
    Un-making artificial moral agents, Deborah G. Johnson and Keith W. Miller
    Agencies in technology design: feminist reconfigurations, Lucy Suchman
    Learning robots and human responsibility, Dante Marino and Guglielmo Tamburrini
    Artificial consciousness and artificial ethics: between realism and social relationism, Steve Torrance
    Beyond Asimov: the three laws of responsible robotics, Robin R. Murphy and David D. Woods.

    Part VI Law and Policy: Legal personhood for artificial intelligences, Lawrence Solum
    Ethical regulations on robotics in Europe, Michael Nagenborg et al.
    Robots and privacy, M. Ryan Calo
    The robot car of tomorrow may just be programmed to hit you, Patrick Lin
    A vindication of the rights of machines, David J. Gunkel. Index.


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